Versions Compared


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In this article

Table of Contents


Supported Modes for Pipelines



Standard mode (default)

  • A new child pipeline is launched for each input document in the standard mode.

  • If you set the pool size to n (where n is any number with the default setting value of 1, then n concurrent child pipelines can run simultaneously. Each child pipeline processes one document from the parent and then completes.

Reuse mode

  • In reuse mode, child pipelines are started, and each child pipeline instance can process multiple input documents from the parent.

  • If you set the pool size to n (default 1), then n number of child pipelines are started and they will process the input document in a streaming manner. The child pipeline needs to have an unlinked input view for use in reuse mode.

  • Reuse mode is more performant, but it has the restriction that the child pipeline has to be a streaming pipeline.

  • In reuse mode if a child pipeline fails, it causes the parent pipeline to fail.

Resumable Child pipeline

  • The resumable pipeline does not support the Pipeline Execute Snap.

  • A regular mode pipeline can use the Pipeline Execute Snap to call a Resumable mode pipeline. If the child pipeline is a Resumable pipeline, then the batch size cannot be greater than one. 

Ultra Task pipelines

  • Works in Ultra Task pipelines with the following exceptions:

    • The reuse option works in the Ultra pipeline if the child pipelines run on the same node. Running on a different node in the same Snaplex fails with a lineage error. To ensure that the child pipelines run on the same node as the parent pipeline, set Execute on to LOCAL_NODE. For more information, refer to Snap Support for Ultra Pipelines.

    • Without reuse enabled, the one-in-one-out requirement for Ultra means batching is not supported. A runtime check will fail the parent pipeline if the batch size is set to greater than 1. This would be similar to the current behavior in DB insert and other Snaps in Ultra mode.

ELT Mode

  • A pipeline can only use the Pipeline Execute Snap to call another pipeline with ELT Snaps in Standard Mode.

Pooling Enabled

  • The pool size and batch size can both be set to greater than one, in which case the input documents are spread across the child pipeline in a round-robin method to ensure that if the child pipeline does any slow processing external calls, then the processing is spread across the children in parallel. The limitation of this option is that the document order is not maintained.


Replaces Deprecated Snaps: This Snap replaces the ForEach and Task Execute Snaps and the Nested pipeline mechanism.


  • If there are insufficient Snaplex nodes to execute the pipeline, the Snap waits until the resources become available. In this scenario, a message appears in the execution statistics dialog.

  • Only the last 100 completed child pipeline runs are saved for inspection in the Dashboard because this Snap generates many pipeline runtimes.

  • The Pipeline Execute Snap cannot exceed a depth of 64 child pipelines before they begin to fail.

  • The child pipelines do not display data preview details. However, you can view the data preview for any child pipeline after the Pipeline Execute Snap completes execution in the parent pipeline.Ultra Pipelines do not support batching. 

  • Unlike the Group By N Snap, when you configure the Batch field, the documents are processed one by one by the Pipeline Execute Snap and then transferred to the child pipeline when the parent pipeline receives it. The child pipeline closes when the batch or input stream ends.

  • Error handling for child pipelines inside a parent Ultra Pipeline are not supported. Instead, configure error handling in the Ultra Pipeline with the Pipeline Execute Snap.

Known Issues


Snap Views



Number of Views

Examples of Upstream and Downstream Snaps



Binary or Document

  • Min: 0

  • Max: 1

  • Mapper Snap

  • Copy Snap

The document or binary data to send to the child pipeline.

Retry is not supported if the input view is a Binary data type


Binary or Document

  • Min: 0

  • Max: 1

  • Mapper Snap

  • Router Snap

  • If the child pipeline has an unlinked output, then documents or binary data from that view are transferred out of this view.

  • If the child pipeline has a linked view then the output document or binary data is generated for successful runtimes with the run_id field.

  • Unsuccessful pipeline runs write a document to the error view. If Reuse executions to process documents is deselected, the original input or binary data is added to the output document.

  • For Pool Size Usage: If the Pool Size field value is greater than one, then the order of records in the output is not guaranteed to be the same as that of the input.


Error handling is a generic way to handle errors without losing data or failing the Snap execution. You can handle the errors that the Snap might encounter when running the Pipeline by choosing one of the following options from the When errors occur list under the Views tab:

  • Stop Pipeline Execution: Stops the current Pipeline execution if the Snap encounters an error.

  • Discard Error Data and Continue: Ignores the error, discards that record, and continues with the remaining records.

  • Route Error Data to Error View: Routes the error data to an error view without stopping the Snap execution.

Learn more about Error handling in Pipelines.

Snap Settings

  • Asterisk ( * ): Indicates a mandatory field.

  • Suggestion icon ((blue star)): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.

  • Expression icon ((blue star) ): Indicates the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.

  • Add icon ( (blue star) ): Indicates that you can add fields in the fieldset.

  • Remove icon ( (blue star)): Indicates that you can remove fields from the fieldset.

  • Upload icon ((blue star) ): Indicates that you can upload filesExpression (blue star): JavaScript syntax to access SnapLogic Expressions to set field values dynamically (if enabled). If disabled, you can provide a static value. Learn more.

  • SnapGPT (blue star): Generates SnapLogic Expressions based on natural language using SnapGPT. Learn more.

  • Suggestion (blue star): Populates a list of values dynamically based on your Account configuration.

  • Upload (blue star): Uploads files. Learn more.

Learn more about the icons in the Snap Settings dialog.

Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency



Default ValuePipeline Execute



Specify the name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.


Default Value: N/A



Specify the child pipeline's absolute or relative (expression-based) path to run. If you specify only the pipeline name, Snap searches for the pipeline in the following folders in this order:

  • Current project

  • Shared project-space

  • Shared folder of the Org

You can specify the absolute path to the target project using the Org/project_space/project notation.

