Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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In this article


In this article


titleGeneral Guidelines. Remove Before Publishing.


  • Always use title casing for Heading formats 1 and 2.
  • Always use active voice.
  • Do not use "Please" anywhere in the document.
  • Screenshots
    • Always use the New Form UI.
    • Be optically similar. Max size 1000 px or corresponding gridline size as in the style guide.
    • Do not capture Snap borders when showing configurations in the Examples section. You can add a border in the editor here.
    • See Image Style Guide for details.
  • Examples must always use first-person plural references. You can use the second-person if needed depending upon the example's content.
Table of Contents
Multiexcerpt macro

An account for the Snap

You must define an account for this Snap to communicate with your target CDW. Click the account specific to your target CDW below for more information:

  • ELT Azure Synapse Account

  • ELT BigQuery Account

  • ELT DLP Account

  • ELT Redshift Account

  • ELT Snowflake Account

An account for the Snap

You must define an account for this Snap to communicate with your target CDW. Click the account specific to your target CDW below for more information:


You can use this Snap to pass (switch) case arguments that define how the source data should be treated in different scenarios.



  • Valid client ID.
  • A valid account with the required permissions.


Support for Ultra Pipelines



The Snap includes these cases accordingly in the incremental SQL statement.

Image Added

Snap Type

ELT Case Expression Snap is a TRANSFORM-type Snap that allows you to perform a CASE operation (action based on the condition satisfied out of a list of conditions/cases) on the dataset.


  • Valid accounts and access permissions to connect to the following:

    • Source: AWS S3, Redshift, Azure Cloud Storage, or Google Cloud Storage

    • Target: Snowflake, Redshift, Azure Synapse, Databricks Lakehouse Platform, or BigQuery

Limitations & Known Issues


Snap Input and Output


Type of View

Number of Views

Examples of Upstream and Downstream Snaps





Binary or Document

  • Min: 1

  • Max: 1


  • Mapper Snap
  • Copy Snap
  • ..


  • ELT Select

  • ELT Filter

  • ELT Transform

A document containing the SQL query that yields the data required to perform the SQL case operations.




Binary or Document

  • Min: 1

  • Max:


  • ..
  • ..


  • 1

  • ELT Select

  • ELT Filter

  • ELT Transform

  • ELT Insert Select

A document containing the incremental SQL query that includes the SQL case expressions defined in the Snap.

Snap Settings



titleDocumenting Fields Based On Data Type/UI Element

**Delete Before Publishing**

Choose from the following sentences to document specific field types.


  • Click the = (Expression) button in the Snap's configuration, if available, to define the corresponding field value using expression language and Pipeline parameters.

  • Field names marked with an asterisk ( * )  in the table below are mandatory. 

Field Name





Specify a unique label for the Snap.

Default ValueELT Case Expression

Get preview data


Select this checkbox to include a preview of the query's output. The Snap performs limited execution and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation


Check boxes:

  • If selected, <Snap behavior>.
    If selected, an empty file is written when the incoming document has no data.
  • If selected, <behavior>. If not selected/Otherwise, <behavior>
    Use "If not selected" if the first sentence is long.
    If selected, the Snap uses the file path value as is. Otherwise, the Snap uses the file path value in the URL.
    If selected, an empty file is written when the incoming document has empty data. If there is no incoming document at the input view of the Snap, no file is written regardless of the value of the property.
  • Select to <action>
    Use this if the behavior is binary. Either this or that, where the converse behavior is apparent/obvious.
    Select to execute the Pipeline during validation.

Text Fields

  • Describe what the user shall specify in this field. Additional details, as applicable, in a separate sentence. Include caveats such as the field being conditionally mandatory, limitations, etc.
    Enter the name for new account.
    Specify the account ID to use to log in to the endpoint.
    Required if IAM Role is selected.
    Do not use this field if you are using batch processing.

Numeric Text Fields

  • Describe what the field represents/contains. Additional details, as applicable, in a separate sentence. Include caveats such as the field being conditionally mandatory, limitations, etc. Include special values that impact the field's behavior as a bullet list.
    The number of records in a batch.
    The number of seconds for which you want the Snap to wait between retries.
    The number of seconds for which the Snap waits between retries.
    Use the following special values:
    * 0: Disables batching.
    * 1: Includes all documents in a single request.
  • Click the = (Expression) button in the Snap's configuration, if available, to define the corresponding field value using expression language and Pipeline parameters.
  • Field names marked with an asterisk ( * )  in the table below are mandatory. 


