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Snap type:Write

This Snap is used to update the Reltio Objects (Entities/Categories) on the


specified Tenant.

ETL Transformations & Data Flow

The Snap updates specific data either for an entity or the category in the Reltio tenant. It has the ability to perform a bulk update on set of entity objects. Bulk update can be addition, deletion, update etc.

Input & Output

  • Input
  • Input view is optional and is required only to pass the Entity
  • ID/ Category
  • ID/ Role(s)/ Tag(s) from the upstream
snap or value in that field. It is also used to pass the body for “Bulk Update” Operation. Input
  • Snap or directly into the Snap, however, the input is mandatory while performing a Bulk update operation which allows JSON format only.  Input is needed based on the operation chosen by user.
  • Output:
  • Response for this
  • Snap differs based on the operation selected.
  • When deleting a tag/role, it
will provide
  • provides the "success" or "failure" message accordingly
. For
  • , but when adding the tag(s)/role(s), it
will           provide
  • provides the set of roles/tags added to the specified
  • Entity object.


  • Ultra
  • Pipelines
May work in 
  • Spark (Deprecated) mode: Not supported in Spark mode.
  • Prerequisites:

    A valid Reltio account with the tenant ID for the Tenant URL, or an  API key for the Account Settings to be generated.

    An access from Reltio to merge the objects or entities from the Tenant.
    Limitations and Known Issues:
    None at this time

    You cannot roll back the productized Reltio Snap Pack in 4.20 to a prior version.


    Account & Access

    This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. See Reltio Account for information on setting up this type of account.of account.


    InputThis Snap has exactly one document input view.
    OutputThis Snap has exactly one document output view.
    ErrorThis Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.

    Troubleshooting:The section describes typical issues you may encounter while using this Snap, and instructions on how to workaround them:



    Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

    Tenant URL


    This determines

    Specifies the Reltio host with Tenant



    The format to be used is 

    Use this format:




    values can be passed directly or by using the

    upstream or

    pipeline parameters, but not through the

    pipeline parameters

    upstream Snap.







    Detault value: [None]


     Specifies the update operation to be performed. The options available are:

    • Add roles to an entity: Add role(s) to a specific entity identifier
    • Delete role from an entityDelete the role from a specific entity identifier
    • Add tags to an entity: Add tag(s) to a specific entity identifier
    • Delete tags from an entity: Delete the tag from a specific entity identifier
    • Add an entity to the category: Add the specified entity identifier to the mentioned category id
    • Delete an entire entity from the category: Delete the specified entity identifier from the mentioned category id
    • Bulk update: Provides a set of bulk attributes operation like addition of attributes, deletion of attributes, updating the values of multiple attributes of listed

    • entities in the input

    (NOTE: Input comes as an upstream document here).
    • Note

      When performing a Bulk update, the input is mandatory and comes from the upstream that allows JSON format only.

       Default valueAdd roles to an entity

    Entity Id

    Specifies the entity identifier to be provided. Provide the ID when adding/deleting the roles (or tags) to an entity, or,  adding/deleting an entity to and from the category.


    The value can be passed using the upstream or through the pipeline parameters.

    Default value: [None]

    Category Id

    Specifies the category identifier

    to be supplied

    . Provide the ID when adding or deleting an entity to and from the category.


    The value can be passed using the upstream or through the pipeline parameters.

    Default  value[None]


    Specifies the role(s) to be added to the specific entity identifier. Multiple roles can be added separated by commas. When performing a deletion, provide the role only (single and not multiple) to be deleted.


    The value can be passed using the upstream or through the pipeline parameters.

    Default  value: [None]


    Specifies the tag(s) that can be added to


    a specific entity identifier. Multiple tags can be added and separated by commas.

    When performing a deletion, provide the single tag (and not multiple) to be deleted.


    The value can be passed using the upstream or through the pipeline parameters.

    Default  value: [None]

    Retry limit

    Determines the maximum number of attempts to retrieve the response. Since Reltio uses the exponential backoff, the retry mechanism applies for HTTP Status Codes 502, 503 and 504 only but not for the HTTP Status Codes 401, 403, 404, 500.


    The value can be passed using the upstream or through the pipeline parameters.

    Default value: 5

    Maximum value: 10  

    Execute during preview

    This property enables you to execute the Snap during the Save operation so that the output view can produce the preview data.

    Default value:  Not selected 

    Insert excerpt
    Reltio Bulk Export
    Reltio Bulk Export

    Multiexcerpt include macro
    nameSnap Execution
    pageSOAP Execute

    Multiexcerpt include macro
    pageSOAP Execute


    Basic Use Case

    The following pipeline describes how the Snap functions as a standalone Snap in a pipeline:

    The values are directly entered into the Snap to perform an operation of adding roles to an entity:

    Image Added

    The successful execution of the pipeline displays the below output preview:

    Image Added

    In the below pipeline, a bulk update operation is performed and hence a mandatory upstream input in the JSON format as provided: 

    Image Added

    Typical Snap Configurations

    The key Snap configurations are:

    • Without Expressions:

    The values are directly passed into the Snap:

    Image Added

    • With Expressions:
      • Query from the Upstream:

    The values are passed from an upstream Snap:

    Image Added

    The upstream Snap passes the values to be mapped into the respective entities:

    Image Added

    • Pipeline Parameters

    The values (IDs, Role and Tag ) are passed into the Snap using the pipeline parameters: 

    Image AddedImage Added

    Advanced Use Case

    The following describes a pipeline, with a broader business logic involving multiple ETL transformations. The Reltio Create, Read (Crosswalk) and  Update Snaps create, read and update the messages respectively as received form the SQS messaging instance. The pipeline download is available in the Downloads section. 


    Image Added

    The ETL transformations:

    Extract: The SQS Consumer Snap consumes the messages from the SQS Messaging instance.

    Transform: The JSON Parser Snap transforms the records into the JSON format and the Mapper Snap maps the object for the messages to be created on the Reltio console.

    Load: The  Reltio Create Snap creates the entity for the messages. 

    The other ETLs involved are:

    Extract: The Reltio Read (Crosswalk) Snap reads the messages from the instance.

    Transform: The JSON Splitter Snap splits the records to be mapped using a Mapper Snap for the records to be updated on the Reltio instance.

    Load: The Reltio Update Snap updates the required records on to the Reltio object.


    Multiexcerpt include macro

    patterns*slp, *zip

    Insert excerpt
    Reltio Snap Pack
    Reltio Snap Pack