The Alerts page provides a way for Org admins to track changes to alerts within their organization. Data can be queried over a time range and filtered by alert status (All, Open, or Closed). Click the download button to download the alerts log.

Alerts track Snaplex congestion. Snaplex alerts are generated when:

A scheduled job runs every five minutes to check for Pipelines that are in a Queued state. If it detects any Pipeline above the 75% of TTL threshold at that instant, it generates an open alert. Note, however, that if there already is an open alert for that Snaplex, then nothing happens. The previously open alert stays in the same state. After an open alert has been generated, the next scan by the scheduled job repeats the same check for Pipelines that have been queued for more than 75% of their respective TTLs. If there are no Pipelines above the threshold for that Snaplex, the alert will be resolved and it's state changed to Closed

When a Snaplex congestion alert is opened, you should investigate the cause of that alert. Seeing the queuing alert frequently could indicate that more capacity needs to be added to that Snaplex or that the Pipelines being run on that Snaplex need a redesign.