Versions Compared


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In this article

Table of Contents


The REST GET Snap Link HTTP response header maybe be malformed compared to other third-party applications like POSTMAN.

Snap Views

View Type

View Format

Number of Views

Examples of Upstream and Downstream Snaps




  • Min: 0

  • Max: 1

  • Mapper

  • Script

  • Router

Each input document offers details associated with the data required from the target RESTful server.



  • Min: 0

  • Max: 1

  • JSON Splitter

  • JSON Formatter

  • Join

Each output document contains data retrieved from the RESTful web server.

If the Snap fails during the operation, it sends an error document to the error view containing the fields error, reason, resolution, and stacktrace. However, you must enable the Error view to view the error document.


Error handling is a generic way to handle errors without losing data or failing the Snap execution. You can handle the errors that the Snap might encounter while running the Pipeline by choosing one of the following options from the When errors occur list under the Views tab:

  • Stop Pipeline Execution: Stops the current pipeline execution when the Snap encounters an error.

  • Discard Error Data and Continue: Ignores the error, discards that record, and continues with the remaining records.

  • Route Error Data to Error View: Routes the error data to an error view without stopping the Snap execution.

Learn more about Error handling in Pipelines.

Snap Settings

Field Name

Field Type



Default ValueREST Get
ExampleGet User Details


Specify a unique name for the Snap.

Service URL*

Default Value: N/A


Specify the service endpoint URL of REST API. You can provide the URL in one of the following ways:

  • As a JavaScript expression in expression language.

For example:'+encodeURIComponent("Special_char_owner_!3)12.json")

  • As a plain string that you should enclose in double quotes ("").

For example: "".replace("%s", $.widg

For Snaps using AWS Signature V4 accounts, you can use the canonical name (CNAME) for the URI so it's not necessary for the URL to end with or have the region and service provided in it. However, if you are using the CNAME you must provide it in the AWS Region and Service Name fields in the AWS Signature V4 account.

The host name in the CNAME must be equal to the bucket name.

For example:
Previous URI:

New URI with CNAME:

Here, the bucket name is

The Snap finds the value at the JSON path $ in the input data and replaces "%s" in the Service URL with the value. You can connect File Reader and JSON Parser Snaps upstream of a REST Put Snap and prepare the following JSON file for the File Reader Snap:

Paste code macro
 { "widget": { "id": "111", "name": "foo" } }
 { "widget": { "id": "555", "name": "bar" } }


The Service URL for a REST snap must be valid. If the Service URL contains any special characters, such as !, =, %21, $, and ^, the Snap throws an exception error. You can escape the special characters (using expression language) with one of the following methods:

  • Use the global function encodeURIComponent on any variables that might contain special characters so that they are encoded properly.

For example: /'+encodeURIComponent(_fileName)

  • If you are aware of the code, use the code directly in the Service URL field.

For example (where <%213%2912> is the code): /Special_char_owner_%213%2912.json

We recommend that you use the encodeURIComponent method to escape the special characters.

Process array

Default ValueDeselected


Select to produce a stream of documents with one record in each document. 

  • If the Process Array property is selected, it takes a response that’s an array [{"value": 1}, {"value": 2}] and provides the individual inner json as separate documents. If the content provided doesn’t parse with the provided Content-Type, the snap will error.

  • If the Process Array property is not selected, the Snaps attempts to convert the entity to a string or a byte array depending on the response headers. 

Trust all certificates

Default ValueDeselected


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Follow redirects

Default Value: Selected


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Query parameters

Default Value: N/A

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Query parameter

Default ValueN/A
Example: id


The name of the query parameter.

Query parameter value

Default Value: N/A


The value that you want to assign to the parameter.

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Put

HTTP Header

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post


Default Value: N/A


The name of the HTTP header.

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Put


Default Value: N/A


The value that you want to assign to the HTTP header.

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Put

Response entity type

Default ValueDEFAULT

Dropdown list

Select one of the following response entity types you want the Snap to display in the output document.:

  • DEFAULT - Select this option to enable the Snap to process the response automatically. The response entity is processed automatically based on the Content-Type header in the response. If the content provided does not parse with the provided Content-Type, the snap will result in an error.
    The following two scenarios describe the Snap’s behavior when using the Process Array checkbox::

    • When you select the Process Array checkbox, the Snap parses JSON or XML and produces a stream of documents at the output view.

    • When you deselect the Process Array checkbox, the Snaps sends the data as it is at the output view.   

  • TEXT - Select this option to enable, the Snap to produce an entity of string type.

  • BINARY - Select this option to enable the Snap to produce an entity of byte array type.


