Ultra Task Pipelines
Ultra Pipeline Workflow
- Your Org must be subscribed to this feature before you can access it in Manager.
- Your Pipelines must work in Ultra-mode.
Support and Limitations
- Ultra Pipeline design limits the usage of certain Snaps: see Snap Support for Ultra Pipelines for details.
- When you access the URL for a Triggered or Ultra Task that is in an Org different from the one you last selected, SnapLogic Manager displays the Task details, but the Org does not automatically change to the one that owns the Task. Use the selector at the top right in Manager to switch to a different Org.
Since the connection to the client has a 15-minute timeout, long running Pipelines invoked as Triggered or Ultra Tasks through a Cloudplex URL might not complete before the timeout occurs. For Groundplex users, this timeout does not apply to the On-premise URL.
The configuration for Auto-scaling of Ultra Tasks applies only to Response-and-request Ultra Pipeline Tasks. Ultra Auto-scaling setting is not available for Polling Ultra Pipeline Tasks.
Known Issues
- In some cases, Ultra Pipeline Tasks duplicate messages that are being processed from the FeedMaster node, resulting in failed Retry errors. If you see this issue in your Org, see Enabling the Prevention of Duplicates Enhancement.
After changes are made to an Ultra pipeline, the instances will restart. Ultra pipelines have a rolling restart so multiple instances may run at the same time after making changes to the pipeline.
Additional Resources
Related Articles
Blog Posts
- Designing Ultra Pipelines
- Designing Ultra Pipelines: Types of Views
- Designing Ultra Pipelines: Error and Exception Handling
- Ultra Pipelines: Performance, Management and Monitoring
Community Posts
Data Sheet
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