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You can use the REST Put Snap to replace business object resources. If the business object does not exist, the Snap creates the object.



Supported Features

Works in Ultra Task Pipelines. We recommend you to set the batch size to 1.

Limitations and Known Issues


Snap Views

ViewsView TypeView FormatExamples of Upstream and Downstream SnapsDescription
Input Document
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Mapper
  • Script
  • Router
Each input document contains details associated with the data that must be replaced or created in the target RESTful server.
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • JSON Splitter
  • JSON Formatter
  • Join

Each output document contains details related to the business objects impacted as a result of Snap execution.

ErrorIf the Snap fails during the operation, the Snap sends an error document to the error view containing the fields error, reason, resolution, and stacktrace. For this to happen, however, the Error view must be enabled.

Snap Settings

Field NameField Type Description


StringSpecify a name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your Pipeline.

Service URL*


Macro lookup error: excerpt "REST_Serviceurl" was not found on page "REST Get" (with ID 1438830) in space "SD".

If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.

Macro lookup error: excerpt "Serviceurl_Example" was not found on page "REST Get" (with ID 1438830) in space "SD".

If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.


The Service URL for a REST snap has to be valid. If the Service URL contains any special characters, such as !, =, %21, $, and ^, the Snap throws an exception error. You can escape the special characters (using expression language) using one of the following methods:

We recommend you to use the former (encodeURIComponent) method to escape the special characters.

HTTP Entity


Enter the JSON path to the HTTP entity data in the input Map data, or leave this field empty if there is no entity data to send to the service URL.

Default Value$  (the HTTP entity data is at the root of the input Map data)
Example$.entity  (if the HTTP entity data is the value of the "entity" key at the root of the input Map data)

Batch size


Specify the batch size of the request. The incoming documents will be accumulated in a list up to the defined batch size before it is submitted to the endpoint.

 You must only set this if your REST endpoint expects a list.

Show all headers


Select this checkbox to display the response header values as a list of objects in the output document. If any of these objects is a string in format  "key1=value1; key2=value2; ...", it is parsed into a map data. The REST endpoint might return HTTP response with multiple headers with same header name.
If you do not select this checkbox,  only one response header is shown in the output document. 

Default Value: Not selected

Upload transfer request type

Dropdown list

Choose the type of encoding that you want to use to safely transfer the entity to the user. The available options are:

  • Chunked transfer encoding: On selecting this option, the Snap adds the header "Transfer-Encoding:chunked" to the PUT request, and uploads the given file in chunked transfer encoding format.

  • Calculate content length: On selecting this option, the file size is calculated and passed with header "Content-Length" in the PUT request. You can use Chunked transfer encoding if the size of the given file cannot be calculated.

Default ValueChunked transfer encoding
ExampleCalculate content length

Form Upload

Use this field set to configure the fields required to upload multiple files and text. Learn more about Multipart Upload.
By default, the Snap Settings display the fields required to upload a file. Click the Add  icon to add new rows for adding file or text. This field set contains the following fields:

  • Multipart Type

  • Multipart Key

  • Multipart Value

  • HTTP Entity

  • Filename to be used

  • Multipart Content-Type

Multiple file upload settings work similarly across the REST Post, Patch, and Put Snaps. To see an example of these settings in action, see Uploading Multiple Documents Using the REST Post Snap

Multipart Type

Dropdown list

Choose the type of multipart upload that you want to initiate. The available options are:

  • FILE: Use this option to upload a file.

  • TEXT: Use this option to upload text.

Default Value: FILE
Example: TEXT

Multipart KeyString/Expression
Enter the key for the multi-part form-data needed to upload a file. HTTP POST uses multi-part entity to achieve the file upload. The form-data of its multi-part entity contains key-value pairs. Upload-file key is dependent on the service endpoint. Multipart Key can be anything and it depends on the service endpoint.

Default Value
: N/A
: file

This property is expression-enabled. For more information on the expression language, see Understanding Expressions in SnapLogic and Using Expressions. For information on Pipeline Parameters, see Pipeline Properties.

Multipart Value


Specify the the file or text to be uploaded.

If Multipart Type is FILE, the following are applicable:

  • The file protocols supported for file values are 'sldb:///' and 'file:///'.

  • If the file path is a relative path, it is considered as an SLDB file.

  • If this field is not empty, HTTP Entity and Batch size fields are ignored and the Multipart Key field is required.

  • If the value is an expression, the input document is used to evaluate the expression. Each input document invokes one file upload.

  • This field does not support wildcard or glob patterns.

If Multipart Type is a TEXT, then

  • The value should be expression enabled and enclosed in double quotes.

For Text part upload using Form Upload, the Http Entity and Filename to be used are ignored.

Default Value: N/A

Filename to be usedString/Expression

Enter the filename to be used for the new file created by the Snap.

Example: file.csv
Multipart Content-TypeString/Expression/Suggestion

Select the content type headers for the data in the body of the multipart HTTP request. The available options are:

  • application/octet-stream

  • text/plain

  • application/json

  • text/csv

  • text/html

  • image/jpeg

If the Multipart Type is TEXT, it is generally not required to specify any value in this field. When you do not specify any value, the API uses the default value text/plain; charset=UTF-8.

