
Snaps in the Workday Snap Pack use the Workday Rest Access Token account to access the Workday application. For the account to authorize successfully, create and configure a connected application in Workday.

Register an API client

You can register the API client in the Workday portal based on the category and locate all the necessary information for setting up the Workday REST Access Token account.

  1. Log into the Workday portal with valid Workday Org admin credentials in this format: https://impl.workday.com/wday/authgwy/<your_tenant_name>/login.htmld.

  2. From the Search menu for the Workday categories, select Register API Client and click Register.

  3. Provide details for the following mandatory fields:

    1. Client Name: Specify a name for the API Client

    2. Client Grant Type: Select Authorization Code Grant.
      Note: Currently, Snap supports only Authorization Grant Code grant types.

    3. Select Enforce 60 Minutes Access Token Expiry for the Auto-refresh token to work correctly in the Workday REST OAuth2 Account. For more information, refer to Application Configuration for Workday REST OAuth2 account

    4. Access Token Type: Select Bearer.

    5. Redirect URL: Enter the redirect URL in the following format:
      where the <control-plane-name> corresponds to the domain part of your SnapLogic URL—elastic (global control plane) or emea (EMEA control plane).
      For example:

    6. Scope: Select all the services you need to access from the dropdown list.

  4. Click on Done.

  5. After the API client is registered in the Workday portal, note down the Client ID, Client Secret, and Authorization Endpoint.


Requesting an Access Token using Postman to use in Workday REST Access Token Account

After you create a Client API in Workday, the next step is to request an access token. The token is automatically accepted and generated. Client credentials require no consent, and an HTTPS POST request can be made directly to Workday. 

  1. Enter the following URL in your browser by providing the Client ID.
    Here is an example: https://impl.workday.com/snaplogic_pt2/authorize?response_type=code&ZzZzLjkzMmCASIjkf2NC00MGQxLTkYD9kdfdaDQzZWM5OAF2

  2. After hitting the Enter key, a code, as shown in the image, displays:

  3. Copy the code and use it for further reference.
    Note: This code changes frequently.

  4. Open the Postman tool and set the method to POST.

  5. Provide the code, client_id, client_secret, and use the authorization_code as grant_type.

  6. Select x-www-form-URL-encoded in the Body tab and click Send.

  7. The access token is generated. Copy the Access token to use in the Dynamic account.


Configure Workday REST Access Token Account


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