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Snap type:



This Snap splits a list of values into separate JSON documents in its output view.

  • Expected input: JSON data to be split, in the form of JSON array.



Support and limitations:
    • Ultra pipelines: Works in Ultra Pipelines.
    • Spark mode: Not supported in Spark mode as of 4.5.0.


Accounts are not used with this Snap.


InputThis Snap has exactly one document input view, where it gets the JSON data to be split.
OutputThis Snap has exactly one document output view, where it provides the JSON document data stream.

This Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.

If the Snap fails during the operation, an error document is sent to the error view containing the fields error, reason, original, resolution, and stacktrace:

    "error": "Json Splitter expects a list",
    "reason": "Found an object of type class java.lang.String",
    "original": {
      "prod": "p2",
      "price": "13"
    "resolution": "The path $price needs to refer to a list in the incoming document",
    "stacktrace": "com.Snaplogic.Snap.api.SnapDataException: ... }



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.  

Json Path

Required. Defines a path to the list that holds the document entries. Each entry of the list will be written out as a separate document.

Default value: None


  • $orders[*].orderlines[*]
  • $orders[*].orderlines[*].prod

You can also include pipeline parameters in this property to be dynamic so that it picks values from the pipeline's properties. Use parentheses inside the square brackets to specify the pipeline parameter. For example, the JSON Path $orders[*].orderlines[*] can be written as $orders[*].[(_object)] where object is the pipeline parameter containing the value orderlines.

Include scalar parents

Allows to include scalar parents in each output document. 

    "add 1 data": [
            "a": 1, "b": 2 }, {
            "a": 3, "b": 4 }
    "add 2 data": [
            "a": 11, "b": 22 }, {
            "a": 33, "b": 44 }
    "id": 111 }

using the split path on ['add 1 data'] will create 2 output documents,

    "a": 1,
    "b": 2 }

doc 2:

    "a": 3,
    "b": 4 }

Enabling Include scalar parents will lead to:

    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
    "id": 111 }

doc 2: 

    "a": 3,
    "b": 4,
    "id": 111 }

Default value: Not selected

Null-safe access


Allow to skip invalid path definitions that are defined in the Include Paths property below. The Snap will throw a DataException if disabled when the path does not exist in the input view. 

Default value: Not selected

Include paths


Allows to include objects from the input document in the resulting output document(s)
input same as above.

A path such as  ['add 2 data'] will include the object in the output documents:


    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
    "id": 111,
    "add 2 data": [
            "a": 11,
            "b": 22
            "a": 33,
            "b": 44
    "a": 3,
    "b": 4,
    "id": 111,
    "add 2 data": [
            "a": 11,
            "b": 22
            "a": 33,
            "b": 44


Assume a pipeline starts with File Reader + JSON Parser + JSON Splitter.

The File Reader reads a JSON file with the following contents:

"ordernumber":"01", "orderdate":"20131122", "orderlines":[
"prod":"p1", "price":"23" }, {
"prod":"p2", "price":"13" }, {
"prod":"p3", "price":"231" }
], "city":"san mateo" }, {
"ordernumber":"02", "orderdate":"20131222", "orderlines":[
"prod":"w1", "price":"123" }, {
"prod":"e2", "price":"3" }, {
"prod":"q3", "price":"31" }
], "city":"burlingame" }
] }

If the JSON path in the JSON Splitter is set to: 


The data output would look something like: 

    "prod": "p1",
    "price": "23",
    "orderdate": "20131122",
    "ordernumber": "01",
    "customer": "ACME",
    "city": "san mateo" },
    "prod": "p2",
    "price": "13",
    "orderdate": "20131122",
    "ordernumber": "01",
    "customer": "ACME",
    "city": "san mateo" },
    "prod": "p3",
    "price": "231",
    "orderdate": "20131122",
    "ordernumber": "01",
    "customer": "ACME",
    "city": "san mateo" },
    "prod": "w1",
    "price": "123",
    "orderdate": "20131222",
    "ordernumber": "02",
    "customer": "ACME",
    "city": "burlingame" },
    "prod": "e2",
    "price": "3",
    "orderdate": "20131222",
    "ordernumber": "02",
    "customer": "ACME",
    "city": "burlingame" },
    "prod": "q3",
    "price": "31",
    "orderdate": "20131222",
    "ordernumber": "02",
    "customer": "ACME",
    "city": "burlingame" }

See Also