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Snaplex Versions

Snaplex instances are the execution engines for your Pipelines. Ensuring the correct version of the Snaplex can depend on two factors: 

In the 4.24 Release (February 2021), you can now update Snaplex version easily across on the Snap Logic Manager >  Manage Snaplex Versions page. Previously, you could only update a Snaplex version manually through the Update Snaplex dialog. With Orgs that contain numerous Snaplex instances, an Org admin can now update or revert Snaplex versions in one place. 

You must have Org admin access to update Snaplex versions through Manager.

As a best practice, we encourage you to use the Recommended version as soon as it becomes available.

Selecting a Snaplex Version

To select a Snaplex version:

  1. Log in as an admin and navigate to  Manager, then scroll to Snaplex Version, and click Manage Versions.

  2. Choose the Snaplex instances to update. Select Snaplex Name to choose all Snaplex instances in your Org.

  3. Click the version selector to display the dropdown list and choose the version:

  4. Choose the Snaplex version, and then click Start Update.

    The Snaplex version update is not instant and takes some time to complete, especially across multiple Snaplex instances.

  5. To confirm the update:
    1. Go to Dashboard, and click the target Snaplex.
    2. Verify the version in the Snaplex Health report, which displays the version on the Snaplex node tiles.

      The Version indicates that this Snaplex is running the 4.24 GA (Recommended) release.