If you select TEXT or BINARY, the Snap does not parse the entity content. If you select DEFAULT, the Snap produces the expected result in most cases, but if it fails to process as expected, you can set the Response entity type to TEXT or BINARY.

Cookie Policy

Default Value: Ignore Cookies
Example: RFC Strict

Dropdown list

Select a Cookie Policy from the following options:

  • Browser Compatibility: This policy is compatible with different servers even if they are not completely standards-compliant. If you are facing issues while parsing cookies, you should try using this policy.

  • Ignore Cookies: This cookie policy ignores all cookies. You should use this policy to prevent HTTP Client from accepting and sending cookies.

  • RFC Strict: This policy uses the set-cookie header

  • RFC Lax: The policy uses set-cookie and set-cookie2 for parsing.

Read timeout

Default Value: 900
Example: 60


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Connection timeout

Default Value: 30


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Maximum request attempts 

Default Value5


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Retry request interval

Default Value3


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Retry Policy

Default ValueConnection errors
ExampleAll errors


Select how you want to handle connection and error responses from the following options:

Connection errors:

Select one of the following response entity types you want the Snap to display in the output document.:

  • DEFAULT - Select this option to enable the Snap to process the response automatically. The response entity is processed automatically based on the Content-Type header in the response. If the content provided does not parse with the provided Content-Type, the snap will result in an error.
    The following two scenarios describe the Snap’s behavior when using the Process Array checkbox:

    • When you select the Process Array checkbox, the Snap parses JSON or XML and produces a stream of documents at the output view.

    • When you deselect the Process Array checkbox, the Snaps sends the data as it is at the output view.   

  • TEXT - Select this option to enable, the Snap to produce an entity of string type.

  • BINARY - Select this option to enable the Snap to produce an entity of byte array type.

Retry Policy

Default ValueConnection errors
ExampleAll errors


Select how you want to handle connection and error responses from the following options:

  • Connection errors: Occurs when a client fails to establish a secure connection to the server.

  • Connection and auth errors (401/403): Occurs when either the user authorization fails or access to the page/resource is forbidden.

  • Connection and client errors (4xx): Occurs when the request for the resource contains bad syntax

  • or when the resource is not found (404).

  • Connection and server errors (5xx): Occurs when the server is unable to complete a request.

  • All errors: Applies to all of the above-listed errors.

Normalize URL


nameNormalize URL

Select this checkbox to normalize the Service URL. This enables the Snap to convert double slashes (//) in the URL path to single slash (/).
For example, is converted to

Deselecting this check box reverts the Snap to 4.19 Snaplex behavior, wherein the URL paths were not normalized by default.


In the 4.20 Release, due to the HTTP client upgrade the URL paths were normalized by default. Hence, there was a change in behavior in handling the URL paths in 4.20 release when compared to 4.19. This change in behavior should not impact the existing Pipelines, because most of the websites map URL paths with double or single slashes to the same endpoint. For example, and direct to the same endpoint. Therefore, we recommend you to select the Normalize URL checkbox.

However, an exception to this is when you use non-standard URLs that differentiate the URL paths containing double slashes from those with single slashes and map them to different endpoints, in which case you must deselect Normalize URL check box. 
For example, http://host/pages/foo.html and http://host/pages//foo.html point to different URIs, and servers assign different meanings to them.

Default ValueSelected

Has next

Default Value: N/A


Enter the expression that must be evaluated on the output document to true or false, to indicate whether there are more records available. The Snap continues to read the next page until this expression evaluates to false in the new set of output documents.


Has next is a property in the API response that indicates whether there are more records to be fetched. This property is used for the REST Get pagination feature, which retrieves 20 records at a time (referred to as a page), by default. Learn more about REST Get#RESTGetPagination.

To see this property in action, see Retrieving Contact Information from HubSpot or Retrieving Contact Information from HubSpot Using Upstream Values, below.


This field is null-safe; if the evaluated value is null, or if there is no value provided in Has next field, the Snap stops the pagination.

Next URL

Default ValueN/A
Example: $entity['has-more']


Enter the expression that is evaluated on the output document to a URL that the Snap must use to get the next page. This property is used for the REST Get pagination feature.

The Next URL has two components, which are structured as follows:
"<endpoint_URL>&<offset_indicator>=" + $entity['last_ID_retrieved']

  • The first component contains the URL of the endpoint and an instruction to look for the offset indicator. ("<endpoint_URL>&<offset_indicator>=").

  • The second component is a pointer to the parameter in the API response that contains the ID of the last entity retrieved. This tells the endpoint that the next page must contain entities that are returned after the entity number listed in the Next URL.

