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Snap type:



This Snap executes a SQL delete with the given properties.



Support and limitations:

Works in Ultra Task Pipelines.


This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. See Configuring PostgreSQL Accounts for information on setting up this type of account.


InputThis Snap has exactly one document input view.
OutputThis Snap has at most one document output view.
ErrorThis Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Schema name

The database schema name. Selecting a schema filters the Table name list to show only those tables within the selected schema.


The values can be passed using the pipeline parameters but not the upstream parameter.

Table name

Required. Table name to execute the delete on.


The values can be passed using the pipeline parameters but not the upstream parameter.



Condition (Truncates Table if empty)

This is an expression property to specify the SQL WHERE clause of the delete statement. The delete condition may also be passed via an upstream Snap or through the pipeline parameters.
Enter in the where clause of the delete statement. Document field values can be substituted into the where clause by providing the path. For example, $person.firstname would insert the field 'firstname' from the 'person' object into the query (firstname == $person.firstname would become firstname == 'Joe' if $person.firstname evaluates to 'Joe').

This field is required to prevent all rows of a table from being deleted by accident.



Specify a valid WHERE clause for the delete condition. If you leave this field blank, the Snap truncates the table.

An example of a delete statement can be seen here


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageOracle - Update

Default value:  [None] 

Number of retries

Specifies the maximum number of attempts to be made to receive a response. The request is terminated if the attempts do not result in a response.

Example: 3

Default value: 0

Retry interval (seconds)

Specifies the time interval between two successive retry requests. A retry happens only when the previous attempt resulted in an exception. 

Example:  10

Default value: 1

Multiexcerpt include macro
nameSnap Execution
pageSOAP Execute

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageSOAP Execute

Insert excerpt
PostgreSQL Snap Pack
PostgreSQL Snap Pack