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In this article


Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueExample 
Insert excerpt
File Writer
File Writer
Create TeamCreate Marketing Team
From Existing GroupCheck box

Select to create a team from an existing group.

Deactivates the Team Name, Team Description, Private Team, and Add Team Owners fields. Activates the Group ID field.

Not selectedSelected
Group IDString/Expression/Suggestion

Activates when you select the From Existing Group check box.

Enter the ID of the group from which to copy the team. Alternatively, click the Image Modified icon to fetch a list of group IDs associated with the account. 

N/AAll Company : 12a345c6-78c9-0b1c-b2f3-ab45e678d980
Team NameString/Expression

Activates when you deselect the From Existing Group check box.

Enter the name for the new team.

N/AMarketing Team
Team DescriptionString/Expression

Activates when you deselect the From Existing Group check box.

Enter a brief description about the new team.

N/AMarketing team for the ABC Project
Private TeamCheck box

Activates when you deselect the From Existing Group check box.

Select this check box to create a private team.


Members in the organization cannot locate private teams through search. Only the owners of the private teams can invite them to join. Whereas, any member in the organization can locate and join public teams.

Not selectedSelected
Add Team Owners

Activates when you deselect the From Existing Group check box.

Use this field set to add owners for the team.

This field set consists of the Owner ID field.

Owner IDString/Expression/Suggestion

Enter the ID of the member. Alternatively, click the Image Modified icon to fetch a list of member IDs within the organization. You can use each row to specify an owner or include all the owners in the same row separated by a comma.

Number of RetriesString/ExpressionEnter the number of attempts the Snap makes to perform the selected operation in case of connection failure/unsuccessful attempts. 03
Retry Interval (seconds)String/ExpressionEnter the time interval in seconds between retry attempts.16
Snap ExecutionDrop-down list

Specifies the execution type:

  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap (up to 50 records) during Pipeline validation; performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline execution.

  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution; does not execute the Snap during Pipeline validation.

  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and, by extension, its downstream Snaps.

Execute onlyValidate & Execute


Team Name field is blankYou have not specified a team name.Verify whether you have specified a team name in the Team Name field. The Team Name field is required when creating a new team. 


Initiating activity in Microsoft Teams

The following example Pipeline demonstrates how you can use the Create Team Snap and some other Snaps in the Teams Snap Pack to begin team's activity within your Microsoft Teams instance. This example assumes that you have:

Image Added

This Pipeline uses the OAuth2 user account (authorization code grant type) to create a team on behalf of a signed-in user and to allow begin their collaboration efforts. It demonstrates the following activities:

  • Creating a Team
  • Adding members to the new team
  • Creating a public channel within the team
  • Collaboration through the channel

Creating a team

Use the Create Team Snap from the Teams Snap Pack to create the new team, as needed. In this Pipeline, the inputs for creating a team are passed using a Mapper Snap, for demonstration purposes

Mapper Snap

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Image Added

The values for Team and Team_Desc are passed to the Create Team Snap. The Snap creates a new team in your Teams instance and returns the team's id and a confirmation message about the operation.

Create Team SnapOutput

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Image Added

To add members to the team, connect a Team Operations Snap. Select Add Members as the Operation and provide the user IDs of the members and owners for the team, as needed.

Team Operations Snap to add members to a teamOutput

Image Added

Image Added

Now, let us create a channel within this new team (using Create Channel Snap) and add members to this channel, as necessary.

Create Channel SnapOutput

Image Added

Image Added

This Snap creates a new channel under the team and returns the channel details in its output. Let us use these details to send our first message in the channel. To do so, we must connect a Send Channel Message Snap and pass the Team ID and Channel ID from the above output as inputs. The Send Channel Message Snap allows you to draft messages to the channel members using HTML markup. See the input for Message field in the Snap and content key in the output.

Send Channel Message Snap

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Similarly, you can use the Send Channel Message Snap to reply to a specific message in the channel (conversation) using its message ID. For demo purposes, the Snap below uses the id of the message sent above to reply to it.

Send Channel Message as a reply

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Image Added

Download this Pipeline.


titleImportant Steps to Successfully Reuse Pipelines
  1. Download and import the Pipeline into SnapLogic.
  2. Configure Snap accounts as applicable.
  3. Provide Pipeline parameters as applicable.
