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In this article


Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency



Default Value: N/A
Example: Generic Database Account



Specify a unique label for the account.

Account properties*

The information required to create a connection to the database.


Use this field set to define JDBC Drivers. This field set consists of the JDBC Driver field.

JDBC Driver*

Default Value: N/A



Specify the JDBC driver to use. Click the Upload icon to upload the required JDBC driver that must be used for the account.

  • Type 3 and Type 4 JDBC drivers are only supported. Type 4 JDBC driver is recommended. For more information on JDBC driver versions and downloads, see

  • You can upload the JDBC drivers through Designer or Manager and it is stored on a per project basis. That is, only users with access to that project can view the uploaded JDBC drivers. To provide access to all users of your org, place the driver in the /shared project.

  • We recommend you to use the db2jcc.jar driver for DB2 with your JDBC account. The DB2 version 11.5 supports only JDBC 4.0 Driver (db2jcc4.jar) and 11.1 version supports JDBC 3.0 driver (db2jcc.jar) and JDBC 4.0 Driver (db2jcc4.jar).

JDBC Driver Class*

Default Value: [None]
Example: com.vertica.jdbc.Driver



Specify the JDBC Driver class name to use.


Default Value: [None]
Example: jdbc:vertica://



Specify the JDBC URL to use.


Default Value: N/A
Example: Snapuser



Specify the database username to use.


Default Value: N/A
Example: nb*#!@09



Specify the database password to use.

Database name

Default Value: Auto detect
Example: Oracle



Choose a database to which the account must be connected. The available options are:

  • Auto detect: If you select Auto detect and the Snap detects the target database as NetSuite, then the Limit rows field in the Generic JDBC—Select Snap is ignored.

  • PostgreSQL

  • Redshift

  • NetSuite: If you select NetSuite, the Limit rows field in the Generic JDBC—Select Snap is ignored regardless of an existing or non-existing value.

  • MySQL

  • Oracle

  • SQL Server 2012

  • SQL Server 2008

  • SAPHana

  • Apache Hive

  • DB2


  • Apache Derby

  • Spark SQL

If you use PostgreSQL JDBC driver to connect to Redshift database, the Auto detect option automatically detects the PostgreSQL database instead of Redshift. The behavior of the JDBC Snaps is optimized for the selected database.

Test Query

Default Value: N/A

  • SQL Query:

    • SELECT * FROM customers WHERE age > 30

  • MongoDB Query:

    • db.customers.find({ age: { $gt: 30 } })

  • Redshift Query:

    • SELECT customer_id, order_date, total_amount
      FROM sales
      WHERE total_amount > 1000
      ORDER BY order_date DESC
      LIMIT 10;


Activates on selecting Auto detect for Database name.

Specify a custom query to validate the database connection.

  • The Test Query must be effective as this executes multiple times during the lifecycle of a connection. The efficiency of a Test Query directly affects the efficiency of the Pipeline execution. All databases do not support all test queries. Hence, use a query that supports your database.

  • Select 1 test query is supported only in H2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases.

Configure SSH tunnel

Default Value: Deselected



Select this checkbox to connect to the database server through the SSH tunnel. After the operation is completed, the tunnel is closed.

Learn more about SSH Tunneling Testing with PostgreSQL.

SSH auth mode

Default Value: Password
Example: KeyFile

Dropdown list


Select an option to specify the mode for authenticating the user on the SSH tunnel. The available options are:

  • Password: Uses the SSH hostname, username, and password for authentication.

  • KeyFile (Private Key File): Uses the Private key file for authentication, which you can upload from SLDB into the account after setting up the SSH tunnel.

  • KeyFile (Private Key String): Uses the Private key string for authentication, which you can upload from SLDB into the account after setting up the SSH tunnel.

SSH hostname

Default Value: N/A



Specify the IP address or the domain name of the SSH server to which you want to connect.

SSH username

Default Value: N/A
Example: SSHUser



Specify the SSH username that is authorized to connect to the database. This username is used as the default username when retrieving connections.

The username must be valid to set up the data source.

SSH password

Default Value: N/A
Example: <Encrypted>


Appears if SSH Auth Mode is Password.

Specify the password for the SSH username for connecting to the SSH tunnel. 

Private key file URL

Default Value: N/A
Example: postgres-ssh.pem


Appears if SSH Auth Mode is KeyFile (Private Key File).

