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Snap type:



This Snap executes a stored procedure in an Oracle database and writes the values of OUT parameters to the output view. If an OUT parameter is of custom type OBJECT, then its displayed as a JSON object. If the OUT parameter is of custom type TABLE, then it is displayed as a JSON array. This Snap also supports executing stored functions and writes the return value to the output view in a "returnval" key.  However, it does not support OUT and IN/OUT parameters for stored functions.

Example 1: Stored procedure has output parameters firstNamelastName and both are of built-in type VARCHAR2.

The output document is:

    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Smith"

Example 2: Stored procedure has three output parameters firstName, lastName, and hobbies where firstName and lastName are of built-in type VARCHAR2 and hobbies is of custom type TABLE.

The output document is:

    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Smith",

Example 3: Stored procedure has three output parameters firstName, lastName, and location where firstName and lastName are of built-in type VARCHAR2 and location is of custom type OBJECT.

The output document is:

    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Smith",
    location: {
                        "ADDRESS":"1520 8th Ave N",
                        "CITY":"San Mateo",

Example 4: Stored function accepts a customerId (NUMBER) and returns the customer's name (VARCHAR2).
The output document is:


   "returnval": "Acme Corporation"


The attribute names of OBJECT are not displayed with the default JDBC driver.  With a custom JDBC driver, they are displayed as Field1, Field2, Field3, etc.

User-defined types are only supported with a specific version of the JDBC driver. Refer to the JDBC Driver setting in Oracle Account.

There is a limitation in Oracle JDBC driver that prevents the passing of a record type parameters to the stored procedure. Refer the link: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/java.112/e16548/apxref.htm#JJDBC28928

A workaround could be to write a wrapper stored procedure to avoid passing of record type parameter directly to the original stored procedure.



Support and limitations:Works in Ultra Pipelines.

This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint.  See Oracle Account for information on setting up this type of account.



This Snap allows none or one input view. If an input view is defined, then values from an incoming document can be used as input parameters to the stored procedure.
Note: The attribute names of custom type OBJECT are case-sensitive. For example, for custom type LOCATION with three fields ADDRESS, CITY and STATE, the input below is acceptable:

                            "ADDRESS":"1520 8th Ave N",
                            "CITY":"San Mateo",
But the input below won't be accepted:
    location: {
                             "address":"1520 8th Ave N",
                            "city":"San Mateo",

OutputThis Snap has exactly two document output views, Output Parameters and Result Set.

This Snap has at most one error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Schema Name

The schema name where the procedure resides. The property is suggestible and will return all schemas of the DB.

The values can be passed using the pipeline parameters but not the upstream parameter.

Example: TECTONIC 

Package name

The package name where the procedure resides.  The property is suggestible and will return all packages of the DB. If a schema is defined, then it will only return the packages of that schema. 
Example: PACKAGE2

To invoke stored functions in a package, you need to upgrade the Oracle JDBC driver to or later.

User-defined types are supported only with a specific version of the JDBC driver. Refer to the JDBC Driver setting in Oracle Thin Account.

Stored Procedure Name

Required. Stored procedure to execute. The property is suggestible and will return all procedures of the DB. If a package is defined, then it will only return the procedures of that package. If a schema is defined and no package is defined, then it will return all procedures of that schema.

Default value: [None] 

Procedure sequence

Required for overloaded procedures. Sequence number that indicates the procedure to be used for overloaded procedures. The property is optional and only to be used when the selected procedure is overloaded. The starting index is always 1. The property is suggestible and will return the available indexes of the overloaded procedure, if any. The procedure sequence instructions apply similarly to stored functions.


  • A procedure sp1 exists in a package pkg1 as sp1 (arg1, arg2) and sp1 (arg1, arg2, arg3), then the sequence number defines which procedure is used. Sequence number 1 uses sp1 (arg1, arg2) and sequence number 2 uses sp1 (arg1, arg2, arg3)
  • A function f1 exists in a package pkg1 as f1 (arg1, arg2) and f1 (arg1, arg2, arg3), then the sequence number defines which function is used. Sequence number 1 uses f1 (arg1, arg2) and sequence number 2 uses f1 (arg1, arg2, arg3).
Ignore Null Parameters

Select this check box to enable the Snap to ignore the parameters evaluated as null. This applies to parameters with defined default values.

Default value: Not selected

Parameter Values

Select the input parameter values for the stored procedure. If you define parameter values, you must do so in the same order as they appear in the stored procedure definition.

Example: There is a stored procedure named createGreeting. It has two input parameters: p1 and p2 of type VARCHAR2. Then you need to provide two string values. The first value goes to p1 and the second value goes to p2.

Default value: [None]

Quotation marks should not be used when setting input parameters unless they are part of the input value itself, since they are treated as escaped plain characters. For example, if the desired input value is TEST_VALUE1, the input parameter should be set as TEST_VALUE1, if you set it as "TEST_VALUE1", it will be recognized as \"TEST_VALUE1\".

If you do not provide any parameters in the Snap, you can view the required input parameters in the Target Schema of the upstream Mapper Snap. The parameters are dynamically populated based on the column keys of the stored procedure; you can map the parameters and pass them as an input to the Stored Procedure Snap.

Pass through

If selected, the input document will be passed through to the output views under the key 'original'. The document will be passed to the Parameter output view, and it will also be passed to the Result Set output view if there is output sent from this view.

This property applies only to the Execute Snaps with SELECT statement or the Select Snaps. 

Default value: Not selected 

Custom type parameters mapping


Supports mappings for all parameters. 

