Versions Compared


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  • Total processors
  • Machine memory, JVM memory, and memory used
  • OS architecture, name, and version of the host machine
  • Number of max file descriptors and open file descriptors
  • Number of active threads
  • If a FeedMaster is configured, you will also see:
    • Connected nodes
    • Requests in progress, including the task names and queue sizes.
  • For a Groundplex, you can view the URI of the node and the secure URI of the node.
    The secure URI opens a local dashboard for your Groundplex that would be available during maintenance mode or other disconnections and provide information on your Ultra Pipelines in progress.
  • See executing pipelines opens the Pipeline tab in Dashboard, filtered to the selected Snaplex node.
  • Setting Maintenance completes any current jobs on the node and then prevent additional jobs from being run on that node until Undo Maintenance is selected.
  • The Restart option lets you determine whether or not to wait for executing Pipelines to finish.
