November 2014 Launch Updates

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Live on November 22, 2014

Before You Begin

You need to clear your browser cache before you log into the latest SnapLogic Elastic Integration Platform.

See the appropriate documentation for your browser:



  • Support user password forget/renew. When creating a new user, the password is now generated by the server. The org admin can no longer define the password. In addition, the login screen now has an option for handling a forgotten password.

  • When Single Sign-on is enabled, SnapLogic's native login can be disabled for all users except Admin users.

  • Enhanced Account Encryption. In Groundplex configurations, account data is now encrypted before it is stored in SnapLogic. This is only supported on Google Chrome, version 37 and above.


  • You are now able to save projects as Patterns project. Owners of those projects, and anyone given full access to them, can create and edit patterns.


  • JSON Parser and Formatter Snaps are now supported in SnapReduce pipelines.
  • Support for Kerberos (Beta)

UI Changes

  • Designer

    • You can now turn off the auto validate that occurs on a pipeline save from the User Preferences and Settings dialog in Designer.

    • The panels within the Mapper Snap table are now resizable.

    • Snap Behavior Changes

      • Unique Snap Names. Now when a Snap is dragged onto the canvas, it is given a unique label name. This makes it easily identifiable in the execution log without you having to rename each Snap, though you can still do so.

      • Ctrl/Command+click to select multiple Snaps, Ctrl/Command+click to deselect a selected Snap

      • Right-click on a Snap to access a context menu where you can delete, copy/paste, or edit Snaps.

      • The ability to copy and paste configured Snaps.

  • Dashboard: "Time Updated" has been relabeled to "Time Started". When used in conjunction with Duration, this data provides more useful information.

  • Pipeline Documentation: Print or download a document that describes your pipeline, listing the Snaps and pipeline properties.

  • Lifecycle Management (Beta)

    • Manage pipeline development by creating and testing pipelines before moving them into production with the concept of phases. You must be subscribed to this feature to use it.

Note: This feature requires configuration by a SnapLogic Administrator as each phase will need its own Snaplex. It you wish to unsubscribe from this feature, you will need to work with a SnapLogic Administrator to reconfigure your environment. Existing customers should test this feature before applying it to their existing environment.

Other Enhancements

  • The maximum file size allowed on the SnapLogic file system (SLBD) of 100MB is now enforced.
  • Threshold settings can now be configured to limit the Snaplex node from accepting any new pipelines when the threshold is exceeded. See Configuration Options for more information.
  • You can now configure the refresh frequency of Dashboard Insights. See /wiki/spaces/DRWIP/pages/1438527 for more information.
  • Importing and exporting of projects will now export accounts if you have the Enhanced Account Encryption feature.
  • Expression language now supports typeof and instanceof.




  • Directory Browser Snap enhanced to support SLDB and S3. As part of this update, the Directory field is no longer a required field. Leaving it blank will default it to use the directory in which the pipeline is saved.
  • Google Analytics support for passing Start Date, End Date, Metrics and Dimensions as Parameters.
  • Support for webhdfs in the HDFS Snaps, File Read/Write/Delete Snaps, ZipFile Read/Write Snaps and Multi File Reader Snap.
  • OpenAir error messages enhanced.
  • File Writer now lets you set file permissions.
  • Aggregate now provides 2 new functions: concat and unique_concat
  • Database write Snaps now output all records to the error view if the write fails.


This is a significant change in behavior. Previously, certain error types would cause the pipeline to fail, regardless of output view configuration. Review your existing pipelines for any impacts this may have.

  • SAP Execute
    • New optional property: Error handling. This property lets you define the error handling. If any error paths and their error values match a corresponding value in the output document, then the document is routed to the error view (if enabled), or the Snap fails (if error view is disabled). Any newly created SAP Execute Snaps will add the default value above to provide a default for error handling. Any existing SAP Execute Snaps can be modified if needed to add default error handling.
    • Execute has a new BAPI list configuration table property to allow reducing the number of BAPI returned by the BAPI list suggest property.
  • SAP Account: an optional field, Router string, was added for proxy connections to a system protected by a firewall.

Migration Impacts

    • If you will be subscribing to the Pipeline Lifecycle Management feature, please note that items are promoted through the lifecycle at the project level, not on individual pipelines. You may need to reorganize your pipelines and their assets to smaller separate projects.
    • Feature change: Error views for database write-type Snaps now output all records if the batch fails. This change may impact existing pipelines.

Known Issues

    • "Shared" is a reserved word for project names. You cannot delete any project with the word "shared" in its name. You must rename the project before you can delete it.
    • Lifecycle Management: If a file fails to write correctly to SLDB and you try to promote the project, the promotion will fail with a "SLFS GET request failed" error message. To continue to promote the project, delete the file first.