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Use this account type to connect PostgreSQL Snaps with data sources that use PostgreSQL accounts.


PostgreSQL instance in Postgres.

Account Settings

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueExample 
Label*StringUnique name for the account.N/APostgreSQL_Account_Type
Authentication methodDropdown list

Select the authentication method to create your Postgres Account. The available options are:

  • User ID and password

  • IAM Auth

User ID and passwordIAM Auth
Account propertiesField set

Required.Enter here the information needed to create a connection to the database.





Required.The address of the PostgreSQL server to which you want to connect.N/A"acc-postgresql-us-test-rsd.amazonaws.com"

Port number*



Required.The port number that you want to use to connect to the PostgreSQL database.33061212

Database name*



Required.The name of the database to which you want to connect.N/ATestDB




The username that is allowed to connect to the database. This will be used as the default username when retrieving connections.


The Username is mandatory for both the authentication types:

  • User ID and password: Example, snapuser

  • IAM Auth: Example, iamuser





The password associated with the username that you want to use to connect to your account. This password will be used as the default password when retrieving connections.N/AN/A


Field setThe list of JDBC jar files that must be loaded for the account to work.N/AN/A

JDBC driver


The JDBC driver must be loaded for the account to work. The default Postgres driver is used when you do not provide a driver. (Default driver: postgres 42.7.2.jar). Learn more.


JDBC driver class

StringThe JDBC driver class that you want to use with the account.org.postgresql.DriverN/A
IAM propertiesAppears when you select the IAM Auth for the Authentication methodConfigure the IAM-releated properties for IAM authentication.
IAM roleCheckbox

Appears when you select the IAM Auth for the Authentication method.

Select this checkbox to use the IAM role stored in the Groundplex EC2 instance.

  • The IAM roleis valid only in Groundplex nodes hosted in the EC2 environment. Learn more about - Configuring an EC2 role for IAM Role in AWS S3 Account.

  • When you choose IAM Auth as the Authentication method, you must provide the username. 
  • When you select the IAM role checkbox, the AWS access key, AWS secret key, and AWS security token fields are hidden.

AWS access key IDString


Appears when you select the IAM Auth for the Authentication method and deselect IAM role checkbox.

Specify the AWS access key ID associated with your AWS account.

AWS secret access keyString


Appears when you select the IAM Auth for the Authentication method and deselect IAM role checkbox.

Specify the Secret Key associated with your AWS authentication.



AWS security tokenString


Appears when you select the IAM Auth for the Authentication method and deselect IAM role checkbox.

Specify the Security Token used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Only global Security Token Service (STS) regions are supported.

AWS regionString


Appears when you select the IAM Auth for the Authentication method.

Specify the AWS region where the application is running.

Cross account IAM properties

Appears when you select IAM Auth for Authentication method.

 Use this field set to configure the cross-account access. Learn more about - Setting up Cross account IAM Role.

Role ARNString


Appears when you select IAM Auth for Authentication method.

Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.

External IDString


Appears when you select IAM Auth for Authentication method.

Specify an External ID that might be required by the role to assume.


Configure SSH Tunnel



Select this checkbox if Snap needs to create an SSH tunnel for connecting the Snaplex to the PostgreSQL server. After the operation is completed, the tunnel is closed.

If you select this checkbox, you must provide the configuration details on the SSH tunnel.

Learn more about Setting Up SSH Tunneling with PostgreSQL.


SSH auth mode*

Dropdown list/Expression

Select an option to specify the mode for authenticating the user on the SSH tunnel. The available options are:

  • Password: Select this option if you want to use the configured SSH Hostname, SSH Username, and the SSH Password properties directly.

  • KeyFile (Private Key File): Select this option if you want to upload a file for the Key.

  • KeyFile (Private Key String): Select this option if you want to copy and paste the private key contents into the account.

This value is considered only if the Configure SSH Tunnel checkbox is selected.


SSH hostname*



Specify the IP address or the domain name of the SSH server to which you want to connect.


SSH username*



Specify the SSH username for connecting to the tunnel. 


SSH password*



Specify the password for the specified SSH username for connecting to the SSH tunnel. This field is required if SSH Auth Mode is Password


Private key file URL*


Specify the location of the keystore file. This field is required if SSH Auth Mode is KeyFile (Private Key File).