You can also dynamically choose the pipeline to run by entering an expression in this field when Expressions are enabled. For example, to run all of the pipelines in a project, you can connect the SnapLogic List Snap to this Snap to retrieve the list of pipelines in the project and run each one.

Execute On

Example: groundplex4-West

Dropdown list


Select one of the following Snaplex options to specify the target Snaplex for the child pipeline:

  • LOCAL_NODE. Runs the child pipeline on the same node as the parent pipeline. This option is recommended when the child Pipeline is being used for Pipeline structuring and reuse rather than Pipeline workload distribution. Use this option for most regular child Pipeline executions.

  • LOCAL_SNAPLEX. Runs the child pipeline on one of the available nodes in the same Snaplex as the parent pipeline. As the child pipeline is on the local Snaplex, network communication is optimized for streaming data processing. Use this option only when workload distribution within the Snaplex is required.

  • SNAPLEX_WITH_PATH. Runs the child pipeline on a user-specified Snaplex, and the Snaplex Path field appears. It's important to note that this process is highly dependent on the network. The network communication is optimized for batch data processing since the child Pipeline is on a remote Snaplex. It is recommended to use this option only when the child Pipeline needs to run on a different Snaplex because of endpoint connectivity restrictions or for workload distribution purposes.

For more information, refer to the Best Practices.

Snaplex Path

Default Value:N/A


Appears when you select SNAPLEX_WITH_PATH for Execute On.

Enter the name of the Snaplex on which you want the child pipeline to run. Click (blue star)  to select from the list of Snaplex instances available in your Org.

Execution Label

Default Value: N/A 
Example: NetSuite-Create-Credit-Memo



Specify the label to display in the Pipeline view of the Dashboard.

You can use this field to differentiate each pipeline execution.

Pipeline Parameters

Use this fieldset to define the Pipeline Parameters for the pipeline selected in the Pipeline field. When you select Reuse executions to process documents, you cannot change parameter values from one Pipeline invocation to the next.

Parameter Name

Default ValueN/A


Debug mode checkbox is not selected.

Enter the name of the parameter. Select the defined Pipeline Parameters in the Pipeline field.

Parameter Value

Default Value: N/A



Enter the value for the Pipeline Parameter, which can be an expression based on incoming documents or a constant. 

If you configure the value as an expression based on the input, then each incoming document or binary data evaluates against that expression when to you invoke the pipeline. The result of the expression is JSON-encoded if it is not a string. The child Pipeline then needs to use the JSON.parse() expression to decode the parameter value.

When Reuse executions to process documents is enabled, the parameter values cannot change from one invocation to the next.

Reuse executions to process documents

Default Value: Deselected



Select this checkbox to start a child pipeline and pass multiple inputs to the pipeline. Reusable executions continue to live until all of the input documents to this Snap are fully processed.

  • When you select this checkbox, and the pipeline parameters use expressions, the expressions are evaluated with the first document. The parameter value in the child pipeline does not change across documents.

  • If you do clear this checkbox, a new pipeline execution is created for each input document.  

  • Reuse mode does not support batching.

Batch size*

Default Value: 1
Example: 2



Specify the number of documents in the batch size. If Batch Size is set to N, then N input documents are sent to each child pipeline that is started. After N documents, the child pipeline input view is closed until the child pipeline completes its execution. The output of the child pipeline (one or more documents) passes to the Pipeline Execute output view. New child pipelines are started after the original pipeline is complete.

  • Batching is not supported for reuse executions..

  • This option is does not support reusable executions.

Pool Size*

Default Value: 1
Example: 4



Specify an execution pool size to process multiple input documents or binary data concurrently. When the pool size is greater than one, the Snap starts Pipeline executions as needed up to the specified pool size. 

When you select Reuse executions to process documents, the Snap starts a new execution only if either all executions are busy working on documents or binary data and the total number of executions is below the pool size.

Timeout (in seconds)

Default Value: N/A



Specify the number of seconds for which the Snap must wait for the child pipeline to complete the runtime. If the child pipeline does not complete the runtime before the timeout, the execution process stops and is marked as failed.

Retry limit

Default Value: N/A
Example: 3



Specify the maximum number of retry attempts that the Snap must make in the case of a failure. If the child pipeline does not execute successfully, an error document is written to the error view. If the child pipeline is not in a completed state, then it will retry. The pipeline failure at the application level could have various causes, including network failures.

  • This feature is incompatible with reusable executions. 

  • Retry is not supported if the input view is a Binary data type.

Retry interval

Default Value: N/A
Example: 10



Specify the minimum number of seconds the Snap must wait between two retry requests. A retry happens only when the previous attempt results in an error. 

  • This feature is incompatible with reusable executions. 

  • Retry is not supported if the input view is a Binary data type.

Snap Execution

Default Value
Example: Validate & Execute

Dropdown list


Select one of the following three modes in which the Snap executes. The available options are:

  • Validate & Execute

  • : Performs limited execution of the Snap and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.

  • Execute only

  • : Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.

  • Disabled

  • : Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.





Account validation failed.

The Pipeline ended before the batch could complete execution because of a connection error.

Verify that the Refresh token field is configured to handle the inputs properly. If you are not sure when the input data is available, configure this field as zero so the connection is always open.

Access pipelines in the Pipeline Catalog in the Designer to create a Child pipeline


The Pipeline Execute Snap can replace some uses of the Nested Pipeline mechanism and the ForEach and Task Execute Snaps. For now, this Snap only supports child Pipelines with unlinked document views (binary views are not supported). If these limitations are not a problem for your use case, read on to find out how to transition to this Snap and the advantages of doing so.