Field Name


Field Dependency



Default Value







Specify a unique label for the Snap.

Default ValueChannel Operations
ExampleDelete Member


Number of records


Sampling Type is Number of records.


Enter the number of records to output.


Field set

Specify advanced parameters that you want to include in the request.

This field set consists of the following fields:

  • Field 1

  • Field 2

  • Field 3


Field 1*


Debug mode checkbox is not selected.

Default Value<value> or None.


Field 2



Excluding Fields from the Input Data Stream

We can exclude the unrequired fields from the input data stream by omitting them in the Input schema field set. This example demonstrates how we can use the <Snap Name> to achieve this result:

<screenshot of Pipeline/Snap and description>

Download this Pipeline. 





In the case of ELT Pipelines, only the SQL query flows through the Snaps but not the actual source data. Hence, the preview data for a Snap is the result of executing the SQL query that the Snap has generated in the Pipeline.

The number of records displayed in the preview (upon validation) is the smaller of the following:

  • Number of records available upon execution of the SQL query generated by the Snap.

  • The value set in the Preview Data Count setting (default is 50 records).

Rendering Complex Data Types in Databricks Lakehouse Platform

Based on the data types of the fields in the input schema, the Snap renders the complex data types like map and struct as object data type and array as an array data type. It renders all other incoming data types as-is except for the values in binary fields are displayed as a base64 encoded string and as string data type.

Default ValueNot selected

Pass through


Select this checkbox to specify that the Snap must include the incoming document (SQL query) in its output document.


If this checkbox is selected and there are no Case expressions defined in the Case Arguments fieldset below, Subquery Pushdown Optimization logically ignores this Snap—sends the input SQL query coming from the immediately upstream Snap as its output SQL query.



Specify the alias name to use for the case arguments specified.

Default Value: None.

Case Arguments

Specify your case arguments using this fieldset. A case argument is essentially an action to perform on the source data when a specific condition is met. Ensure that you specify mutually exclusive case arguments.

Specify each value in a separate row. Click (blue star) to add a new row.

This field set consists of the following fields:

  • When

  • Then



Specify the case (condition to be met).

Default Value: None.
ExampleTOTAL_ORD_CNT < 100



Specify the action to be performed when the corresponding case (condition) is met.
Default Value: None.



Specify the action to be performed if none of the case arguments defined is satisfied.

Default Value: None.






Batch execution failed


The Pipeline ended before the batch could complete execution due to a connection error.

Verify that the Batch size field is configured to handle the inputs properly. If you are not sure when the input data is available, configure this field as zero to keep the connection always open.

Invalid placement of ELT Case Expression snap

ELT Case Expression Snap cannot be used at the start of a Pipeline.

Move the ELT Case Expression Snap to either the middle or the end of your Pipeline.

The Snap has not been configured properly.

THEN clause expression can not be empty

Ensure that you provide all the THEN clause expressions.


Updating a Dataset with New Values Based on Existing Values

We want to read a dataset from a file in S3 and define a new (alias) column for the target table to contain transformed values based on the values in the id column. We can use the following Pipeline for this purpose.

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We begin with an ELT Select Snap to read the data from the source table (default.sql_case_expression_src) in S3. We associate a corresponding ELT Database Account (connecting to S3 location that contains the source file) for this Snap. In this example, the account is configured to write transformed data into a Snowflake database.

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This Snap produces a preview output as shown below:

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Next, we configure an ELT Case Expression Snap with the following settings:

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  • Get preview data (to allow comparison of row values in this example).

  • Pass through (to allow comparison of row values in this example).

  • Alias as case_id.

  • The following Case Arguments:

    • If id < 6, then value of case_id is 1 + 8 (= 9).

    • If id > 5 AND id < 40, then value of case_id is 2 - 9 (= -7).

  • And the Else condition as the value in id column as is.

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If you compare the highlighted areas in the above images (the two Snap output previews), you can identify that the values for case_id are calculated based on the case arguments we passed.

Then, to conclude this example, we write the transformed data to a table (default.sql_case_expression_tc3) in Snowflake database using an ELT Insert Select Snap.

Image Added

Download this Pipeline.



Important Steps to Successfully Reuse Pipelines

  1. Download and import the Pipeline into SnapLogic.

  2. Configure Snap accounts as applicable.

  3. Provide Pipeline parameters as applicable.

patterns*.slp, *.zip



Snap Pack History





See Also

