Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Table of Contents


  • Changes in the query in the error messages:

    • Some error messages will now include the data type for certain values, for example:

      • Old: "...where (badId = 1) was aborted:..."

      • New: "...where (badId = ('1'::numeric)) was aborted:..."

  • Improvisations in error messages:

    • There are some minor text changes to few of the error messages, for example:

      • Old"Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument types."

      • New"Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s)."


PostgreSQL Snaps


Error/Output from the old (v9.4.1207) JDBC Driver

Error/Output from the new (v42.7.2 (Java 8)) JDBC Driver


When you provide multiple statements in the SQL Statement field, the Snap fails.

Status: 0

Output message: Success

Status: -3

Error message: Batch operation failed




Table columns of the Array type now output the data as a list instead of a string.

Output as a string:

{array_col_value={a, b, c}} 

Output message is now in an array:

{array_col_value=[a, b, c]}





The various invalid SQL operation scenarios that result in failure include the following (but are not limited to):

  • When the input value

  • you provide for a column is invalid for the column type.

Where a column referenced in the query does not exist in the table.
  • When you perform a delete operation that references a non-existent column.

  • When you use an operator that does not exist or does not match given argument types.

  • When the query references some relation (schema, table, etc.) that does not exist.

  • When the query references a column that does not exist

Error Message: SQL operation failed/core errors

Reason: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type "DataType": "Invalid input" <scenario-specific message> Position: <number>, error <error code : 0, and SQL state information>

For example: 22007

column\"query\"of relation \"updateTests\"does not exist\n \"query\" = 'id =2', \n \"id\" = 2,\n \"c_int\" = 40\nwhere (id=2) was aborted.

Reason: "Error: column\"query\"of relation\"does not exist\n Position: 0, error code: 0, SQL state:42703",Error Message: Batch operation failed

Reason: Batch entry 0 <query> was aborted: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type 'Col DataType' : "invalid input" <scenario-specific message> Position: <number> Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch., error <error code : 0, and SQL state : 22007, next exception: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type 'Col DataType': "invalid input" Position: <number>

ERROR: 42703, next exception: ERROR: column \"query\"of relation\"updateTests\" does not exist\n Positon: 40",

Reason: "Batch entry 0 update\"snapteam1\".\"updateTests\"\nset\n \"query\" = 'id = 2',\n \"c_int\" = 40\nwhere (id = 2) was aborted:

Scenarios that can result in these kinds of error message changes include (but are not limited to):

  • When the input value provided for a column is invalid for the column type.

  • When performing a delete that references a non-existent column.

  • When using an operator that does not exist or does not match given argument types.

  • When the query references some relation (schema, table, etc.) that does not exist.

  • When the query references a column that doesn’t exist

Batch entry 0 <query> was abortedinformation>, next exception: ERROR: <scenario-specific message> Position: <number> Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch., <error code and SQL state info>, next exception: <>



When the metadata is returned from the Snap’s second output view.

The original number of columns in the input data is displayed in the output.

In Select Snap, the second output view, some new columns are introduced.



When the delete condition has an unterminated quote string.

Error message: SQL operation failed
Reason : ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near "' )"\n Position: <number>, error code: 0, SQL state: 42601

Error message: SQL operation failed
Reason: "SQL [<query>]; Unterminated string literal started at position <number> in SQL <query>. Expected char"


When you provide the following query:

"create table <name> as <query>"

Status : 0
Message : Success

Status: 5
The <number> for Status indicates the number of rows used from the source to create the new table.
Message: Success

All PostgreSQL Snaps

When the Dynamic Account has incorrect credentials.

Error : SQL operation failed
Reason : "java.lang.RuntimeException: Driver org.postgresql.Driver claims to not accept jdbcUrl, jdbc:postgresql://??, Driver org.postgresql.Driver claims to not accept jdbcUrl, jdbc:postgresql://??"

Error message: SQL operation failed
Reason : "Failed to retrieve a database connection."