  • To specify other HTTP headers configure the headers in the HTTP header field set.

  • If you configure both Multipart Content-Type and HTTP header fields, the value in the Multipart Content-type gets precedence. 

Default Value: N/A

Trust all certificates


Select this checkbox to trust all certificates, such as self-signed certificates.

Default Value: Deselected
Example: N/A

Follow redirects*


Select this checkbox to follow HTTP redirects.

Default value: Selected 
Example: When selected, if a redirect response (e.g. a 301 or 302 response code) is received, another request to the URL specified in the Location header will be automatically made.

When not selected, another request will not be made and the 301/302 response will show up in the output view.

Query parameters

Use this field set to define query parameters. This is optional and can either be defined directly in the service URL, as separate parameters or both. An example for OAuth2 (LinkedIn enabled endpoint).

This field set contains the Query parameter and Query parameter value fields.

Query parameterString/Expression

Specify the name for the query parameter.

Default Value: N/A

Query parameter value String

Specify the value that you want to assign to the parameter.

Default Value: N/A

HTTP headerUse this field set to specify the HTTP header key-value pairs. This field set contains the Key and Value fields.

Enter the key for HTTP header.

Default Value: N/A
Example: Content-Type


Enter the value for the key parameter.

Default Value: N/A
Example: SnapLogic

Response entity type

Dropdown list

Choose the response entity type in the output document. The available options include:

  • DEFAULT - If selected, the response entity is processed automatically. The Snaps attempts to convert the entity to a string or a byte array depending on the response headers.
  • TEXT - If selected, the Snap produces an entity of string type.
  • BINARY - If selected, the Snap produces an entity of byte array type.

If TEXT or BINARY is selected, the Snap will not attempt to parse the entity content. If DEFAULT is selected, the Snap produces the expected result in most cases, but when failed to do so, users may set the Response entity type to TEXT or BINARY.

Default value: DEFAULT

Cookie PolicyDropdown list

Select a Cookie Policy from the following options:

  • Browser Compatibility: This policy is compatible with different servers even if they are not completely standards-compliant. If you are facing issues while parsing cookies, you should try using this policy.

  • Ignore Cookies: This cookie policy ignores all cookies. You should use this policy to prevent HTTP Client from accepting and sending cookies.

  • RFC Strict: This policy uses the set-cookie header

  • RFC Lax: The policy uses set-cookie and set-cookie2 for parsing.

When using a cookie policy, you must select Show All Headers checkbox to view the parsed cookies from the cookie policy specification.

Default Value: Ignore Cookies
Example: RFC Strict

Read timeoutInteger

Specify the time in seconds to wait before aborting the request due to a failure to read from the target service. This option lets you specify a timeout value in seconds after which the request gets aborted. 

Default value: 900 seconds

  • In some cases, the request does not return, such as during network issues. For those a timeout can be configured to allow failing fast. 
  • Every Snap instance can have its own timeout settings.
  • The Snap will execute five retries within a couple of seconds back-off time before it fails.
Connection timeoutInteger

Specify the time in seconds to wait before aborting the request due to a failure to establish a connection to the target service.

Default Value: 30
Example: 10

Maximum request attempts


Specify the maximum number of attempts to be made to receive a response. The request is terminated if the attempts do not result in a response. 

Default Value: 5

Retry request interval


Specify the interval (in seconds) between two successive requests. A retry happens only when the previous attempt failed. 

Default Value: 3
Example: 10

Retry PolicyDropdown list

Choose the retry policy for connection and error responses. The available options are:

  • Connection errors: Occur when a client fails to establish a secure connection to the server.
  • Connection and auth errors (401/403): Occurs when either the user authorization fails or access to the page/resource is forbidden.
  • Connection and client errors (4xx): Occurs when the request for the resource contains bad syntax, or when the resource is not found (404).
  • Connection and server errors (5xx): Occurs when the server is unable to complete a request.
  • All errors: Applies to all of the above-listed errors.

Default Value: Connection errors
Example: Connection and server errors

Normalize URLCheckboxSelect this checkbox to normalize the Service URL. This enables the Snap to convert double slashes (//) in the URL path to single slash (/).
For example, is converted to

Deselecting this check box reverts the Snap to 4.19 Snaplex behavior, wherein the URL paths were not normalized by default.

In the 4.20 Release, due to the HTTP client upgrade the URL paths were normalized by default. Hence, there was a change in behavior in handling the URL paths in 4.20 release when compared to 4.19. This change in behavior should not impact the existing Pipelines, because most of the websites map URL paths with double or single slashes to the same endpoint. For example, and direct to the same endpoint. Therefore, we recommend you to select the Normalize URL checkbox.

However, an exception to this is when you use non-standard URLs that differentiate the URL paths containing double slashes from those with single slashes and map them to different endpoints, in which case you must deselect Normalize URL check box. 
For example, http://host/pages/foo.html and http://host/pages//foo.html point to different URIs, and servers assign different meanings to them.

Default ValueSelected

Snap Execution

Dropdown list

Select one of the three modes in which the Snap executes. Available options are:

  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap, and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.
  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.
  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.

