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Snap type:



This Snap provides the functionality to create object records in Salesforce in asynchronous mode. The Snap in Salesforce Bulk API mode submits batch jobs and sends the batch job information to the output view for the Salesforce Poller Snap. The Snap in REST API mode creates Salesforce objects and returns results synchronously without the need of the Salesforce Poller Snap.



Support and limitations:


This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. See Salesforce Account for information on setting up this type of account.



This Snap has exactly one input view and receives documents in the view. Each document contains one Salesforce record.


This Snap has at most one output view and produces documents in the view. Each document contains Map data that includes: Job ID, Batch ID, URL, and an array of records if it is in Bulk API mode. If it is executed in REST API mode, each document contains Map data for the ID of the created record and input data. 


This Snap has one optional error view and might produce documents in the view if the input data causes an error in the REST API. Each document contains key/value pairs from the input view and an error message from The error message is in the value of the error key. If the Snap is in the Bulk API, a similar set of data is available in the error view of the Salesforce Poller Snap connected to this Snap directly or indirectly.



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Service version 

Required. The version number associated with the Salesforce service that you want to connect to."v34.0" for REST API or "34.0" for Bulk API
Example: 34.0
Default value: 34.0 

Batch size

Required.  In Bulk API, this property value is allowed to be from 1 through 10,000. Each input document forms one Salesforce record to be inserted. The Snap stores records in memory until the number of records reaches the batch size and sends the request to SFDC in single batch.   Increasing the batch size increases the amount of memory used during the data load. Decreasing the batch size increases the number of API calls against Salesforce.

In REST API, the Snap can insert only one record per each request regardless of the value of the Batch size property.

Example: 200, 10000

Default value: 200


Validation always uses the REST API.

Object type

Required. This property enables you to define the name of the Salesforce object, such as Account.

Example: Account
Default value: Account 

Salesforce API

Required. This property sets the Salesforce API mode to Bulk API or REST API. The Snap in REST API mode creates one record at a time and returns the results at the output. REST API can be simpler and faster if the number of records to be created is small (a few).

Example: REST API
Default value: Bulk API

Null setting with Bulk API

If selected, in Bulk API mode, null values in the input document can set nullable fields null in the Salesforce object. 

Default value:  False

Related object

Enter or select a related parent object. This property does not affect the Snap operation on records in Salesforce. It is provided for the property suggest and the input schema suggest only. 

Example:  Account

Default value:[None]

Related external ID

Enter or select an external ID of the selected related parent object. This property does not affect the Snap operation on records in Salesforce. It is provided for the property suggest and the input schema suggests only. 

Example:  AccountNumber__c

Default value: [None]

Bulk API Serial mode

If selected, Bulk API will run in Serial mode. If not selected, Bulk API will run in Parallel mode. This is only relevant to BULK API. 

Default value: Not selected (Parallel mode) 

Standardize error output

If checked, the Snap will produce the error output with Reason, Original, Stack trace and Resolution.

If unchecked the output view will simply show the input document along with the error message.

Default value: Not selected

Pass through

If selected, the input document will be passed through to the output view under the key 'original'.

If Pass through is not selected, the input document will not be passed and there is no "original" key in the output document.

Default value:  Selected

Execute during preview

This property enables you to execute the Snap during the Save operation so that the output view can produce the preview data.

Default value: Not selected



This pipeline uses several Salesforce Snaps to perform create, updated, delete, & lookup actions on Salesforce object records.  

The following is another example that shows how to create a new record in a Salesforce object: 


In the above pipeline execution:

  1. Object record details are provided to Salesforce Create Snap using a CSV Generator Snap: 

  2. The Salesforce Create Snap creates a new record in the Account object:  

    Successful execution of the Snap gives the following preview:


patterns*.slp, *.zip

Insert excerpt
Salesforce Snap Pack
Salesforce Snap Pack