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Snap type:



This Snap reads the specified SnapLogic Asset.



Support, limitations and Known Issues:

Works in Ultra Task Pipelines.

When retrieving account details, if the SnapLogic Account is not in the same project as the pipeline, the SnapLogic Read Snap might incorrectly retrieve details of an account with the same name from a different project, even when you specify the absolute project path.


Accounts are not used with this Snap.


InputThis Snap has at most one document input view.
OutputThis Snap has exactly one document output view.
ErrorThis Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Asset type

Required. Select the type of asset to read.

  • PROJECT (used for both projects and Project Spaces)
  • TASK

Default value: ACCOUNT

Asset path

Required. Absolute path for the asset in the form of: /<org>/<project_space>/<project>/<asset>

Examples: /myorg/Engineering/Status/LatestDefects

Default value: [None]


Normalizes the Snap output, removing all additional internal information from the output artifact.

For example, if you read a Pipeline without selecting this check box, you see fields such as link_serial, update_time, scrub_version, and so on, in the output artifact. The Snap appends these fields to the Snap code. However, when you select this check box, you see only the Snap code, with all such additional information removed.

This feature simplifies the task of running a diff between different instances of the same Pipeline in different locations. For example, if the Pipeline is in Development and Production Orgs, the normalized version of both would be the same.

Default value: Deselected


Read Pipeline

With Asset Type set to PIPELINE and Asset Path set to a valid pipeline name in the format /<org>/<project_space>/<project>/<pipeline>, the output looks like:

Read Account

With Asset Type set to Account and Asset Path set to a valid pipeline name in the format /<org>/<project_space>/<project>/<account>, the output looks like:

Read Task

With Asset Type set to Task and Asset Path set to a valid pipeline name in the format /<org>/<project_space>/<project>/<task>, the output looks like:

The task output varies slightly depending on the type of task being read. The output includes task history.