       Parameter index

The index is of the custom type parameter.  It is suggestible based on stored procedure name.

  • The first parameter's index is 1 for stored procedures. 
  • The first parameter's index is 2 for stored functions. 
  • The return value has index 1 for stored functions.

        Parameter type

The custom type name the parameter is of.  Its suggestible based on database account.


We will provide two examples, the first one calls a simple stored procedure, the second one calls a procedure with user-defined type parameters.

In this example we want to call stored procedure TEST_PROC.

Here is the definition of stored procedure TEST_PROC:

    in_sbset_id         IN  NUMBER
    ,test_date          IN  DATE
    ,test_timestamp     IN  TIMESTAMP
    ,test_timestamptz   IN  TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
    ,test_timestampltz  IN  TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE
    ,out_result         OUT VARCHAR2

    l_sql_statement VARCHAR(4000);

    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('test_date : ' || test_date);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('test_timestamp : ' || test_timestamp);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('test_timestamptz : ' || test_timestamptz);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('test_timestampltz : ' || test_timestampltz);
    l_sql_statement := 'INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE VALUES (
                           TO_DATE('''||test_date||''',''DD-MON-YYYY'') ,
                           TO_TIMESTAMP('''||test_timestamp||''') ,
                           TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('''||test_timestamptz||''') ,
                           CAST('''||test_timestampltz||''' AS TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE))';
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_sql_statement ::  '||l_sql_statement);
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql_statement;

    out_result := 'SUCCESSFUL';

 First, we use an Oracle Execute Snap, to get some input data from table TEST_TABLE.

Then, we use a Mapper Snap to map the data from the Oracle - Execute Snap to the Target paths, which the Oracle Stored Procedure Snap uses later.

In the Oracle Stored Procedure Snap, we define the stored procedure and parameters.

Upon validation, we see the output preview of the Oracle Stored Procedure Snap as shown below:

In this example we will call a Oracle Stored Procedure PROC_WITH_CUSTOM_IN_PARAM which has parameters of user-defined types.

Here is the definition of the stored procedure PROC_WITH_CUSTOM_IN_PARAM:

    pPairsCount     IN  NUMBER
    ,pPrefix        IN  VARCHAR2
    ,pINMUIDS       IN  STRARRAY32
    ,pMUIDs         OUT STRARRAY32
    ,pAuthKeys      OUT STRARRAY49
    ,pDemoPeriod    OUT NUMBER
    ,pTransID       OUT NUMBER
    ,pErrorCd       OUT NUMBER
    ,pErrorMsg      OUT VARCHAR2

    select COUNT('s') Into pTransID from ACTRESS a;
    pMUIDs := STRARRAY32();
    pAuthKeys := STRARRAY49();
    pMUIDs(1) := inMUIDS(1);
    pAuthKeys(1) := 'ABCD-r2mi-7vax-xn3m-hahj-2bqa-ev6f-dn3r-225x-ABCD';
    pErrorCd := 0;

        pErrorCd := 1;
        pErrorMsg := 'Some Error Happened.';


First we use a JSON Generator Snap to pass parameter values as shown below to the Stored Procedure Snap:

Then we use the Stored Procedure Snap procedure name and define parameter values. As there are several parameters that are user-defined types, we add custom type mapping for them. Each mapping row consists of parameter index and type. Parameter index is the index when it is defined, and the parameter type is the name of the user-defined type. You can also use the Suggest button to get the list of available indices or types and select the needed one.

Upon validation, we see the output preview of the Oracle - Stored Procedure Snap as shown below:

This Pipeline demonstrates invoking a stored function using the Oracle Stored Procedure Snap by defining a custom type mapping and documenting the indexing behavior. The return value has index 1 and the first parameter has index 2.

The code in the following section defines the stored function - payroll_pkg.employee_info.

CREATE TABLE employee (

id NUMBER(6),
title VARCHAR2(128),
salary NUMBER(8,2),
hire_date DATE,
constraint pk_employee primary key (id)



id NUMBER(6),
first_name VARCHAR2(128),
last_name VARCHAR2(128),
employee_id NUMBER(6),
constraint pk_people primary key (id),
foreign key (employee_id) references employee(id)



title VARCHAR2(128),
salary NUMBER(8,2),
hire_date DATE


CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE employee_tbl IS TABLE OF employee_t;


FUNCTION employee_info(employee_id IN NUMBER) RETURN employee_tbl;

END payroll_pkg; 


FUNCTION employee_info(employee_id IN NUMBER)

RETURN employee_tbl
   l_employee_tbl employee_tbl := employee_tbl();
  SELECT employee_t(e.title, e.salary, e.hire_date)
    BULK COLLECT INTO l_employee_tbl
   FROM employee e 
WHERE e.id = employee_id;

return l_employee_tbl;
END employee_info;

END payroll_pkg;

-- seed data
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (100, 'manager', 50000, TO_DATE('2020-01-02', 'YYYY-MM-DD')); 
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (200, 'clerk', 12345, TO_DATE('2018-10-17', 'YYYY-MM-DD'));

INSERT INTO people VALUES (1, 'Mary', 'Weller', 100);
INSERT INTO people VALUES (2, 'Frank', 'Smith', 200);

We use the Oracle Execute Snap to query people table.

Then, we use the Mapper Snap to map Employee ID and Full name.

We use the Oracle - Stored Procedure Snap and select the stored procedure.

The Oracle Stored Procedure Snap invokes a stored function to lookup employee information, such as the employee's salary and hire date. The function accepts an Employee ID and returns a table of custom types (employee).
