In this article

Browse through the API Catalog

‌The API Catalog allows you to browse APIs or to search for specific APIs.

Select A View

You can view the APIs that are available in the API Catalog by selecting one of the following two views:

Search for APIs

To search the API catalog, enter your search string in the Search field and press Enter. Your search string will be compared with the following API attributes:

You can further filter the search results by clicking the available categories on the left navigation pane.

Explore an API

You can view the details of any API by clicking the API tile or its name when in the list view. Clicking the API displays the documentation of that API.

API Documentation page

API Details

The following details are provided for the API:

You can also view the various HTTP methods and endpoints of the API.

To subscribe to the API, click the Subscribe button, then select or create the application to which you want to add the subscription.


The Subscribe button appears only if the API was published with Allow Subscriptions enabled.

The Subscribe button appears only if the API was published with Allow Subscriptions enabled.

Add Subscription to an Application dialog

To return to the API catalog, click Back to Catalog on the top left corner of the page.

Authenticate to Use an API

To authenticate to use an API,

  1. Go to the API Documentation page.

  2. Click the security lock icon to open the Available authorizations dialog.

    Available authorizations dialog

3. Depending on the configuration of the API, you can authenticate by filling in one of the following sections in the Available authorizations dialog:

4. Click the Authorize button of the section you filled in.

View and Try Out an API

You can try out APIs in the Developer Portal while viewing the API’s documentation in the Developer Portal.


To try out the API,

  1. Expand one of the panels that show an HTTP method and an API endpoint.

    An expanded API endpoint with the Try it out button
  2. Click the Try it out button at the top right of the expanded panel.

  3. Fill in the values in the Parameters section.

  4. Verify the results in the Responses section.