Migrate from Azure Active Directory Graph APIs to Microsoft Graph APIs

Microsoft deprecated its Azure Active Directory Graph APIs on 30 May 2022 and migrated to Microsoft Graph APIs. Hence, SnapLogic has migrated from Azure AD Graph APIs to Microsoft Graph APIs for all the endpoints.

Breaking Change:

  • If you have any existing pipelines that use the accounts authenticated with the old URL (OAuth2), then you must update them using the new URLs (v2.0) and reauthorize the account.

    • OAuth2 Endpoint: https://login.microsoftonline.com/2060aafa-89d9-423d-9514-eac46338ec05/oauth2/v2.0/authorize

    • OAuth2 Token: https://login.microsoftonline.com/2060aafa-89d9-423d-9514-eac46338ec05/oauth2/v2.0/token

  • The Azure AD Graph API still supports the endpoints without v2.0, but SnapLogic currently supports only the Microsoft Graph APIs. If you continue using the old URL (OAuth2) for authenticating your existing accounts, the accounts may be authorized, but the Snap fails and displays an unauthorized_access (401 error). Hence, we recommend that you update the URLs with v2.0 for calling APIs and modify the existing accounts to use the APIs.

  • If you have not configured Scope in the Auth endpoint config field set in your existing accounts, then you must set the Scope as https://graph.microsoft.com/.default offline_access in the field set, otherwise the Snap fails.

Learn how to identify the old OAuth2 URLs.


We recommend that you migrate your existing pipelines to the Microsoft Graph API to avoid breaking them due to the deprecation of the Azure AD Graph API.
For instance, if you have a Microsoft EntraID OAuth2 Account that uses the old URL, then you must update the fields in your existing account settings as shown below:

Configuration in the old account using Azure AD Graph API

using Azure AD Graph API.jpg

Account Settings

Configuration in the migrated (new) account using Microsoft Graph API

using Microsoft Graph API.jpg

Account Settings

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