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Table of Contents


Building a Groundplex requires you to set up a Snaplex, which you create in SnapLogic Manager. In the Snaplex Settings, you must specify the Type as Groundplex. After you create and set the initial configuration of the Snaplex, you can then install the appropriate package in your environment to create the Groundplex. You then use the Update Snaplex dialog in Manager to customize your Snaplex through the slpropz configuration file.


You must be an Org admin to create, update, and manage Snaplexes.

Creating the Snaplex

The following procedure provides the bare-minimum steps for creating a Snaplex. The configuration options are described afterward.


Settings Tab

The following table describes the fields on the Settings tab.



Although provided in the Snaplex settings, the load balancer details are not populated in the Triggered Task dialog.

Logging Properties

Click the Logging tab to configure logs associated with your Snaplex. 



Specify the minimum level of logging–or the type of details that you want to enable for the new Snaplex.

Available values:

  • Trace: Records details of all events associated with the Snaplex.

  • Debug: Records all events associated with the Snaplex.

  • Info: Records messages that outline the status of the Snaplex and the completed Tasks.

  • Warning: Records all warning messages associated with the Snaplex.

  • Error: Records all error messages associated with the Snaplex.

Default Value: Debug

Log file size

The maximum size of the log file to be created for the Snaplex.

Default Value: 50 MB

We recommend that you use a descriptive name for your Snaplex that you can easily identify.

Main backup count

The number of backup main log files that SnapLogic must maintain for the Snaplex.

Default Value: 10

Error backup count

The number of backup error log files that SnapLogic must maintain for the Snaplex.

Default Value: 5

Access backup count

The number of backup access log files that SnapLogic must maintain for the Snaplex.

Default Value: 5

Node Configuration Options

For Groundplex instances, you can customize your nodes in the following tabs:


Once you are done with these settings, click Create to create a new Snaplex.

Node Properties

Use the Node Properties tab to configure your Groundplex nodes.


Maximum slots

Each Snap in a Pipeline consumes a slot; so Pipelines can only be executed on nodes where the number of slots in use is below this threshold. Otherwise, they will fail or be queued, depending on how they were executed. The number of slots in use corresponds to the number of active threads on a node, which you can be view in the Snaplex Health dashboard.

Default Value: 4000

Reserved slots are used when a Pipeline or validation is executed manually from SnapLogic Designer. If no slots are reserved, then these interactive Pipeline executions—Pipeline executions run from Designer for testing or validation purposes—can be blocked by long-running executions. You can adjust this setting based on your experience if the default value is not optimal. To reserve more slots for interactive sessions, set your value lower. If the Snaplex is not being used for interactive Pipeline building, set this value higher.

Reserved slot %

The percentage of slots that you want to reserve on a node for Pipelines executed through the Designer tab. Pipelines executed using Tasks or the ForEach Snap do not have access to these slots.

Changes made to this setting do not require a restart.

Default value: 15

Maximum memory %

The memory threshold at–and above–which no more Pipelines can be assigned to a node.

Changes made to this setting do not require a restart.

Default value: 85

The following settings apply only to Self-managed Snaplexes (Groundplexes ).

Heap max size

The maximum JVM heap size.

Default value: auto

When the value is auto, SnapLogic automatically sets the maximum heap size based on the available machine memory.

HTTP Interface

Specify the location from which the Snaplex node can accept HTTP network connections. The following options are available:

  • Localhost only (

  • Any interface (

Default Value: Localhost only (


The HTTP port on which the Snaplex node listens for connections.

Default Values: 8090 for a JCC node and 8091 for a FeedMaster.


The HTTPS port on which the Snaplex node listens for connections. 

Default Values: 8081 for a JCC node and 8084 for a FeedMaster.

Restart Max Wait Time

The maximum wait time before restarting a node.

Default Value: 15 minutes

Global Properties (Key/Value pairs)

Internal configuration options. Do not edit these values without contacting your CSM.

Default Value: No default value.

Node Proxies

Use the Node Proxies tab to configure the proxies for your Groundplex nodes.
