The SnapLogic GA release build on the production server is also deployed on the UAT server.
Per theSnapLogic Release Process, all remaining Snaplex instances across Orgs are auto-upgraded to the recommended version (main-12117) at 9 p.m. PT on Saturday,Jun 18, 2022. Orgs migrated to the 4.29 GA version prior to the auto-upgrade are not impacted. The Snaplex upgrade process also upgrades the Java version to the latest version. After the upgrade, the Java version of your Cloudplex nodes may not be the same as your FeedMaster nodes. However, this does not impact the operations of your SnapLogic instance. We will be fixing this issue in a subsequent release.
To use the new SnapLogic features and Snaps in the 4.29 release, ensure that your Snaplex nodes are upgraded to the recommended version.
This 4.29 release includes the patches deployed to SnapLogic after the 4.28 release, as listed in the4.28 Dot Releasessection.
SnapLogic TLS/SSL Digital Certificate Update: We updated the SSL/TLS certificates for the SnapLogic Platform servers (UAT and Elastic) at 9 p.m. PT on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, since the previous certificates were expiring. Customers who need to manually update their trust store to trust the new certificate must do so immediately. Learn more: Updating TLS (SSL) Certificates for SnapLogic
Enhanced the Redshift accounts with the following:
Expression enabler to pass values from Pipeline parameters.
Support for Security Token for S3 bucket external staging.
Fixed an issue with Redshift - Execute Snap where the Snap failed when the query contained comments with single or double quotes in it. Now the Pipeline executes without any error if the query contains a comment.
Acknowledgment Type dropdown list that allows you to set the acknowledgment type, which is available only when you select Auto_Acknowledgement in the Message Acknowledge Mode field.
A default 30-minute acknowledgment timeout—the Snap waits only for 30 minutes to get an acknowledgment. When there is no acknowledgment even after 30 minutes, Snap considers the status as unacknowledged and moves to the subsequent message.
Fixed an issue with NetSuite Search Snap where the Snap displayed the Could not translate an element declaration element exception intermittently when multiple search Snaps are executed simultaneously.
Dynamics 365 OAuth2 Account For Online now supports on-premise usage that allows you to access the latest version of the APIs supported in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 suite.
Fixed an issue with the Dynamics 365 For Sales Read Snap where the Snap displayed a Null Pointer error instead of the actual 429 HTTP status code - Too Many Requests error from the endpoint, and the Pipeline failed. Now Snap does not display a Null Pointer error if it encounters a 429 error and the Pipeline transitions to the completed state.
Fixed an issue with Dynamics 365 For Sales Upsert Snap where the Snap displayed a different error message in the error view when the batch size is greater than 1.
Fixed an issue with Dynamics 365 For Sales Update and Dynamics 365 For Sales Upsert Snaps where the Snaps wrote to both output view and error view when the update fails and batch size equals 1. Now the Snap writes only to the error view when the update fails.
Fixed an issue with Dynamics 365 For Sales Update and Dynamics 365 For Sales Upsert Snaps where the Snaps did not write to the output view when the response is null. Now the Snaps correctly write to the output view when the response is null.
Alternate Keys: Use this field set to configure columns to use as the alternate key for entities. Click + to add Key Columns to set alternate keys. For example, CompanyName, EmailAddress.
Fixed an issue with the Aggregate Snap where the Snap failed to validate (after first successful validation) while using a field that may contain a date for MIN and MAX functions. The Snap now supports DATE-type fields.
Enhanced the Pivot Snap with the Treat selected fields as static checkbox that enables the Snap to treat the selected fields as static to preserve the structure of the selected fields while all other fields are pivoted.
Treat selected fields as static: Select this checkbox to treat selected fields as static in the output document. This checkbox is a conditional field that enables the following fields for you to apply the pivoting behavior on the target fields.
Enhanced the CSV Formatter and CSV Parser Snaps to support multiple characters or strings as delimiters.
Fixed an issue with the Join Snap where the Snap displayed an incorrect error if the Left path or Right path fields were expression-enabled or if you have specified properties other than the field name and irrespective of whether the Sorted streams field is Unsorted or not. For example, "$first + '2' . Now, the Snap runs properly if the Left path or Right path was expression enabled and you have specified properties other than the field name and the Sorted streams field is Sorted or Unsorted. The Snap now displays an informative error on encountering an issue while executing this Snap.
Fixed an issue with CSV Parser Snap where the Snap failed when more than six characters were used as delimiters. Now, the Snap executes properly when you use more than six characters as delimiters.
