In this article
Snaps in this Snap Pack use the Azure Active Directory OAuth2 account to access the Azure Active Directory (AAD). For the OAuth2 account to function without any issue, ensure to (create and) configure an application corresponding to the account as explained in the steps below. These steps also contain the information required to create/define a new OAuth2 account for use with this Snap Pack.
Create/Access your Azure Portal Application
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Locate the Information Required to Create your OAuth2 Account
- Under Essentials, make a note of Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID.
- Under Manage, click Certificates & Secrets.
- On Certificates and Secrets page, click +New client secret.
- On the Add a client secret page, enter the Description and Expires and click Add.
The client secret value is generated. - Under Manage, click API permissions → Add a permission
- On the Request API permissions page, select Microsoft Graph → Delegated Permissions for the OAuth2 User account and Application Permissions for the OAuth2 application Account.
- You can select the permissions from Files, Users, and Sites. Choose all the required API permissions listed below:
- Click Add Permissions. You can see all the permissions added under Configured Permissions.
- Click Grant admin consent for SnapLogic Inc and select Yes.
- Click Overview and Add a Redirect URls.
- Under Platform Configurations, click Add a platform.
- Select Web and enter a valid redirecting URI and click Configure.
- Under Implicit grant and hybrid flows, select Access tokens (used for implicit flows) and ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows) checkbox and click Save.
Define Information Required to Create your OAuth2 Account
- Navigate to the Snap of your choice and configure the OAuth2 account with the following details:
- Client ID
- Tenant ID
- Client secret
- OAuth2 Endpoint:<tenant-id*>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
- OAuth2 Token:<tenant-id*>/oauth2/v2.0/token
To get the OAuth2 Endpoint and OAuth2 Token, click Overview → Endpoints and copy the (V2) endpoints - Auth Endpoint configuration:
- Authentication parameter: scope
- Authentication parameter value: offline_access
- Click Authorize. You will be redirected to the login page of Microsoft Azure Portal.
- Login and accept the permissions. The Access token and the Refresh Token will be generated.
- Check the Auto-refresh token checkbox in the account settings and click Apply.