Versions Compared


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In this article

Table of Contents


Use the REST Delete Snap to delete business object resources using a REST API call.


  • None.

Supported Features

Limitations and Known Issues

  • None.

Snap Input and Output

Input/OutputType of ViewNumber of ViewsExamples of Upstream and Downstream SnapsDescription
Input Document
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • REST Get
  • Mapper
  • Script
Each input document contains the ID of the object to be deleted at the REST API service endpoint.
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • REST Post
  • JSON Formatter
  • Mapper

Each output document contains response data from the REST API service endpoint detailing the status of the request.

Snap Settings

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueExample 
Insert excerpt
File Writer
File Writer
N/ADelete Identified Objects

Service URL


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Get


The Service URL for the REST snap has to be valid. If the Service URL contains any special characters, such as !, =, %21, $, and ^, the Snap throws an exception error. You can escape the special characters (using expression language) using one of the following methods:

We recommend you to use the former (encodeURIComponent) method to escape the special characters.

N/A"".replace("%s", $
HTTP entityString
Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

$ (if the HTTP entity that you want to delete is the value of the key in the input map.)

Batch sizeInteger
Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Patch
Show all headersCheck boxCheckbox

Multiexcerpt macro

The REST endpoint may return a response with multiple headers with the same header name.

  • If this property is deselected, only one response header will be shown in the output document.
  • If selected, the response header displays all the response header values received as a list of objects.

If any of these objects has a key-value format, it is parsed into the map data.

Trust all certificatesCheck box
Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post
Follow redirectsCheck box

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Query parametersFieldset
Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Query parameter

StringThe Specify the name (or key) of the query parameter.N/Aoauth2_access_token

Query parameter value

StringThe Specify the value associated with the query parameter.N/A$account.access_token
HTTP headerFieldset
Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post


StringThe Specify the name that you want to use for the HTTP header.N/A User-Agent


StringThe Specify the value that you want to assign to the HTTP header.N/ASnapLogic
Response entity typeString

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Get

Read timeoutInteger

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Connection timeoutInteger

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Maximum request attemptsInteger

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Retry request intervalInteger

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Snap ExecutionString
Multiexcerpt include macro
pageSOAP Execute
Validate and ExecuteExecute only


Batch execution failedThe Pipeline ended before the batch could complete execution due to a connection error.

Verify that the Batch size field is configured to handle the inputs properly. If you are not sure when the input data is available, configure this field as zero to keep the connection always open.

The provided URI is invalidIllegal character in scheme namePlease verify the provided URI and parameters are syntactically correct.
URL Parse Exception - 403The Service URL path might be containing any of the following special characters: !, =, %, #, $, ^&()_¢äâêîôûñç¡¿ÉÙËǨ°¸ðø©¢¾A+²½µ®§÷¶þ To escape the special characters, use the global function encodeURIComponent on any variables that might contain special characters so that they are encoded properly.


Creating and Deleting an Account in Salesforce Using REST Snaps

In this example, you create an account in Salesforce and delete it using REST Snaps.


To use this example, you need at least an account in the free version of Salesforce. To create a Salesforce account, see Salesforce Developers.

  1. You design the Pipeline as follows:

  2. In the JSON Generator Snap, you enter a name for the account that you want to create. In this example, you create an account called Test Account.

  3. You configure the REST Post Snap to create an account in your Salesforce instance using the account-name string of your choice. To do so:
    1. You use the URL provided by Salesforce for managing the accounts available in your instance.
    2. You use '$' in the HTTP entity field to specify that you want to use the string coming from the Snap upstream.
    3. You add an HTTP header to the Snap, instructing Salesforce to read the document coming in as a JSON file.

  4. You click the Account tab and select the account that you want to use with the Snap.

    You save your changes and close the Snap. When you validate the Snap, it creates an account in your Salesforce instance and displays the following output:

    The id field lists out the unique identifier of the new account created by the Snap.

  5. You now want to delete the account that you just created. To do so, you need to isolate the account ID from the REST Post Snap's output. You use a Mapper for this task.

    Upon validation, the Mapper Snap offers the following output:

  6. You now use the REST Delete Snap to delete the newly-created account:

    When the Snap is executed, the account is deleted.


patterns*.slp, *.zip

Insert excerpt
REST Snap Pack
REST Snap Pack