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ASB Consumer is a Read-type Snap that reads messages from Azure Service Bus (ASB).




Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency



Default ValueASB Consumer
ExampleASB Consumer



Specify the name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your Pipelinepipeline.

Destination Type

Default Value: QUEUE
Example: TOPIC

Dropdown list

Enables Queue, Topic,and Subscription fields.

Choose an option the destination type to which the message needs to must be sent. Available options are:

  • QUEUE: Messages are sent to the queue

  • TOPIC: Messages are sent to the topic.


Default Value: N/A
Example: customers_queue


Enabled if Appears when you select QUEUE for Destination Type.

Specify the queue from which the message should be consumed in ASB. Alternatively, click the Suggestion (blue star) icon to fetch the list of queues corresponding to the Azure Service Bus account and select a queue.


Default Value: N/A
Example: XYZ


Enabled if Appears when you select TOPIC for Destination Type.

Specify the topic from which the message should be consumed in ASB. Alternatively, click the Suggestion (blue star)icon to fetch the list of topics corresponding to the Azure Service Bus account and select a topic.


Default Value: N/A
Example: XYZ


Enabled if Appears when you select TOPIC for Destination Type.

Specify the subscription for the topic. Alternatively, click the Suggestion (blue star)icon to fetch the list of Subscriptions for the topic corresponding to the Azure Service Bus account and select a Subscription.

Processing Mode


Dropdown list

Enabled if Appears when you select QUEUE for Destination Type.

Select the processing mode to make calls to the Azure Service Bus service. The available options are:

  • ASYNCHRONOUS: This mode enables the consumer to read the message from the destination when it arrives until a 'STOP' is read or the Message Count is reached. 

  • SYNCHRONOUS: This mode enables the consumer to read messages from the destination every 5 seconds until a 'STOP' is read or the Message Count is reached. If the consumer reads the message within 5 seconds, it will process it and not wait every 5 seconds for the next message.

When you use the ASB Acknowledge Snap in the pipeline, you need to use SYNCHRONOUS Processing mode. Otherwise, we recommend that you use ASYNCHRONOUS mode for better performance.

Prefetch Count

Default Value0


Enabled if Appears when you select ASYNCHRONOUS for Processing Mode.

Specify the number of messages to be read into the buffer before the Snap begins processing. If the field is left empty, the Snap sets it to 0.

Incrementing the prefetch count improves the overall performance of the ASB Consumer Snap. The prefetch count can be a value from 0 (disabled) to 5. If you enter a value which that exceeds the recommended limit of 5, a Lint warning is displayed in the pipeline statistics.

Count Down Latch Timeout (in seconds)

Default Value1


Enabled if Appears when you select ASYNCHRONOUS for Processing Mode.

Specify the time interval in seconds to receive the messages.


To read messages constantly from ASB in Asynchronous mode, you must set the Count Down Latch Timeout (in seconds) to 0 or -1.

Acknowledgment Type

Default ValueAcknowledge Message
ExampleDefer Message

Dropdown list

Enabled if Appears when you select ASYNCHRONOUS for Processing Mode.

Select an option for the Acknowledgement type to  to determine the action on the receive received messages. Select the action to take on the received message The available options are:

  • Defer Message: Indicates that the message is a lower priority and can be processed after higher priority messages.

  • Abandon Message: Discards the message.

  • Acknowledge Message: Ensures that the receiver has read the message.

  • Deadletter Message: Holds the messages that cannot be delivered to the receiver.

Max Message Count

Default Value: -1


Enabled if Appears when you select SYNCHRONOUS for Processing Mode.

Specify the maximum number of messages to read before the Consumer stops. If you provide a negative value, the Snap continuously reads messages.

Max Idle Time (in seconds)

Default Value120


Enabled if Appears when you select SYNCHRONOUS for Processing Mode.

Specify the maximum idle time (in seconds) before the Snap stops to wait for messages.

Batch Pooling

Default Value: Deselected


Enabled if Appears when you select SYNCHRONOUS for Processing Mode.

Select this checkbox to pool multiple messages in a batch.

Max Messages (per poll)

Default Value1


Enabled if Appears when you select Batch Pooling.

Specify the maximum number of messages to read for each poll.

Polling Interval (in milli seconds)

Default Value: N/A


Enabled if Appears when you select Batch Pooling.

Specify the time (in milliseconds) to wait between polls for messages.
We recommend you to leave this field empty.

Message Acknowledge Mode


Dropdown listN/A

Appears when you select SYNCHRONOUS for Processing Mode.

Choose the mode for acknowledging messages in non-transaction sessions.



Acknowledgement wait time (in milliseconds)


Default Value10


Appears when you select PIPELINE_CONTROL for Message Acknowledge Mode.

Specify the duration for which the Snap should wait to receive acknowledgments from the ASB Acknowledgement Snap. We recommend you to leave this field empty to ensure accurate acknowledgment of every message.

Max Auto-lock Renew Duration (in seconds)

Default Value: 60
Example: 70


Enabled if Appears when you select QUEUE for Destination Type.

Specify the maximum time (in seconds) to renew the message lock’s expiration.


The maximum time should be in sync with the message lock duration in the queue/topic. By default, this is set to 60 seconds. We recommend that you set the maximum time to a value slightly greater than the message lock duration for the queue/topic , because even after the message lock duration is exhausted, you can still renew the lock to process the message.

Snap Execution

Default ValueValidate & Execute
ExampleExecute only

Dropdown list


Select one of the three modes in which the Snap executes. Available options are:

  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap, and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.

  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.

  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.


Step 3: Configure the ASB Acknowledge Snap to acknowledge the messages that are received.


Download this Pipeline

Consume Messages and


Write to Topic

This example pipeline demonstrates how to use the ASB Consumer Snap to read and write messages to a topic.
