Snaps in this Snap Pack use the Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Account to access the Azure Active Directory. For the OAuth2 Account to function without any issue, ensure to (create and) configure an application corresponding to the account as explained in the steps below. These steps also contain information required to create / define a new OAuth2 Account for using with this Snap Pack.
- Log into the Microsoft Azure Portal with valid credentials.
Create a new application: Portal Home > Azure Services > Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > New Registration OR
- Use an existing application: Select the application from the list in Portal Home > Azure Services > Azure Active Directory > App Registrations to view the application details.
- Application ID is the Client ID required for the new Account.
- Click Endpoints to locate the OAuth2 Endpoint and OAuth2 Token.
- Click Certificates & secrets to view the Client secrets that can be used for the new Account.
- Click API permissions to grant permissions to the application.
- Click Add a permission. Notice that the application has permissions for Microsoft Graph, by default.
- Select Azure Directory Active Graph API to request API permissions for the App.
- Select Delegated permissions and all permissions under Directory, Group, Member, Policy, and User categories. Click Add Permissions.
- Select Application permissions.
- Select all permissions under the category Directory and click Add Permissions.
- Click Grant admin consent for SnapLogic in the Configured permissions screen to allow token generation in REST Snaps without the need to specify client credentials each time.
- Click Add a permission. Notice that the application has permissions for Microsoft Graph, by default.