In this Pagearticle
Table of Contents | ||||
Description | Evaluates the expression represented by the given string. The expression can reference document values and pipeline Pipeline parameters. This is similar to the JavaScript eval().
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Syntax |
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Examples | Expression: Result: 7 Expression: Result: false (if the value of the pipeline parameter id is greater than 100) |
Description | Determines whether a value is Not-a-Number (NaN) or not. This is similar to the JavaScript isNaN. | ||
Syntax |
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Examples | Expression: Result: false Expression: Result: true Expression: Result: false |
Description | Reads the values from the given object that match the given JSONPath. If the path is simple and does not traverse multiple paths through the object hierarchy (such as
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Syntax |
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Examples | Expression: This expression will return the "email_address" field in the array of objects at "$" where the objects have a "type" property with a value of "contact".
Where "$" contains:
Result: "" |