In this article


You can use this account type to connect Salesforce Snaps with data sources that use Salesforce Mutual Authentication accounts. This account allows Salesforce snaps to use Salesforce mutually authenticated transport layer security authentication providing an additional layer of security. Mutual Authentication is also known as two-way authentication, as both the client and the server authenticate and verify themselves using Client Certificate Authentication. Each time you connect to a Salesforce API, the server checks if the client's certificate is valid for the client's org, and also checks the validity of the session ID using the Username, Password, and the Security Token.



Known Issue

Salesforce Mutual Authentication account fails on validation when you create the account for the first time and save it. As a workaround, click Apply and then click Validate for successful validation of the account.

Account Settings

Field Name




Specify a name for the account instance.

Default Value: [None]
Example: Salesforce account


Specify a name for this account.

Default Value: N/A


Specify the password for the account.

Default Value: N/A
Example: ********@1

Security tokenString

Specify a security token. To create a security token, log into your account in Salesforce and navigate to Personal Setup > My Personal Information > Reset My Security Token.

Default Value: N/A
Example: 1234


Enter the location of the KeyStore file that can be in your SLDB or any other unauthenticated endpoints. You can upload the KeyStore file to the SLDB by clicking  Upload

The Keystore value must include intermediate certificates; however, including root certificate is optional.

Default ValueN/A

Keystore Password*String

Enter the password for KeyStore.

Default ValueN/A

Login URLString

Enter your login URL if it is different from "". Usually it is not required, but if you are using CipherCloud for Salesforce, you should enter the login URL issued by CipherCloud with the Sandbox checkbox deselected.

Default Value


Select this option if the username is for a sandbox account or deselect if it is for a production account.

Default Value: Deselected


Error occurred while executing request to Salesforce.comThe input view document data is not a Map.Ensure that the input view document data is a map.
Client certificate error: unable to get local issuer certificate.The certificate chain is incomplete or missing.You should get the intermediate certificate to attach to the pem. For more information about creating creating certificate chain, see Salesforce Mutual Authentication Setup.
Unable to load Private Key.Expects Private Key.

Follow the instructions in stack overflow link and update the encoded type of private key file using Notepad++.

See Also