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The Shuffle Snap is a a Flow type Snap that enables you to randomize the order of the rows in an incoming dataset. The Snap can be optimized to work with large datasets by configuring the maximum percentage of memory that can be used to buffer the dataset, if that limit is exceeded then the dataset is downloaded to a temporary file in local storage. A random integer can be assigned as the seed value, a seed value is any number that acts as the identifier for a particular randomized order. The Snap produces the same randomized order for the same seed value. This Snap, along with the Sample Snap, is helpful in randomizing a sample dataset for further analysis.
Input and Output
- Expected input: Document containing row data.
- Expected output: Document with randomized row order.
- Expected upstream Snaps: Any Snap that produces a document output containing row-data. For example, CSV Generator, and Mapper.
- Expected downstream Snaps: Any Snap that accepts a document input. For example, Mapper.
Configuring Accounts
Accounts are not required in this Snap.
Configuring Views
Input | Exactly one document input view. |
Output | Exactly one document output view. |
Error | At most one document error view. |
Limitations and Known Issues
- Ultra Pipelines: Does not work in Ultra Pipelines.
Snap Settings
Label | Required. The name for the Snap. Modify this to be more specific, especially if there are more than one of the same Snap in the pipeline. |
Use random seed | Select this field to enable using a seed value. The next field is ignored if this field is deselected. Default value: Selected |
Random seed | Conditional. This is required if the Use random seed field is selected and specifies the seed value to be used in randomizing the dataset. Using the same seed value for a dataset generates the same order of shuffled dataset. Default value: 12345 The result is different if the value specified in Maximum memory % or the JCC memory are different. |
Maximum memory % | Required. The maximum portion of the node's memory, as a percentage, that can be utilized to buffer the incoming dataset. If this percentage is exceeded then the dataset is written to a temporary local file and then the sample generated from this temporary file. This configuration is useful in handling large datasets without over-utilization of the node memory. The minimum default memory to be utilized by the Snap is set at 100 MB. Default value: 10 |
Snap Execution | Select one of the following three modes in which the Snap executes:
Default Value: Execute only |
Temporary Files
During execution, data processing on Snaplex nodes occurs principally in-memory as streaming and is unencrypted. When larger datasets are processed that exceeds the available compute memory, the Snap writes Pipeline data to local storage as unencrypted to optimize the performance. These temporary files are deleted when the Snap/Pipeline execution completes. You can configure the temporary data's location in the Global properties table of the Snaplex's node properties, which can also help avoid Pipeline errors due to the unavailability of space. For more information, see Temporary Folder in Configuration Options.Examples
Shuffling a Numerical Dataset
The Pipeline in this example, Shuffle_Snap_Numerical_Data.slp, demonstrates the core functionality of the Shuffle Snap. An input dataset containing 50 rows is passed to the Shuffle Snap. Three cases are demonstrated:
- Using a seed value
- Using another seed value
- Without seed value
Upon execution, the output document is the input document with the rows in a random order.
Download this pipeline.
Shuffling a Categorical Dataset
The Pipeline in this example, Shuffle_Snap_Categorical_Data.slp, demonstrates how categorical data or data containing multiple fields is handled by the Shuffle Snap. An input dataset containing 21 rows is passed to the Shuffle Snap. Three cases are demonstrated:
- Using a seed value
- Using another seed value
- Without seed value
When the Pipeline is executed, the output generated is the incoming dataset but with its order randomized.
Download this pipeline.
Important steps to successfully reuse Pipelines
- Download and import the pipeline into the SnapLogic application.
- Configure Snap accounts as applicable.
- Provide pipeline parameters as applicable.
Snap Pack History
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