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Field Name

Field Type



Default ValueSnowflake - Bulk Load
Example: Load Employee Tables


Specify the name for the instance. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your Pipeline.

Schema Name

Default Value: N/A
Example: schema_demo


Specify the database schema name. In case it is not defined, then the suggestion for the Table Name will retrieve all tables names of all schemas. The property is suggestible and will retrieve available database schemas during suggest values.

The values can be passed using the pipeline parameters but not the upstream parameter.

Table Name*

Default Value: N/A
Example: employees_table


Specify the table on which to execute the bulk load operation.

  • The values can be passed using the pipeline parameters but not the upstream parameter.

  • Currently, the BCP utility in the Linux environment has a limitation while processing the table names. When loading the data into a selected table and If the table name contains the characters '$%' or '!$', the combination works fine, however, BCP does not support if the table name contains the characters vice-a-versa as'%$' and '$!'.

Supported by BCP: "dbo"."sqldemo#^&$%"   
Not supported by BCP: "dbo"."sqldemo#^&%$"  

Create table if not present

Default Value: Deselected


Select this check box to enable the Snap to automatically create a table if a table does not exist.

The data types for the columns in the new table depend on the data types coming from the upstream Snap. If a second input view exists, the Snap reads and uses the data types for the columns from this input view.

BCP absolute path

Default Value: N/A
Example: C:\bcp.bat


Specify the absolute path of the bcp utility program in JCC's file system. If empty, the Snap looks for it in JCC's environment variable PATH.

bcp.bat should include the ".exe" extension to ensure the executable is actually referenced.

Handling Unrecognized Character sets in the Data set

Since the Snaplex uses the OS's default character set, it cannot recognize characters in other languages. Due to this, unrecognized characters in the data set are replaced with junk values when performing bulk load operations. To mitigate this, create a bcp.bat file and include the following line:

Paste code macro
bcp.exe %* -C 1252

Use the path to this bcp.bat file in the BCP absolute path.

This is only applicable to Windows-based Snaplexes.

Maximum error count*

Default Value10
Example: 12


Specify the maximum number of rows which can fail before the bulk load operation is stopped.

Batch size

Default Value: N/A
Example: 1000


Specify the number of records batched per request. If the input has 10,000 records and the batch size is set to 100, the total number of requests batched would be 100.

Minimum Value: 1

Snap Execution

Default Value: Execute only
Example: Validate & Execute

Dropdown list

Select one of the three modes in which the Snap executes. Available options are:

  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap, and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.

  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.

  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.





Insert excerpt
Azure SQL - Bulk Load
Azure SQL - Bulk Load

 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting




Some characters appear as junk values after bulk load.

The Snaplex uses character sets defined in the OS on which they are installed. Due to this, any unrecognized character set is not supported by the Snaplex as well. As a result, such characters in the data set are represented as junk values in the database after a bulk load operation.

This problem can be resolved by editing the bcp.bat file to accept custom characters. And using the absolute path to this bcp file in the BCP absolute path property. The bcp.bat file must contain the following:

Paste code macro
bcp.exe %* -C 1252

This resolution is applicable only to Windows-based Snaplexes.
