SnapLogic provides these user roles:

Only Org administrators can manage users.

The Users table in Manager enables you to manage your user's permissions and access. 

The table displays a list of all the users in your Org and allows you to manage access to SnapLogic Intelligent Integration Platform (IIP), AutoSync, and Flows.

Use this page to perform the following tasks:

As part of the SnapLogic off-boarding process, we remove the employee's account from the SnapLogic Org and de-provision the associated assets across your Orgs, resulting in the following scenarios:

  • For each Org the de-provisioned user was a member, an orphan service account is created, and the user's assets are transferred to this account. The new Org administrator inherits the assets in the orphan service account.
  • Deleting the orphan service account transfers all of the assets associated with the orphan accounts to the respective new Org administrator. 
  • If the orphan account is not removed from the Org, any other de-provisioned user's assets from this Org become associated with the same orphan service account. When multiple users are de-provisioned in the same Org, their assets are transferred to the same orphan service account. One orphan service account is created for each affected Org.

See Also