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Workday Write Snap

type:WriteDescription:This Snap provides the ability

is a Write-type Snap that you can use to write objects into Workday based on the input document field values that match the Workday object schema field names as defined by the Workday Web Service Definition Language (WSDL). The object becomes suggestible once the account is defined. The fields that can be set on the object are provided on the input view of the Snap and can be mapped using an upstream Mapper Snap.   

Workday provides documentation for their objects at 

Learn more about Workday objects: Workday (SOAP), and Workday ( REST)

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ETL Transformations & Data Flow

This Snap enables the following ETL operations/flows:

  1. Transform SnapLogic input document data to Workday SOAP XML request
  2. Load data into Workday

This Snap creates a SOAP request based upon the Workday Write object input schema and the input data passed into the Snap. The Snap then submits the SOAP request to Workday and converts the Workday SOAP XML response to JSON in the output view.

  1. The Snap collects the user account information, the Workday service, and object input for the Workday server to process.
  2. The Snap transforms the input document data matching the Workday input schema to create and submit a SOAP request.
  3. On successful Workday server response, the Snap converts the returned SOAP XML response into JSON for the output view.
  4. If there is an exception, the Snap writes an error to the output

Input & Output

Input: The document conforms to the input
  1. view
schema of the Snap. The input view schema is provided to an upstream Mapper Snap based on the selected service object. 
Output: The document represents the record structure of the retrieved Workday service object
  1. .
Each record is represented as one document on the output view



  • You must have a Workday Account, data to query, and Workday security access to the objects.

Please contact
  • Contact your organization's Workday Security Administrator for proper access.
  • Workday recommends using an Integration System User (Most commonly known as ISU) for use with APIs. 

Support and limitations


Works in Ultra Task Pipelines.


This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. See Configuring Workday Accounts for information on setting up this type of account. The Workday account credentials in the Workday Account must have Workday write security access to the Workday objects defined for the Workday Write snap configuration. Workday security is done inside of Workday, please see your Workday security documentation on how to configure, or work with the Workday security administrator to gain this access if access is initially restricted.

InputThis Snap has exactly one input view.
OutputThis Snap has exactly one output view.
ErrorThis Snap has at most one error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.
TroubleshootingEnsure that the capitalization of the keys in the input document matches the capitalization of the WSDL elements. If the upstream source does not use the same case for some reason, a Mapper can be used to handle the conversion as a workaround.




Snap Views

TypeFormatNumber of ViewsExamples of Upstream and Downstream SnapsDescription
Min: 1
Max: 1
  • JSON Generator
  • Mapper
The document conforms to the input view schema of the Snap. The input view schema is provided to an upstream Mapper Snap based on the selected service object. 
Min: 1
Max: 1
  • Mapper
  • File Reader
Each record is represented as one document on the output view. The document represents the record structure of the retrieved Workday service object. 

Error handling is a generic way to handle errors without losing data or failing the Snap execution. You can handle the errors that the Snap might encounter while running the Pipeline by choosing one of the following options from the When errors occur list under the Views tab. The available options are:

  • Stop Pipeline Execution: Stops the current pipeline execution when the Snap encounters an error.

  • Discard Error Data and Continue: Ignores the error, discards that record, and continues with the rest of the records.

  • Route Error Data to Error View: Routes the error data to an error view without stopping the Snap execution.

Learn more about Error handling in Pipelines.


  • Asterisk (*): Indicates a mandatory field.

  • Suggestion icon (:Suggestible_icon: ): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.

  • Expression icon (:Expression_icon:): Indicates whether the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.

  • Add icon (:Add_Fieldset_Row: ): Indicates that you can add fields in the field set.

  • Remove icon (:Remove_icon:): Indicates that you can remove fields from the field set.

only retries  intervals nameSOAP Execute


The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipelinePipeline.


Defines the timeout value for each Workday SOAP request. A value of 0 means no timeout. 

Default ValueDefault value: 60: 60
Example: 0


The service to be used. Though all available services are selectable, only Resource_Management, Revenue_Management, Financial_Management, Integrations, Cash_Management may have objects that provide cancellations.

Default Value[None]
Example: Revenue_ManagementDefault value: [None]


Required. The object to write. The field is suggestible once the account is defined. The objects will be suggested based on the selected service, such as selecting the service Payroll will retrieve all objects for Payroll that are retrievable from Workday.

Default Value: [None]

Default value: [None]


Import Synchronized

Select this check box checkbox to use synchronous import. In a synchronized import, the current import request must complete before the next request can be initiated. In an asynchronous import, the next import request can be initiated immediately upon current request submission.     

Default valueValue: Not selected

Validate Only Load

Select this check box while working with import objects. This enables the Snap to upload processed data for validation without importing it into the endpoint. Once an authorized user review and validates the uploaded data, deselect this check box and execute the Pipeline to update the actual records in the endpoint.


