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Determines the maximum number of attempts to get the response. Reltio uses the exponential backoff retry policy only for HTTP Status Codes 502, 503 and 504. Reltio has no retry policy for HTTP Status Codes 401, 403, 404, 500.

Default value: 5

Maximum value: 10

Snap Type:Write

This Snap deletes records associated with Reltio objects (Entities/ Relations/ Categories) from the mentioned Tenant. It also supports the bulk operation by using the Bulk Delete functionality. This Snap cannot be used for deleting Interactions because transaction-based data cannot be deleted.

ETL Transformations & Data Flow

The Reltio Delete (Object) Snap extracts (or deletes) the corresponding data from the Reltio Tenant. 

Input & Output

  • InputInput view is optional and is required only to pass the Object ID from the upstream Snap or value in that field.
  • Output: Response for the Snap contains either success or an error, depending on whether the URI was deleted or not.


Prerequisites:Reltio account with a valid Tenant ID so that Tenant URL can be formed/API for Account Settings. Also, the Reltio account must have sufficient access to delete objects in the Tenant.
Limitations and Known IssuesNone at the moment.

Account & Access

This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. See Reltio Accountfor information on setting up this type of account.


InputThis Snap has at most one document input view.
OutputThis Snap has exactly one document output view.
ErrorThis Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.

Troubleshooting:The section describes typical issues you may encounter while using this Snap, and instructions on how to workaround them:



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Tenant URL

Required. This determines the Reltio host with Tenant ID. Use this format:


Default value: https://<your_reltio_host>/reltio/api/<tenant_id>


This value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter. 


Required. The Reltio Object from where the data is to be deleted. This is a suggestible field. 

Reltio typically has 4 objects - Entities/ Interactions/ Relations/ Categories. Suggestion only works if the valid account/ tenant URL is provided.

Default value: [None]


This value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter. 

Object Id

RequiredThe identifier for the object to be deleted. Multiple objects can be deleted by using the Bulk delete option but in that the multiple IDs must be separated by a comma (,).

Default value: [None]

Bulk delete

This property enables deleting multiple entities at a time, separated by commas.

Default value: Not selected

Retry limit

This value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter. 

Batch size

It specifies number of records to be processed in a single API call.

Default value: 50


This value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter. 

Thread limitRequired. Specifies the

Insert excerpt
Reltio Bulk Export
Reltio Bulk Export

Batch size

Insert excerpt
Reltio Create
Reltio Create

Thread limit


Required. Specifies the maximum threads of this Snap to delete the Reltio Objects.

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 50

Default value: 20


This value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter. 

Execute during preview

Executes the Snap during a pipeline Save operation so that the output view can produce the preview data.

Default value: Not selected


Basic Use Case

The following pipeline describes how the Snap functions as a standalone Snap in a pipeline:

The Snap is configured with the following parameters:

An example of the output from executing this pipeline:

Typical Snap Configurations

Key configuration of the Snap lies in how the values are passed. The values can be passed:

  • Without Expression:

Values are passed directly into the Snap:

  • With Expression:
    • Using pipeline parameters:

Values are passed as pipeline parameters:


Advanced Use Case

The following describes a pipeline, with a broader business logic involving multiple ETL transformations, that shows how typically in an enterprise environment, the Reltio functionality is used. The pipeline download is available in the Downloads section.

This pipeline retrieves the data from the Oracle Database and loads into the Reltio instance.

The key ETL transformations: 

Extract: The Oracle Select Snap retrieves the data from Oracle database.

Transform: The Head and the Mapper Snaps maps the specific data to be moved into the Reltio instance.

Load: The Reltio Create Snap creates the entities from the documents received from the upstream.

The pipeline further uses the Reltio Merge, Unmerge  and the Delete Snaps to perform the respective functions while transforming ( the JSON Splitter, Mapper and the Head Snaps) the data to serve the various business purposes.



Insert excerpt
Reltio Snap Pack
Reltio Snap Pack