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Field Type




Required. Specify a unique name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Default value: RabbitMQ Producer
Example: RabbitMQ Producer



Specify the name of the RabbitMQ exchange used to publish messages. If you do not specify an exchange, the RabbitMQ server's default exchange is used.

Default value: N/A
Example: Exchange1

Exchange type

Dropdown list

Choose the type of RabbitMQ exchange used to route the messages to the respective queues. Options available include:

  • direct: routes messages to queues based on the Routing Key

  • fanout: copies and routes a received message to all queues that are bound to it regardless of routing keys or pattern-matching

  • headers: routes the messages based on arguments containing headers and optional values

  • topic: routes messages to queues based on matches between the Routing key and Queue

Default value: direct
Example: fanout

Durable exchange


Select this checkbox to indicate the durability of the exchange.

Default state: Selected



Specify the name of the RabbitMQ queue to which messages have to be pushed. If the queue with the specified name is not existing on the RabbitMQ server, a new queue is created and is bound to the exchange. If there is no Queue name available, the Snap creates a temporary Queue name and uses it until the execution completes and deletes it as soon as the session expires.  
If the Routing key is specified, the queue is bound to the exchange with the specified routing key, and only messages with the specified routing key are pushed to the queue.

Default value: N/A
Example: Queue1

Create dynamic queue


Select this checkbox to generate a dynamic queue when the queue name is not provided. The Snap publishes the messages on the default (or specified) exchange and stores the messages in the dynamic queue until the session expires and the dynamic queue thus generated is deleted soon after. When the dynamic queue is not selected with:

  • Queue name provided: The Snap publishes the messages in the specified exchange.

  • Queue name not provided: The Snap publishes the messages in the queue of the default exchange and stores the messages on the queue of that exchange type..

Default stateSelected

Auto delete


Select this check box to indicate that the RabbitMQ autoDelete property associated with the existing queue is set to true.

Default state: Deselected.

Routing Key


Optional. The routing key will be used to bound the queue with the exchange. Supply the Routing key when the Exchange type is direct and topic to route the message to queues.


The routing key is mandatory if a direct or topic exchange type is selected. Messages will not be routed otherwise and the following error will be displayed:

"<error message>"


Dropdown list

Specify the x-match value to be submitted for binding. The available options are:

  • any : If selected, even one matching header value is sufficient

  • all : If selected, mandates that all the values should match

Default value: all


Select x-match only when the Exchange type is headers.

Wait for confirms timeout (ms)


Specify the timeout in milliseconds. The This defines the maximum time the Snap waits until the message published since the last call has been acknowledged or not by the broker or, until the given timeout elapses. For example, If the time set is 1000 ms, if the Snap does not get the acknowledgment from the broker(Queue) for the published message until the given time, a timeout exception will be recordedfor an acknowledgment from the broker (queue) after publishing a message. If the acknowledgment is not received within the specified timeout period (for example, 1000 ms), a timeout exception is logged.

Default value: 0
Example: 5

Header Properties

Specify the header properties that will be used to bind the queue with an exchange as arguments. This fieldset comprises the following fields:

  • Header key

  • Header value 


Configure Header properties only when the Exchange type is headers.

Header key


Speciy the name of the header that is being used for the binding.

Header value


Specify the header value corresponding to the respective header key.

Message Properties

Specifies the properties to be set in RabbitMQ messages. This fieldset comprises the following fields:

  • Key

  • Value 



Specify the name of the message property. The message properties that can be added are:

  • content-type

  • delivery-mode: 1 (non-persistent), 2 (persistent)

  • expiration

  • priority

  • correlation-ID

  • redelivered

Learn more.



Specify the value for the message property.

Argument properties

Specify the custom argument properties to ensure all declarations for the queues use the same configuration/options/arguments. This fieldset comprises the following fields:

  • Argument key

  • Argument value 

           Argument key


Specify the name of the argument used for declaration. See Optional Arguments in RabbitMQ documentation for more information.

Default value: N/A
Examplex-max-len-bytesx-max-priority, x-queue-type

           Argument value


Specifies the value corresponding to the argument key.


To publish messages to the quorum queue, specify Argument key as x-queue-type and Argument value as quorum.

Default value: N/A
Example1048576, 2, quorum

Maximum connection attempts


Specify the maximum number of connection attempts in case of a connection failure. The Snap retries for the configured number of attempts to establish the connection.

Default value: 3
Example: 5

Connection retry interval


Specify the time taken in seconds to wait before retrying for another connection.

Default value: 10
Example: 5

Multiexcerpt include macro
nameSnap Execution
pageSOAP Execute

Dropdown list

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageSOAP Execute


titleRabbitMQ Producer sending messages to the selected Exchange

In this pipeline, the RabbitMQ Producer Snap produces the messages and submits them to the RabbitMQ server.

The RabbitMQ Producer Snap , produces the produces the messages and submit submits them to the selected exchange (as set in the properties) for routing to the designated queues, depending upon the configured bindings. 

Note that the Producer creates the Exchange and Queue if they are not available in the RabitMQ server , and binds them based on the properties configured, such as Routing keyHeaderproperties,and x-match etc., before it starts producing and submitting the messages to the server. Successful execution of the pipeline displays the message properties in the output preview:
