Google Storage Account

Google Storage Account

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You can create an account from Designer or Manager. In Designer, when working on pipelines, every Snap that needs an account prompts you to create a new account or use an existing account. The accounts can be created in or used from:

  • Your private project folder: This folder contains the pipelines that will use the account.
  • Your Project Space’s shared folder: This folder is accessible to all the users that belong to the Project Space.
  • The global shared folder: This folder is accessible to all the users within an organization in the SnapLogic instance.

Account Configuration

In Manager, you can navigate to the required folder and create an account in it (see Accounts). To create an account for binary files:

  1. Click Create, then select Binary, then the appropriate account type.
  2. Supply an account label.
  3. Supply the necessary information.

  4. (Optional) Supply additional information on this account in the Notes field of the Info tab.
  5. Click Apply.

Account Settings


Required. User provided label for the account instance

Access token

The access token for the application. The retrieval of the access token is done when setting up the account for the endpoint. There, the OAuth2 flow will be executed and the resulting access token will be stored in this property. The access token might be refreshable, in that case an optional refresh token can be stored. The user must get a new access token if the access token has expired and no refresh token was defined or both the access and the refresh token have expired.

Default value: [None]

Refresh token

The refresh token for the application. The retrieval of the refresh token is done when setting up the account for the endpoint. There, the OAuth2 flow will be executed and the resulting refresh token can be stored in this property. If the refresh token is stored, then the access token can be refreshed automatically before it expires.

Default value: [None]

Access token expiration

The access token expiration value.
Default value: [None]

OAuth2 endpoint

Authorization endpoint to authorize the application. 
Default value:  https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth

OAuth2 token

Token endpoint to get the access token.
Default value:  https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token

Access type

Indicates whether the Snap needs to access a Google API when the user is not present at the browser. The property value "offline" results in a refresh token being obtained the first time authorization has been received.
Default value:  offline

Approval prompt

Indicates whether the user should be re-prompted for offline consent to receive a new refresh token. The property value "auto" will only display the consent prompt on the first time through the OAuth 2.0 authorization sequence. To manually acquire a new refresh token, set this property value to "force" and re-authorize.
Default value:  auto

Application scope

The scope for the applications execution. As an example, the Snap could define that only a read of data by the application should be allowed.
Default value:  https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write

Auto-refresh token

Refreshes the token automatically using the refresh  token if  the property is enabled. Otherwise the token might expire and will not be automatically refreshed.
Default value:  False

Account Encryption

Standard Encryption

If you are using Standard Encryption, the High sensitivity settings under Enhanced Encryption are followed.

Enhanced Encryption

If you have the Enhanced Account Encryption feature, the following describes which fields are encrypted for each sensitivity level selected per each account.

  • High:
  • Medium + High:
  • Low + Medium + High