In this article


Use this account type to connect Adobe Experience Platform Snaps with data sources that use Adobe Experience Platform accounts.



Limitations and Known Issues


Account Settings

ParameterData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueExample 
LabelStringRequired. The name for the account. We recommend you to update the account name, if there is more than one account in your project.N/AAdobe Experience Platform JWT Account
Organization IDString

The organization ID provided by Adobe that has access to Adobe I/O API.

Format: OrgID@AdobeOrg

Technical Account IDString

The API client account ID.


Client IDStringThe API key, obtainable from Adobe I/O console.N/AN/A
Client Secret KeyStringThe client secret key, obtainable from the Adobe I/O consoleN/AN/A
JWT Token Expiry (in milliseconds)IntegerThe number of milliseconds after which the intermediate temporary token generated for each authentication expires.1000012000
Keystore PathStringThe absolute path to the keystore file that stores the private key required for Adobe Experience authentication.N/Aaepkeystore.jks
Keystore PassphraseStringThe passphrase required to access the keystore.N/AN/A
Private Key AliasStringThe alias of the Adobe Experience authentication private key, present in the Keystore Location listed above.N/AN/A
Private Key PassphraseStringThe passphrase required to access the private key listed in the Private Key Alias field above. You can leave this property blank if the passphrase is the same as that of the keystore.N/AN/A
Sandbox NameStringRequired. The path for the dev environment in which you want to create the account. Use the default value prod for your production environment.prodhttps://devprem.sandboxlocation/projectfolder
S3 Access KeyString

The access key associated with the AWS S3 account that you want to use with your Adobe Experience Platform JWT account. 

The S3 Access Key and S3 Secret Key details are required only while using the Adobe Experience Platform S3 Connector Snap.

S3 Secret KeyString

The secret key associated with the AWS S3 account that you want to use with your Adobe Experience Platform JWT account.

The S3 Access Key and S3 Secret Key details are required only while using the Adobe Experience Platform S3 Connector Snap.



Invalid account configurationA required system property, such as Label, Organization ID, Technical Account ID, Client ID is null or missingProvide valid values for the Label, Organization ID, Technical Account ID, and Client ID fields.

See Also

Provide links to the endpoint's official documentation, any relevant or related internal documentation, and any other links you have referred to on this page. Care should be taken when referencing external sites/documentation that it is an official site/documentation. Do not refer to forums such as stackoverflow.