Select this check box only when working with import objects.

Default valueValue: Not selected

Import Batch size

The number of documents to be batched together as a single request. This also requires "Import Batch Node path" property.(This is only for Import_ objects and doesn't affect other objects)

Default valueValue: 1
Example: 5

Import Batch Node path

The node path of the soap message under which the documents need to be batched. The suggested option accesses schema on its input view or through an upstream reference.

This is applicable to Import objects only and does not affect the other objects.

Default value: [None]Value: N/A

Number of Retries 

Enter the integer value to specify the number of attempts the snap should make to perform the selected operation in case of connection failure or timeout.

Example: 3

Minimum value: 0

Default valueValue: 0
Example: 3

Retry Intervals (seconds)

Enter the time interval in seconds between retry attempts.Example: 3

Minimum value: 1

Default valueValue: 1

Multiexcerpt include macro

Example: 3

Snap Execution


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageSOAP Execute


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageWorkday Cancel

Basic Use Cases

The below examples display

Ensure that the capitalization of the keys in the input document matches the capitalization of the WSDL elements. If the upstream source does not use the same case for some reason, a Mapper can be used to handle the conversion as a workaround.


HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication required.

The Snap is unable to tunnel through proxy.

Add the following key-value pair values to your Groundplex configuration and restart the plex to reflect the changes.

Key: jcc.jvm_options
Value: -Djdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes=""

Typical Snap Configurations

The key configuration of the Snap lies in how the statements are passed to write the Workday objects. As it applies in SnapLogic, the statements can be passed in the following manner: 

Without Expression

In this pipeline, the Workday Write Snap writes the objects from a specified Object.
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With Expression
  • Pipeline Parameters
    In the below pipeline, the Workday Write Snap uses the values as set in the pipeline parameters.

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  • With specific Parameters in Settings
    In the below pipeline, the Workday Write Snap uses the values you provide in Settings in quotes. 

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The below examples demonstrate how the Snap functions in a Pipeline:


You must have a Workday Account, and Workday writes security access to the objects in the following examples.

titleWorkday Write Snap to support import objects

This pipeline shows how the Workday Write Snap supports the import objects.

In this pipeline, the Mapper Snap passes the values to be configured under various parameters for the Object, Import_Accounting_Journal.

The Workday Write Snap writes the data from the object, Import_Accounting_Journal. Note the Import Synchronized property is selected with an import batch size of 1. The import Batch node suggests the path under which the documents need to be batched under.

Successful execution of the pipeline displays the below output preview:

View file
nameOracle_Select_Workday_read_write with 1 million records.slp
View file
nameNew_Example_Workday write with 1 million records_Advance_Use_cases.slp

titleWrite an Object successfully

In the first example, we will create a Position using the Staffing service.

We will start with a Mapper Snap where we map the position details such as Availability_Date and Job_Posting_Title


The Workday Write Snap was configured to use the Staffing service with the Create_Position object.

The response is shown below, returning the ID of the position that was created.

Typical Snap Configurations

The key configuration of the Snap lies in how the statements are passed to write the Workday objects. As it applies in SnapLogic, the statements can be passed in the following manner: 

  • Without Expression

In this pipeline, the Workday Write Snap writes the objects from a specified Object.

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  • With Expression
    • Pipeline Parameters

In the below pipeline, the Workday Write Snap uses the values as set in the pipeline parameters.

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Advanced Use Case

The following describes

ETL transformations with Workday

The following examples describe a pipeline, with a broader business logic involving multiple ETL transformations. Pipeline Attachments links are provided in the Downloads links in the bottom section.transformations using the Workday Write Snap. 

This pipeline reads the documents from the Oracle Database, writes the required documents to the Workday instance, and then reads them. 

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The ETL transformations

Extract: The Oracle Select Snap retrieves the documents from the Oracle Database.

Transform: The Head Snap is set to retrieve one document to be passed to the Workday instance.

Load: The Mapper Snap maps the input document to the target schema from the Workday service

Load: The Workday Write Snap writes the document to the specified Object on the service.

Read: The Workday Read Snap reads the inserted document on the Workday Object.

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Advance use case

example where the documents are created and migrated from

the Microsoft CRM

Dynamics 365 for Sales instance to the Workday Write instance


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The ETL transformations

Extract: The Mapper Snap provides information about the invoice for the Dynamics 365 for Sales Create Snap to create the invoice.

Transform: The Dynamics 365 for Sales Create Snap creates invoice and the Dynamics 365 for Sales Read Snap reads the new invoice ID. 

Load: With the customer invoice as the object name, information is loaded into the Workday Write Snap.

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patterns*slp, *zip