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In this article


Field Name

Field Type



Default Value: RabbitMQ Consumer
Example: RabbitMQ Consumer


Specify a unique name for the Snap.


Default Value: N/A
Example: DemoExchange


. Specify a name of the RabbitMQ exchange bound to the queue. If you do not specify a value for exchange, the default exchange provided by RabbitMQ is considered.


Condition: Either Exchange or Queue has to be specified.

Exchange type

Default Value: direct
Example: fanout

Dropdown list

The type of RabbitMQ exchange used to push messages. Available options are:

  • direct: Routes the messages to the queues only on matching with the routing key.

  • fanout: Routes the messages to the queues that are bound to it regardless of the routing keys and patterns.

  • headersRoutes the messages to the queues based on header values as specified in the binding. Provide the x-match and Header Properties if selected.

  • topic: Routes the messages to the queues based on the routing key and the binding pattern.

Durable Exchange

Default Value: Selected


Select this checkbox to enable the exchange to be durable.


Default Value: N/A
Example: DemoQueue


Conditional. Specify a name of the RabbitMQ queue from which messages have to be consumed. If there is no queue with given queue name on RabbitMQ, then a new queue is created and consumer starts listening. If the exchange name and routing key are also specified, then the queue is bound to the exchange with the given routing key.


Either Exchange or Queue has to be specified.

Auto delete

Default Value: Deselected


Select this check box to indicate that the RabbitMQ autoDelete property associated with the existing queue is set to true.

Routing Key

Default Value: N/A


Specify the routing key to be used for binding the queue with the exchange.

Processing Mode

Default Value: Synchronous
Example: Asynchronous

Dropdown list

Select one of the following modes for processing messages:

Synchronous: In synchronous mode, the consumer processes messages from the destination one at a time until a STOP is read or the Message Count is reached.


If a message is not available, the consumer will retry for an available message at an interval of every 3 secs until the Message count is reached.

For example, if the Queue sends 8 messages, and the Message count is set to 10, the consumer processes the 8 messages one after the other, and sleeps for every 3 seconds for the remaining two unavailable messages.

Asynchronous: In asynchronous mode, the consumer reads the messages from the destination whenever the message arrives until a 'STOP' is read or the Message Count is reached. The consumer registers a messagelistener asynchronously. It does not block, but calls (the processmessage) immediately once a message is available.

Message Acknowledge Mode*


Dropdown list

Select one of the following modes of message acknowledgement for non-transacted sessions:

  • AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE the session acknowledges the receipt of a message when a call to receive method or when the message listener returns successfully.

  • PIPELINE_CONTROLthe client has the power when to acknowledge the message.  


Select the PIPELINE_CONTROL option when using the RabbitMQ Acknowledge Snap in a pipeline.

  • The RabbitMQ Consumer Snap writes the messages to the output view along with headers containing a DeliveryTag which is then forwarded to the RabbitMQ Acknowledge Snap. 

  • The RabbitMQ Acknowledge Snap may be positioned anywhere in the pipeline following the Consumer Snap. The RabbitMQ Acknowledge Snap should be configured with necessary acknowledgement mode based on message processing. Options available are Acknowledge, Reject and Recover. 


Default Value: all
Example: any

Dropdown list

Specify the x-match value to be submitted for binding. The available options are:

  • any: If selected, even one matching header value is sufficient

  • all: If selected, mandates that all the values should match 


Select x-match only when the Exchange type is header

Header properties

Use this fieldset to define header properties to bind the queue with an exchange as arguments.  


Configure Header properties only when the Exchange type is headers.

Header key

Default Value: N/A
Example: org


Specify the name of the header that is being used for the binding.

Header value

Default Value: N/A
Example: snap


Specify the header value corresponding to the respective header key.

Argument properties

Use this field set to define custom argument properties to ensure all declarations for the queues use the same configuration/options/arguments.  

Argument key

Default value: N/A


Specify the name of the argument used for declaration. See Optional Arguments in RabbitMQ documentation for more information.

Argument value

Default value: N/A
Example1048576, 2


Specify the value corresponding to the argument key.

Message Count

Default value: -1
Example: 5


Controls the number of messages to be consumed from the destination queue before the consumer is stopped. Negative integer value, that is the default value of -1 makes the consumer run indefinitely.

Possible values include:

  • -1: The consumer Snap runs in a never ending loop and keeps consuming messages from the destination. This is the default behavior. For example, if you set this field to the default value of -1, the Pipeline runs infinitely and reads all the messages until you stop that pipeline.

  • 0: The consumer Snap reads all the messages from the destination and then stops. For example, if there are 10 messages in the destination queue, all the 10 messages are read before it stops.

  • >0: The consumer Snap reads the specified number of messages before stopping. For example, if there are 20 messages in the queue and you have specified 4 as the value, then only 4 messages are read before it stops.

Maximum connection attempts

Default Value: 3
Example: 4


The Specify the maximum number of connection attempts in case of a connection failure. The Snap retries for the configured number of attempts for establishing the connection.

If it exceeds the configured value, and the Route connection errors property is enabled, the messages are routed to the error view with the error information along with the original.

When the Route connection errors property is disabled, the Snap displays the number of published messages along with the error information, however, the Snap fails.

Connection retry interval

Default Value: 10


The Specify the time taken in seconds to wait before retrying for another connection.

Route connection errors

Default Value: Deselected


If enabled, the Snap routes the Select this checkbox to route the connection errors to the error view displaying the error information along with the original. If disabledyou deselect this checkbox, the Snap fails to execute.

Snap Execution

Default Value: Validate & Execute
Example: Execute only

Dropdown list

Indicates how the Snap must be executed. Available options are:

  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap (up to 50 records) during Pipeline validation; performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline execution.

  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution; does not execute the Snap during Pipeline validation.

  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and, by extension, its downstream Snaps.


titleRabbitMQ Consumer Snap consumes the messages from a specified queue

This example Pipeline demonstrates how to consume messages from a specified queue and write them to the output view.

The RabbitMQ Consumer Snap, consumes the messages from the queue DemoQueue either in synchronous or asynchronous mode.

Note that the Consumer creates the Exchange and Queue if they are not available in the RabbitMQ server, and binds them based on the properties configured such as Routing keyHeader Properties, x-match etc., and then starts consuming the messages from the server. Successful execution of the Pipeline displays the message properties in the output preview:

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titleRabbitMQ Consumer Snap reads and sends messages to the CRM instance

In the below Pipeline, the RabbitMQ Consumer Snap reads the messages from a queue and sends them to the CRM instance. The JSON Parser parses the messages and maps the messages to the CRM instance. The Script Snap is configured for a time delay so all the messages configured in the queue are processed.