Specify the location of the private key file.

The file can be in SLDB, on the host machine that is hosting the JCC, or at any other remote location. Click the File browser icon to upload the file from your local system. You can also upload the file using any protocol such as HTTPS, FTP, SLDB, and SFTP.

Private key*

Default Value: N/A





Appears if SSH Auth Mode is KeyFile (Private Key String).

Specify the private key for authentication.

Private key passphrase

Default Value: N/A
Example: 3x@mpl3_P@ssw0rd!



Appears if SSH Auth Mode is KeyFile.

Specify the passphrase that is to be used to decrypt the private key.


SSH port

Default Value: N/A
Example: 222



Specify the SSH port to connect to any of the following database servers:

  • PostgreSQL

  • Redshift

  • NetSuite

  • MySQL

  • Oracle

  • SQL Server 2012

  • SQL Server 2008

  • SAPHana

  • Apache Hive

  • DB2


  • Apache Derby

  • Spark SQL


Ensure that there are no port conflicts.

Advanced properties*

Min pool size*

Default Value: 0
Example: 0



Specify the minimum number of idle connections a pool will maintain at a time.

If the size is set to non-zero, JCC restart is needed when the database account expires.

Max pool size*

Default Value: 15
Example: 10



Specify the maximum number of idle connections a pool will maintain at a time.

Max idle timelifetime (minutes)*

Default Value: 60 



Specify the number of minutes a connection must remain in the connection pool before being discarded.

Checkout timeout (milliseconds)*

Default Value: 10000



Specify the number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to be available in the pool.

If you provide 0, the Snap waits infinitely until the connection is available. Therefore, we recommend you not to specify 0 for Checkout Timeout.

Url properties

Use this field set to define URL properties to use in the JDBC URL.

Url property name

Default Value: N/A

  • maxAllowedPacket

  • encrypt

  • selectMethod



Specify a name for the URL property to be used by the account. For instance:

  • If you want the account to use trust certificates, specify the Url property name as trustServerCertificate and the value as true.

  • If you do not want the account to use encryption, specify the Url property name as encrypt and the value as false.

  • If you want to specify the method for selecting and navigating data in the database, use the Url property name as selectMethod, and specify the value as cursor.

Url property value

Default Value: N/A

  • 1000

  • false

  • cursor



Specify a value for the URL property name.

Auto commit

Default Value: Selected



Select one of the options for this property to override the state of the Auto commit property on the account. The Auto commit at the Snap-level has three values: TrueFalse, and Use account setting. The expected functionality for these modes are:

  •  True - The Snap will execute with auto-commit enabled regardless of the value set for Auto commit in the Account used by the Snap.

  •  False - The Snap will execute with auto-commit disabled regardless of the value set for Auto commit in the Account used by the Snap.

  • Use account setting - The Snap will execute with Auto commit property value inherited by the Account used by the Snap.

  • 'Auto commit' may be enabled for certain use cases if PostgreSQL jdbc driver is used in either Redshift, PostgreSQL or generic JDBC Snap. But the JDBC driver may cause out of memory issues when Select statements are executed. In those cases, “Auto commit" in Snap property should be set to ‘False’ and the Fetch size in the “Account setting" can be increased for optimal performance.

  • For a DB Execute Snap, assume that a stream of documents are passed to the input view of the Snap and the SQL statement property has JSON paths in the WHERE clause. If the number of documents are large, the Snap executes in more than one batch rather than executing one per each document. Each batch would contain a certain number of WHERE clause values. If Auto commit is turned on, a failure would only roll back the records in the current batch. If Auto commit is turned off, the entire operation would be rolled back. For a single execute statement (with no input view), the setting has no practical effect.

Multiexcerpt include macro
nameDDL Auto Commit
pagePostgreSQL - Execute

Fetch size*

Default Value: 100
Example: 100



Specify the number of records to retrieve from the DB at a time.

Batch size*

Default Value: 50
Example: 10



Specify the number of query statements to execute at a time. SELECT queries are not batched.

  • If the Batch Size is one, the query is executed as-is, that is the Snap skips the batch (non-batch execution).

  • If the Batch Size is greater than one, the Snap performs the regular batch execution.

If you are using AWS Athena database, the Batch size must be set to 1.