The file can be in SLDB, on the host machine that is hosting the JCC, or at any other remote location. For a local file, click to select the appropriate file using the file browser. You can also upload the file using any protocol such as https, ftp, sldb, and sftp.


Private key



Specify the private key for authentication. This field is required if SSH Auth Mode is KeyFile (Private Key String).




Private key passphrase 



Specify the password that is to be used to decrypt the private key. This field is required if SSH Auth Mode is KeyFile.


SSH Port*



Specify the SSH port to connect to the PostgreSQL Server.


Ensure that there are no port conflicts.



Advanced PropertiesField setAdvanced properties associated with the PostgreSQL account type.N/AN/A

Auto commit



Select this check box to commit each batch of processed data immediately after execution. If the Snap fails, only the batch being executed at that moment is rolled back.

Deselect this check box to commit processed data only after all the batches are executed. If the Snap fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, unless the Snap finds invalid input data before it sends the insert request to the server and routes the error documents to the Error view.


Batch size*



Required. The number of statements to execute at a time.

Select queries are not batched.


Using a large batch size could use up the JDBC placeholder limit of 2100.


Fetch size*



Required.The number of rows to fetch at a time when executing a query.


Large values could cause the server to run out of memory.


Max pool size*



Required. The maximum number of connections that a pool will maintain at a time.5030

Max lifetime (minutes)*



Required. The maximum lifetime (in minutes) of a connection in the pool. Ensure that the value you enter is a few seconds shorter than any database or infrastructure-imposed connection time limit. A value of 0 indicates an infinite lifetime, subject to the Idle Timeout value. An in-use connection is never retired. Connections are removed only after they are closed.3050

Idle timeout (minutes)*



Required. The maximum amount of time (in minutes) that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool. A value of 0 indicates that idle connections are never removed from the pool.510

Checkout timeout (milliseconds)*



Required. The number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to be available when the pool is exhausted. Zero waits forever. The Snap throws an exception after the wait time has expired.


If you provide 0, the Snap waits infinitely until the connection is available. Therefore, we recommend you not to specify 0 for Checkout Timeout.

URL propertiesFieldsetUse this fieldset to specify properties associated with the URL created to make the connection with your account.N/AN/A

URL property name



The name of the URL property.N/AsocketTimeout

URL property value



The value associated with the URL property listed in the URL property name field.N/A10




ErrorReason Resolution

When you set up a PostgreSQL 15.3 (RDS), with the default driver (9.4.1207 ), the Snap fails with the following fatal error:

no pg_hba.conf entry for host "<hostname>", user "<username>", database "<database_name>", no encryption

The PostgreSQL server versions after 9.4.1207 may not be compatible with the default bundled PostgreSQL JAR in the Snap. 

Explicitly upload and use a recent JDBC driver. 42.5.2 or 42.6.0

You can download the latest JAR file from here: https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download

Invalid IAM properties.

Either the AWS access key ID or AWS secret key has an empty value.

Provide valid values for AWS access key ID and AWS secret key.


JDBC Driver Hangs in Case of Connection Error

The default socketTime value in PostgreSQL accounts is 0; this causes the JDBC driver to hang if there are any connection errors. To overcome this, configure the URL properties in Account settings with the following parameter and value:

URL property name
URL property value

A SocketTimeout value of 10 ensures that the JDBC driver returns no connections after 10 seconds.

Timeout Issue

A connection failure does not suspend the running PostgreSQL Pipelines if the timeout value is lesser than the time to process the query. To overcome this issue, set the URL property socketTimeout with a longer time period than that of the longest expected query.

URL property nameURL property value
socketTimeout<time in seconds>

SSL Connection - Validation Issue

When connecting to an SSL enabled PostgreSQL account, the account fails in validation. To overcome this, configure the URL properties in Account settings to establish an SSL connection with the following parameter and value:

URL property nameURL property value

Auto Commit with Execute Snaps

For a DB Execute Snap, assume that a stream of documents enters the input view of the Snap and the SQL statement property has JSON paths in the WHERE clause. If the number of documents is large, the Snap executes in more than one batches rather than executing one per each document. Each batch would contain a certain number of WHERE clause values. If Auto commit is turned on, a failure would only roll back the records in the current batch. If Auto commit is turned off, the entire operation would be rolled back. For a single execute statement (with no input view), the setting has no practical effect.

Insert excerpt
PostgreSQL Snap Pack
PostgreSQL Snap Pack

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