Enhanced the PostgreSQL Account and PostgreSQL Dynamic Account with SSH Tunneling configurations to encrypt the network connection between the client and the PostgreSQL Database server, thereby ensuring the secure network connection.
Enhanced the Kafka Producer Snap with LZ4 and ZSTD Compression Types for compressing the messages that optimize Snap's performance.
Fixed an issue with the Kafka Producer Snap where th Snap wrote an output document even when there was an error.
Fixed an issue with Kafka Account where the expression buttons were enabled, by default, for the Bootstrap Server and Advanced Property Value fields.
Upgraded Kafka client libraries to Apache-Kafka Version 3.1.1 and Confluent-Kafka Version 7.1.1.
Enhanced the Kafka account, which is configured to connect to the Kafka Schema Registry, to use TLS v1.2 protocol instead of TLS that has security vulnerabilities.
Fixed an issue in the following Snaps that use AWS S3 dynamic account, where the Snaps displayed the security credentials like Access key, Secret key, and Security Token in the logs. Now, the security credentials in the logs are blurred for the Snaps that use AWS S3 dynamic account.
Fixed an issue with the DynamoDB Snaps where the Snaps did not route the errors to the error view when the Snap encountered an exception and the Pipeline failed. Now the Snap route the errors to the error view and does not fail when it encounters an exception. If the error view is disabled, Snap stops the execution.
Fixed an issue with the Azure SQL-Stored Procedure Snap where the Snap failed with an Invalid value type error when the stored procedure contained a NCHAR data type.
Enhanced the Google Directory Insert Snap where the Snap did not display the original payload in the error view. Now, the original payload is passed to the error view.
Enhanced the Google Directory Update Snap where the original payload is displayed in the error view, but not under the original tag. Now the original payload is displayed under the original tag.
Enhanced the REST Snaps (Delete, Get, Patch, Post, and Put) with Cookie Policy dropdown list to set the cookie policy specifications. This field is case-insensitive.
Cookie Policy options:
Browser Compatibility: This policy is compatible with different servers even if they are not completely standards-compliant. If you are facing issues while parsing cookies, you should try using this policy.
Ignore Cookies: This cookie policy ignores all cookies. You should use this policy to prevent HTTP Client from accepting and sending cookies.
RFC Strict: This policy uses the set-cookie header.
RFC Lax: The policy uses set-cookie and set-cookie2 for parsing.
Added Security Token field in the REST AWS Sig v4 Account to support AWS Security Token Service (STS) for using temporary credentials.
Enhanced the REST AWS Sig v4 Account to support expression values for Access-key ID and Secret Key fields.
Fixed an issue with the Worksheet Writer Snap where the Snap failed to write data correctly after each batch write. When the Write Mode is Create New Worksheet and Overwrite worksheet if it exists checkbox is selected, the cell data is shifted by five columns to the right after each batch in the resulting worksheet. Now, the data is written correctly in the worksheet.
Modified the default values for OAuth2 Endpoint and Token values where the tenant-id was hardcoded. Now the tenant id is displayed as <tenant-id*> and not a static value.
The Snap retrieved only 1000 records and did not retrieve all the records from the directory. Now, Snap retrieves all the records from the directory.
The Snap failed with the 400 status code error during validation and aborted during execution when values were added in the Properties field. Now, Snap does not fail whether you add values to the Properties field or not.
Fixed an issue with the SAP IDoc Write Snap where the Snap wrote the same TID, Document_number, and so on for the different output documents though the I_DOCNUM array contained all the document numbers that are returned from SAP table. Now, the Snap writes different TID, Document_number for different output documents along with the I_DOCNUM array that contains all the document numbers.
Fixed an issue with SAP Execute and SAP IDoc Write Snaps where the output preview did not include the original document.
Enhanced the Excel Parser Snap with the Custom Locale dropdown list that allows you to select a user-defined locale to format numbers as per the selected locale.
Upgraded the Cometd version from 5.0.9 to the latest 7.0.6 version.
Fixed an issue where the Snap reported an error and stopped only at the next resubscribe attempt when it encountered the daily limit exceeded error. Now, the Snap displays the error and stops immediately when it encounters the daily limit exceeded error.
Simplified the logging that provides useful diagnostic information without logging any sensitive data.
Enhanced the Snap design to make the callbacks or listeners asynchronously by the Cometd API when there is a specific event, and the Snap responds accordingly.
