The Business Central Search Snap works as expected when passing values from upstream Snaps for fields such as Entity, Start page number and Max page number, but does not support upstream values for Timeout, Number of retries, and Retry interval fields.
Snap Type
The Dynamics 365 Business Central Search Snap is a Read-type Snap.
Configure the top parameter as follows. Configure the Attribute in the Order by field set with displayName as ascending. | On validation, the Snap displays the top five records with the unit cost between 10 and 20 with displayName in the ascending order. |
You can configure the Value in the Query parameter field set with different entities related to the items Entity. | On validation, the output displays the corresponding record for the specified entities. |
You can configure the entity with specific output fields. | On validation, the output displays only the specified field |
Setting | Output |
Configure the parameter valuein the Query parameter as follows: | On validation, the Snap filters out the records with displayName = 'Glass Carafe' when unit cost is between 16 and 20. |
Info |