You can create the Next URL in either of the following ways:

  • You can enter the entire URL in the expression and include the parameter required to fetch the next set of documents.
    Example: "" + $entity['vid-offset']

  • If you have the URL part of the Next URL as an input from an upstream Snap, you can structure the Next URL expression using the original parameter in the API response received. 
    For example, if you have the following input coming from upstream:

    Paste code macro
      "url": ""

    You can configure the Next URL field as follows:

    Paste code macro
    $original.msg+ "=" + $entity['vid-offset']

    Here, vid-offset is the API response parameter containing the ID of the last output received from the endpoint.
    If the API response does not contain a field with information about the last entity retrieved, you can use the Snap's output document count to fetch the next page.
    For example, <' + (snap.out.totalCount + 1).toString()>

For additional information, see Retrieving Contact Information from HubSpot or Retrieving Contact Information from HubSpot Using Upstream Values.


The Next URL is evaluated as an expression but not encoded, which is the general behavior of the Snap.

Pagination interval(s)

Default Value0


The number of seconds for the Snap to wait before attempting to get the next page.

Show all headers

Default ValueDeselected


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Delete

Snap Execution

Default ValueValidate & Execute
ExampleValidate & Execute


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageAnaplan Read


REST Get Pagination


The response can provide gzipped data. In that case, the Snap can be configured to process it using the header parameter:

HTTP Header







The stream is then uncompressed while parsing the data and making it available on the output view.





Failed to execute HTTP request.

The Service URL must have a protocol, such as http://, https://.

Check the Snap properties. Specifically, check your entry in the Service URL field.

<Service_URL>: Name or service not known. This basically means that the service URL you entered is not accessible.

Failure: Validation errors: property_map.settings.serviceUrl.value: Could not compile expression: <Service_URL>

The snap settings are not correct. Encountered extraneous input ':' at line 1:5; expecting={<EOF>, '||', '&&', '^', '==', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '?', 'instanceof', 'in', 'matches', '[', '(', '.', PropertyRef}.

This means that you have turned expressions on (Image Modified) while entering string value into the Service URL field.

Fix the snap configuration and try executing again. Please check expression syntax. Ensure that your service URL is a proper expression; or turn off the expression control (Image Modified). 

Multiexcerpt macro

For more information on the expression language, see Understanding Expressions in SnapLogic and Using Expressions.

URL Parse Exception - 403

The Service URL path might be containing any of the following special characters:
!, =, %, #, $, ^&()_¢äâêîôûñç¡¿ÉÙËǨ°¸ðø©¢¾A+²½µ®§÷¶þ 

To escape the special characters, use the global function encodeURIComponent on any variables that might contain special characters so that they are encoded properly.

Too many Requests - 429

There are too many requests to REST endpoint.

Wait for the retry to succeed.

Rest related Snaps extract the response header and automatically retry when they encounter status 429.

By default, the retry interval (Retry-After) is specified in the HTTP response header. If no value is available for Retry-After, then the Snap’s Retry Interval value is used.


Retrieving Contact Information from HubSpot


REST Get configuration details: The following configuration details are key to understanding this example:




Service URL

This is a demo API offered by HubSpot, which returns details of all contacts created in the demo account, in descending order. This API only scrolls back 30 days in time.

Has next


The REST Get Snap lists 20 documents by default. If there are more contacts created during the 30 days preceding the call, this API returns true for the key has-more.

Next URL

"" + $entity['vid-offset']

This is the URL that the Snap calls to retrieve the next set of 20 documents. In this URL, vid-offset is the ID of the last user whose details were retrieved in the preceding call. For example, if the ID of the last user in the API response is 12345, then that will be the value of the vid-offset parameter.

Step 4: Execute the Snap—it lists out API response entities in sets of 20, until the last contact information is listed out, and the has-more field changes to false:


Retrieving Contact Information from HubSpot Using Upstream Values

In this example, we use values from the upstream Snap in the Has next property of the REST Get Snap to retrieve the list of users created most recently in HubSpot.


The following configuration details are critical to understand this example:




Service URL

This is a demo API offered by HubSpot, which lists out a few details of their most recently created users in descending order. This API only scrolls back 30 days in time.

Has next


The Get all contacts API offers 20 documents by default. If there are more contacts created during the 30 days preceding the call, this API returns true for the key has-more.

Next URL

$original.url+ "=" + $entity['vid-offset']

This is the expression that uses the value received from the upstream JSON Generator Snap to create the URL that the Snap calls to retrieve the next set of documents. In this URL, vid-offset is the ID of the last user whose details were retrieved in the preceding call. For example, if the ID of the last user in the API response is 12345, then that will be the value of the vid-offset parameter.

Step 2: Execute the Sna. It lists out API response entities in sets of 20, until the last contact information is listed out, and the has-more field changes to false.
