In this article

The page's title should always be the Snap's name.  For example, File Reader. 


Use this Snap to...

Provide a functional overview of the Snap. Do not mention anything about the Snap's internal technology or techniques. The user should be able to understand what the Snap. Include a screenshot of a well-configured Snap.  


List all prerequisites for using the Snap as a bullet list. Use direct sentences. For example, in case of a Write-type Snap a prerequisite would be that the user must have write access. Include links to external official documentation, if required. Use "None." if there no prerequisites. 


Support for Ultra Pipelines

Capture if Ultra Mode is supported. If the Snap requires certain configurations to support Ultra mention those as well.   

Retain the applicable one above.

See Snap Support for Ultra Pipelines.

Limitations and Known Issues

List all Snap-specific limitations as a bullet list. Limitations can be imposed by the Snap's development environment and also by the endpoint's API. List both. Use direct sentences. Include links to external official documentation, if required.  

Snap Input and Output

Type of view: Document/Binary/Both. Get number of views from the Views tab in the Snap. List at least three compatible Snaps in each category. Provide a brief of the input/output required. If the input/output is optional then preface the description with "Optional." For example, "Transaction data complying with the Orderful schema as a JSON document."

Input/OutputType of ViewNumber of ViewsExamples of Upstream and Downstream SnapsDescription



Binary or Document

Retain one.

  • Min:
  • Max:
  • Mapper Snap
  • Copy Snap
  • ..
Requires the EDI data and internal ID as a JSON document.



Binary or Document

Retain one.
  • Min:
  • Max:
  • ..
  • ..

The EDI transaction ID and order confirmation.

Snap Settings

**Delete Before Publishing**

Choose from the following sentences to document specific field types.

Drop-down lists/Option Buttons (radio buttons):

You must list the LoV and describe them if their meaning isn't apparent. In this case, format the LoV in italics, regular font for the LoV's description. In either case, list the LoVs as a bullet list.

  • <State what the field contains>. Available options are: <bullet list of LoVs>
    The Salesforce API to be used. Available options are:...
  • Select the <category> that you want to use. Available options are...
    * Option 1<italicized>: <third person singular form of the verb>
    * Option 2<italicized>: <third person singular form of the verb>
    Select the API that you want to use. Available options are:
    Bulk API: Sends the Snap execution request details as a bulk API call.
    REST API: ...
  • Indicates.... Available options are:
    Indicates how the Snap must be executed. Available options are:
    * Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap (up to 50 records) during Pipeline validation; performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline execution.
    * Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution; does not execute the Snap during Pipeline validation.
    * Disabled: Disables the Snap and, by extension, its downstream Snaps.

Check boxes:

  • If selected, <Snap behavior>.
    If selected, an empty file is written when the incoming document has no data.
  • If selected, <behavior>. If not selected/Otherwise, <behavior>
    Use "If not selected" if the first sentence is long.
    If selected, the Snap uses the file path value as is. Otherwise, the Snap uses the file path value in the URL.
    If selected, an empty file is written when the incoming document has empty data. If there is no incoming document at the input view of the Snap, no file is written regardless of the value of the property.
  • Select to <action>
    Use this if the behavior is binary. Either this or that, where the converse behavior is apparent/obvious.
    Select to execute the Pipeline during validation.

Text Fields

  • Describe what the field represents/contains. Additional details, as applicable, in a separate sentence. Include caveats such as the field being conditionally mandatory, limitations, etc.
    The name of the account.
    The account ID that you want to use to log in to the endpoint.
    Required if IAM Role is selected.
    Do not use this field if you are using batch processing.

Numeric Text Fields

  • Describe what the field represents/contains. Additional details, as applicable, in a separate sentence. Include caveats such as the field being conditionally mandatory, limitations, etc. Include special values that impact the field's behavior as a bullet list.
    The number of records in a batch.
    The number of seconds for which you want the Snap to wait between retries.
    The number of seconds for which the Snap waits between retries.
    Use the following special values:
    * 0: Disables batching.
    * 1: Includes all documents in a single request.

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueExample 
The field's name in the UI. Ensure that it is captured accurately so as not to confuse the user. The data type of the field. For example, string, numeric, alphanumeric, etc. Check Box for check-boxesAny and all information that the user needs to configure the field correctly. This includes a description of the property and the expected entry. If the user needs to look at the endpoint's console to retrieve a certain property's configuration, add that information as well. Include links to official documentation as necessary. If the field has numeric inputs, list out maximum and minimum accepted values, if applicable.

Field Prefacing for Mandatory/Conditionally mandatory fields: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a field is mandatory (has a * in the UI) then add, "Required" in italics before the description of the field. See Label field's description below. If a field becomes mandatory based on the configuration of another field, then add "Required if <field_name> is configured". If a field is applicable/required based on certain situations, then add, "Applicable only to <situation>"; for example, "Applicable only when Request type is Dimensions". These prefacing conditions must always be in italics and in the beginning of the field's description.

N/A if there is no default value. If it is a checkbox, then list the state of the check-box: Selected or DeselectedUse italics for examples. Show multiple examples to show variations.



Enter the error message that is displayed.

Batch execution failed

Briefly describe why this error is triggered. An experienced user will be able to troubleshoot the error looking at the reason itself.

The Pipeline ended before the batch could complete execution due to a connection error.

List the steps that the user must take, if necessary, to rectify this error. If a procedure is extensive, add it as a separate section after this table and reference it with a link in this cell.

Verify that the Batch size field is configured to handle the inputs properly. If you are not sure when the input data is available, configure this field as zero to keep the connection always open.


Include basic-level examples to demonstrate the various functionalities of the Snap. Examples are different from Use Cases. Example should focus on the Snap in question. Follow the basic template of a use case: Functional overview followed by explanation in an expandable section. Include all SLPs in the Downloads section. Use videos if a Snap's configuration is complex and difficult to capture using screenshots.

Excluding Fields from the Input Data Stream

Example title must be gerunds in title case.

You can exclude the fields that you do not require from the input data stream by omitting them in the Input schema field set.

<screenshot of Pipeline/Snap>

Download this Pipeline. 

Add a download link to the Pipeline in the the "Download" text above. Explain the Pipeline/Snap configuration in detail if a complex enough example has been used. Ensure that the functionality you are trying to illustrate is captured correctly. Include caveats as appropriate.


  1. Download and import the Pipeline into SnapLogic.
  2. Configure Snap accounts as applicable.
  3. Furnish Pipeline parameters as applicable.

Edit the Excerpt Include macro below to link to the Snap Pack page for this Snap page. Ensure that the heading Snap Pack History is not within the Snap Pack's history Excerpt. 

See Also

Provide links to the endpoint's official documentation, any relevant or related internal documentation, and any other links you have referred to on this page. Care should be taken when referencing external sites/documentation that it is an official site/documentation. Do not refer to forums such as stackoverflow.