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String Literals

String literals function the is similar to JavaScript strings.
A string literal can be constructed with either single quotes or double quotes.



Returns true or false after determining if one string can be found within another. If position is specified, the search will begin there. Position defaults to 0.

This is similar to the JavaScript containsincludes.


Code Block
$string.contains(searchString[, position])


Expression: $msg.contains('Hello')

where $msg contains "Hello, World"

Result: true

To specify a position in the string where to start searching:

Expression: $msg.contains('Hello', 8)

where $msg contains "Hello, World"

Result: false (because "Hello" exists before that position)



Returns true or false after determining if one string ends with the characters of another. Optional parameters include searchString and length, where searchString searches for a string of the length specified.  If unspecified, the default is the length of the string entered.

This is similar to the JavaScript endsWith.


Code Block


Expression: $email.endsWith("")

Result: true

Expression: $bootstrapping.endsWith(searchString[length, 13])

Result: true



Returns the index within the calling String object of the last occurrence of the specified value. The index of the first character is 0; -1 returns if the searchValue is not found.

This is similar to the JavaScript lastIndexOf.


Code Block
string.lastIndexOf(searchValue[, fromIndex])


Expression: $email.lastIndexOf("xe")

where $email is ""

Result: 410



Returns the number of code units in the string.

This is similar to the JavaScript length.


Code Block


Expression: $first.length

where $first contains John

Result: 4



Returns an array of results when matching a string against a regular expression object.

This is similar to the JavaScript match.


Code Block


The argument to match() takes a string that will be interpreted as a regular expression. This enables you to create expressions such as the following to perform a global search to match strings in the employee code that contain actual employee ID values, followed by any five digits:

$EMPLOYEE_CODE.match($employee_id + "-\\d{5,}")

To match a whole word in a given variable called FirstName:

Expression: $FirstName.match(/\bJohn\b/g)

where \b sets the word boundary and looks for string 'John' in the incoming string variable called $FirstName

Result: John



Returns a new string with some or all matches of a pattern replaced by another.   The replacement can be a string or a function that is called for each match.

If the first argument is a regular expression, the method will replace all matches if the global flag is set (e.g. /test/g).  If the global flag is not set or the first argument is a string, only the first match will be replaced.

If the replacement is a function, its result will be used as the replacement for a given match.  The function will be passed the following parameters:

  • match: The substring that was matched by the regular expression.
  • p1, p2, ...: The substrings that were captured by the regular expression.
  • offset: The offset of this match within the original string.
  • string: The original string being replaced.

This is similar to the JavaScript replace.


Code Block


Expression: $msg.replace ("l","x")

where $msg contains "Hello, World"

Result: Hexlo, World

To ignore case, use the /i flag:

Expression: $msg.replace (/world/i,"my friend")

where $msg contains "Hello, World"

Result: Hello, my friend

To globally replace all instances of the letter "l", use the /g flag:

Expression: $msg.replace (/l/g,"x")

where $msg contains "Hello World"

Result: Hexxo Worxd

Expression: $inputstring.replace (/\//g,"_")

where $inputstring contains "/org/projectspace/project"

Result:  _org_projectspace_project

To pass a callback function for matching strings in the regex A-Z

Expression: $value.replace (/ABC/g,"123")

where $value contains "/org/projectspace/project"

Result:  _org_projectspace_project

To capitalize the words in a string:

Expression: $msg.replace(/\b([a-z])(\w+)\b/g, (_matched, first, rest) => first.toUpperCase() + rest.toLowerCase())

where $msg contains "hello, world!"

Result: Hello, World!



Returns a new string with text extracted from another string.

If beginIndex is greater than or equal to the length of the string, an empty string is returned. If it is negative, it returns that many characters from the end of the string length.

If endIndex is omitted, slice() extracts to the end of the string. If it is a positive value, the string value is captured up to, but not including that character. If the value is negative, the capture extracts to that number of characters from the end.

This is similar to the JavaScript slice.


Code Block
string.slice(beginIndex[, endIndex])


Where $String contains "Copyright 2017 All rights reserved."

Expression: $String.slice(10)

Result: 2017 All rights reserved.

Expression: $String.slice(10,14)

Result: 2017

Expression: $String.slice(10,-2)

Result: 2017 All rights reserve

Expression: $String.slice(-2)

Result: d.



Swaps out a part of the string using placeholders with another. 

This is similar to JavaScript sprintf() but includes extended functionality as described in java.util class formatter.


Code Block


Where $msg is "hello %s %s"

Expression$msg.sprintf("from", "SnapLogic")

Result"hello from SnapLogic"

Where $msg is "hello %2$s %1$s"

Expression: $msg.sprintf("Snaplogic", "from")

Result: "hello from Snaplogic"
