Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • 8090 for the JCC node

  • 8091 for the FeedMaster node


HTTP/HTTPS Port Customization

You can customize the HTTP port configuration used by the JCC node. On .

  1. Point the cursor and click the target Snaplex to open the Update Snaplex dialog.

  2. Click the Node Properties tab


  1. .

  2. In the HTTP Port or HTTPS Port field, specify the custom port value.


Updating this option changes the default setting in the file by setting the port number to the following value:


  • HTTP Port:






  • HTTPS Port


You can customize the HTTPS port configuration used by the JCC node. On the Node Properties tab in the Update Snaplex dialog, you can specify a value in the HTTPS Port field.


  • :








Feedmaster Broker Port Customization

You can If you Snaplex has a Feedmaster node, you can also customize the FeedMaster Feedmaster node port configuration used by the JCC node. The default is 8089. On the Node Properties tab in

  1. Point the cursor and click the target Snaplex to open the Update Snaplex dialog


  1. .

  2. Click the Node Properties tab.

  3. Under Global properties, click (blue star) to open the key-value fieldset.

  4. Specify the custom port value.

    • Key: jcc.broker_service_uri


    • Value: ssl://,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2&transport.enabledCipherSuites=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA


The port used should be unique and cannot be the same as the ports used for the HTTP and HTTPS services.

HTTP Connection Pooling

Outbound HTTP connections created to the SnapLogic cloud or to any other HTTP endpoints are placed in a connection pool by default. You can configure the properties for the pool in etc/ by adding them to the Update Snaplex dialog, Node Properties tab, Global properties table.

  • To increase the maximum number of connections that can be created at a time (default is 100):


    • Key:jcc.http_client_max_connections


    • Value: 300

  • To set the TCP connection timeout for an outbound connection (in seconds, the default is 60, zero is an infinite timeout):


    • Key: jcc.http_client_tcp_connection_timeout


    • Value: 120

  • To set the inactivity timeout for a socket connection (in seconds, default is 3600, zero is an infinite timeout).


    • Key: jcc.http_client_socket_timeout


    • Value: 300


The http_client_socket_timeout must be set to a value higher than the maximum child Pipeline execution time. 

HTTP Proxy Configuration

In the typical HTTP Proxy configuration, the proxy forwards requests to any endpoint. You can use the same HTTP proxy for connecting with the SnapLogic Control Plane and also for connecting to other REST endpoints, such as Salesforce. Forward HTTP proxy type is the most flexible method for integrating multiple endpoints.



Learn more about specific field settings on the Node Proxies tab in Updating a Snaplex.

By default, a proxy routes all outbound HTTP and HTTPS requests. To restrict the proxy for requests routing outside your firewall, you need to change the proxy settings. First, you need to configure the Non-proxy Hosts field to restrict the endpoints that the proxy uses. Second, you need to disable the proxy to enable communication among the nodes in a Snaplex. If you cannot do the latter task, it can result in neighbor connectivity check failures for your Snaplex.

In the following example, the field restricts HTTP requests from routing to the local host or host in the domain.


  • Key: jcc.http.


  • nonProxyHosts

  • Value: localhost|127.*|[::1]|MYHOSTNAME|*

The proxy settings are configured per the standard JRE settings. These are displayed in the Node Proxies tab of your Snaplex in SnapLogic Manager:

Paste code macro
jcc.http.proxyHost =
jcc.http.proxyPort = 3128
jcc.http.nonProxyHosts = localhost|127.*|[::1]|MYHOSTNAME|*
jcc.https.proxyHost =
jcc.https.proxyPort = 3128
jcc.https.nonProxyHosts = localhost|127.*|[::1]|MYHOSTNAME|*


In some scenarios, your network operations team might have configured configure a reverse proxy instead of a traditional proxy. In that case, all requests to the proxy are directly sent to the SnapLogic Control Plane. For example, if is the proxy server, a request will return the status from the SnapLogic Control Plane.

For example:




To enable the Snaplex to work with the reverse proxy, add the following information to two key-value pairs to the Global properties of your Snaplex properties:


Global property










Where control-plane-name is one of the following:

  • elastic

  • uat

  • emea


Setting up a reverse proxy is unusual. In most cases, a forward proxy should be used.

Troubleshooting Snaplex Communication

This article covers some basic troubleshooting tips You can run the following cURL commands to test communication with the Snaplex. In each command, you specify the Control Plane name in the URL.


Control Plane


Production - default


Production - EMEA region


Testing - default

  • To verify if outbound requests are permitted from the Snaplex node


  • :






A response with the status OK indicates successful completion.

If this request hangs or fails, then a proxy is required. Request the HTTP proxy information from your network operations team.

  • To check access through a proxy


  • :








If this request fails with a 407 (Proxy Authentication Required), then you need to specify the authentication information in the proxy.

  • To check the proxy authentication, run the following command:












The -v option can be added to curl to get detailed messages.

Control Plane Name


For Windows-based Groundplexes, download the TLS (SSL) enabled



to verify your configuration.