Enhanced the tracking of replay ID of the most recent message processed so that Snap can send that replay ID if there is a need to resubscribe. If the server responds that the replay ID is invalid, Snap automatically sets the Replay ID value to -2 to get all available messages.
Fixed an issue with Oracle Bulk Load Snap where the Snap encountered an error when trying to load data into Timestampwithtimezone datatype field.
Fixed an issue with Oracle Execute Snap where the Snap did not display a valid error message when the delete condition was invalid.
Fixed an issue with Oracle - Merge Snap where the Snap displayed an error when the RetryInterval and Number of Retries fields were expression enabled and the values were passed using the Pipeline parameters.
Fixed an issue with the Oracle Stored Procedure Snap where the Snap errored out due to an upgrade made to HikariCP that caused a conditional failure and prevented the downstream Snaps to supply the parameters to the stored procedure.
Enhanced the Oracle - Merge and Oracle - Update Snaps with the Session parameters fieldset that provides National Language Support (NLS).
Fixed an issue with Azure SQL Bulk Load Snap where the Snaplex exited due to insufficient memory when a large number of rows are loaded into the target table and the input data contained a null value for a non-nullable column.
Fixed the following issues with the Snaps that use Snowflake Accounts Key Pair Authentication.
The Snaps were not able to read the private keys provided as Pipeline parameters, because the key was malformed by replacing the line breaks with whitespace characters. Now, the private keys are properly formed and read when provided as Pipeline parameters.
The Snap displayed a Null Point Exception error when you pass an invalid key into the Private Key field like test. Now, the Snap displays a valid error message.
Fixed an issue with the Snowflake Snaps due to an upgrade made to HikariCP that caused a conditional failure and prevented the downstream Snaps to supply the parameters to the stored procedure.
Fixed an issue with Snowflake Execute and Snowflake Select Snaps where the Snap displayed an exception error when the FLOAT or DOUBLE datatype column has the value as NaN (Not a Number). Now the output value is written as-is (NaN) for FLOAT or DOUBLE datatype column and does not display an exception.
Enhanced the following Snowflake Accounts with support for Key Pair Authentication.
Fixed an issue with JDBC Select and JDBC Insert Snaps where the Snaps did not load suggestions for the Table property. Now the Snaps load the suggestions correctly.
Enhanced the Generic Database account to support dynamic values for Account properties, Advanced properties, and URL properties so that you can pass these values through Pipeline parameters.
Enhanced the ELT Snap Pack to support the latest JDBC drivers across CDWs—Azure Synapse, BigQuery, DLP, Redshift, and Snowflake. See Configuring ELT Database Accounts or the respective Account page for the exact versions.
Enhanced the ELT Pivot Snap to make the Value List field dynamic.
Enhanced the ELT Snowflake Account with support for Key Pair Authentication.
Enhanced the ELT DLP Account to configure S3 Bucket, Azure Storage, and DeltaLake Storage Gen2 mounts.
Enhanced the end Snap SQL query in the ELT Insert Select Snap’s preview output to display the CREATE TABLE... or the DELETE/DROP TABLE statements to be run before the query that inserts/loads data into a new table in the Snowflake target CDW.
Fixed the issue with ELT Load Snap where the Snap caused an SQL exception—[Simba][SparkJDBCDriver](500051) ERROR processing query/statement when reading from a CSV file in S3 mount point on DBFS in the case of a DLP target instance.
The ELT Insert Select, ELT Merge Into, ELT Load, and the ELT SCD2 Snaps now run successfully even when the specified target table does not exist. The Snaps now create a new target table if it does not exist during Pipeline validation.
Upon Pipeline validation, displays the final SQL query to be executed on the target CDW in its output preview.
Can replace an existing target table with a new table and load the SCD2 entries from the source table/files into it. Use the new Overwrite existing table option in the Target Table action field to perform this action.
Fixed an issue with Marketo OAuth2 Account where the Snaps failed with ACCESS TOKEN EXPIRED error. Now the Snaps that use Marketo OAuth2 Account work as expected and does not display an expired token error.
Fixed an issue with Marketo Bulk Lead Upsert Snap where the Snap processed only successfully submitted batch jobs. Now, the Snap processes the failed batch jobs and logs the response message for each status.
Fixed an issue with Marketo Bulk Lead Upsert and Bulk Lead Extract Snaps where the Snaps did not display valid error messages for Timeout and Number of Retries property when the input is large, empty, or Null.