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Avoid updating account credentials while pipelines using that account are executing. Doing so may lead to unexpected results, including your account getting locked.

Account Encryption

Standard Encryption

If you are using Standard Encryption, the High sensitivity settings under Enhanced Encryption are followed.

Enhanced Encryption

If you have the Enhanced Account Encryption feature, the following fields are encrypted for each sensitivity level selected for this account.

  • High: Password

  • Medium + High: Username, password

  • Low + Medium + High: Username, password, JDBC URL

Active Directory authentication

SnapLogic supports Active Directory authentication for SQL server for mssql-jdbc-6.2.2-jre8.jar driver. Ensure that you have installed the mssql-jdbc-6.2.2-jre8.jar file. Also, use the following configurations in Account Settings to configure Active Directory authentication:

  • JDBC Driver class:

  • JDBC Connection URL: jdbc:sqlserver://ServerNameFQDN:portNumber;databaseName=DBNAME

SnapLogic supports Active Directory authentication for SQL Server using the User impersonation method. The prerequisites are as follows:


  • DRIVER CLASS: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver 

  • JDBC URL FORMAT: jdbc:jtds:sybase://<host>[:<port>][/<database_name>] 
    Examples:  jdbc:jtds:sybase://


This section provides examples of JDBC connection details for different sources. Note that specifics may vary based on the Operating System or Database version.


Varies based on version. See for general information on Hive JDBC Drivers for HiveServer2.



Oracle does not support the JDBC-ODBC Bridge from Java 8 and recommends using JDBC drivers provided by the vendor for database. However, if the database vendor supports the JDBC ODBC bridge, then you can use it with the JDBC Snap Pack, but SnapLogic does not certify any JDBC ODBC bridge connections.

SAP Hana

  • JDBC Driver Jar: ngdbc.jar

  • JDBC Driver Class:

  • JDBC URL: jdbc:sap://<host>:<port>/?currentschema=<your HANA Schema> 


  • JDBC Driver Jar: jconn4.jar

  • JDBC Driver Classcom.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver

  • JDBC URL: jdbc:sybase:Tds:<host>:<port2048>/<database> 



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pageJDBC Snap Pack


Related information

FAQ - JDBC jOOQ Upgrade