In this article

Snaps in the Salesforce Snap Pack use the Salesforce OAuth2 account to access the Salesforce application. For the OAuth2 account to function without any issue, ensure to create and configure a Connected App corresponding to the account as explained in the steps below. These steps also contain the information required to create/define a new OAuth2 account for using this Snap Pack.

Create a Connected app in Salesforce Portal

  1. Log into the Salesforce portal.

  2. Click the Setup(blue star)icon on the top-right of the page and select Setup.

  3. Navigate to PLATFORM TOOLS>Apps>App Manager.

  4. Click New Connected App.

  5. Enter the following required basic information to help identify your app in the Salesforce dashboard.

  6. Select Enable OAuth Settings checkbox under API (Enable OAuth Settings).

  7. Enter all the required callback URLs (to which the response should be sent) in the Callback URL box. After successful authentication, Salesforce redirects to this Callback URL. See REST OAuth2 Account for more information about how to get the Callback URL.
    Note: You can specify multiple Callback URLs, but ensure to enter each URL in a separate line.

  8. Select the required OAuth Scopes. Scope determines the level of access that you want to provide to your application.
    Note: When you sign into Salesforce app, you must subscribe to refresh_token, offline_access scope. 

  9. Click Save and wait for few minutes for the app to work.

  10. After configuring the Connected App, you will receive the Client ID and Client Secret. Open the App that you have just created and note the Client ID and Client Secret.


When providing the Callback URL during your configuration, if you are working with Salesforce Snaps, then adding Callback URL for Salesforce should be sufficient. However, if you are working with REST Snaps besides Salesforce, then you must add a Callback URL for REST as well.

When providing the Callback URL during your configuration, if you are working with Salesforce Snaps, then adding Callback URL for Salesforce should be sufficient. However, if you are working with REST Snaps besides Salesforce, then you must add a Callback URL for REST as well.

Locate/Define Information Required to Create your Salesforce OAuth2 Account

Specify the values required to create a successful Salesforce OAuth2 account.

  1. Navigate to the Salesforce Snap of your choice and set up the Salesforce OAuth2 Account with the following details:

  2. Click Authorize
    You will be redirected to the login page of Salesforce. If you provide any new scopes, then click on Install App.

    1. Log into Salesforce and accept the permissions.
      The Access token and the Refresh Token will be generated.

    2. Select the Auto-refresh token checkbox and save the account.

See Also

Configuring Salesforce Accounts

Salesforce OAuth2 Account