Default value: Execute only
Example: Validate & Execute


Failed to execute HTTP requestThe Service URL must have a protocol, such as http://, https://.Please check the Snap properties. Specifically, check your entry in the Service URL field.
<Service_URL>: Name or service not known. This basically means that the service URL you entered is not accessible.
Failure: Validation errors: property_map.settings.serviceUrl.value: Could not compile expression: <Service_URL>

The snap settings are not correct. Encountered extraneous input ':' at line 1:5; expecting={<EOF>, '||', '&&', '^', '==', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '?', 'instanceof', 'in', 'matches', '[', '(', '.', PropertyRef}.

This means that you have turned expressions on () while entering string value into the Service URL field.

Please fix the snap configuration and try the execution again. Please check expression syntax. Specifically, ensure that your service URL is a proper expression; or turn off the expression control (). 

For more information on the expression language, see Understanding Expressions in SnapLogic and Using Expressions.

HTTP entity: <string_in_HTTP entity field> is undefined. Perhaps you meant: <List of variables received from the upstream Snap>.Either there is an error in the value in the HTTP entity field, or you have used string input while having expressions enabled.Check the spelling of the variable. Also, check whether your HTTP entity entry requires expressions. Update Snap settings as appropriate.
REST API service endpoint returned error result: status code = 400

Reason phrase = BAD REQUEST, refer to the error_entity field in the error view document for more details.

You typically see this message when:

  • The value in the HTTP entity field is structured as an expression; but the expression toggle is off.
  • The value in the (single- or multiple-file-upload) File Key fields is inaccurate or does not contain expressions even though the Expression toggle is enabled.
  • The value in the (single- or multiple-file-upload) File Name fields contains special characters, such as (&, ^, and %).

Check the values of Snap properties. Specifically:

  • Check whether your HTTP entity entry requires expressions. Update Snap settings as appropriate.
  • Check the value in the (single- or multiple-file-upload) File Key fields.
  • Check the value in the (single- or multiple-file-upload) Filename to be used fields.
File not found: <File URL>
File not found on <server URL> at <complete address of file to be uploaded>Address the reported issue. Check the location of the file to be uploaded.
Single file upload: <Name of field>: <name of file> is undefined. Perhaps you meant: <options based on your input>
nullCheck the spelling of the variable. Specifically, check whether the expressions toggle is turned on even though it is not required.
REST API service endpoint returned error result: status code = 409CONFLICT, refer to the error_entity field in the error view document for more details. This happens when you already have the resource that you want to create in the target endpoint.Check the values of Snap properties.
URL Parse Exception - 403The Service URL path might be containing any of the following special characters: !, =, %, #, $, ^&()_¢äâêîôûñç¡¿ÉÙËǨ°¸ðø©¢¾A+²½µ®§÷¶þ To escape the special characters, use the global function encodeURIComponent on any variables that might contain special characters so that they are encoded properly.
Too many Requests - 429There are too many requests to REST endpoint.

Wait for the retry to succeed.

Rest related Snaps extract the response header and automatically retry when they encounter status 429.

By default, the retry interval (Retry-After) is specified in the HTTP response header. If no value is available for Retry-After, then the Snap’s Retry Interval value is used.


Adding Members to SnapLogic Groups

In this example, we add members to a SnapLogic group. 

We design the Pipeline as shown below:

We configure the JSON Generator Snap to enter details associated with the member that you want to add to the target group.

We configure the REST Put Snap, enter the account details in the Account tab, and configure the Snap to send the REST request to the endpoint.

  1. We enter the service URL associated with the group in which you want to add the member. For information on creating the service URL, see Update Member List.
  2. We specify a header to the call, indicating that the "Content-Type" in the body of your REST call is "application/JSON".

We save and execute the Pipeline. Once the Pipeline completes executing, the REST Put Snaps displays details associated with the operation performed.

Download this Pipeline.


Important steps to successfully reuse Pipelines

  1. Download and import the pipeline into the SnapLogic application.
  2. Configure Snap accounts as applicable.
  3. Provide pipeline parameters as applicable.

  File Modified
No files shared here yet.

Snap Pack History

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Snap Pack Version 




August 2024




Upgraded the org.json.json library from v20090211 to v20240303, which is fully backward compatible.

May 2024437patches26522 Latest

Enhanced the REST OAuth2 Account with Snaplex support for executing OAuth2 operations.

May 2024




Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

February 2024main25112 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2023main23721 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

August 2023




Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

February 2023main21015 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
February 2023432patches20054Latest

For Snaps using AWS Signature V4 accounts, DNS canonical names are now supported for S3 buckets. 

February 2023main19844 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2022main18944 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
September 2022430patches17851 LatestThe REST Post Snap now works without displaying any errors when the Show all headers checkbox is selected and the Content-type is text/xml or application/xml.
August 2022430patches17684 Latest

The REST AWS Sig v4 Account is now enhanced with the AWS Region and Service Name fields that enable the Snap to support Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint.

August 2022main17386 Stable
  • You can set cookie policy specifications using the Cookie Policy dropdown list in REST Snaps .

  • Support for auto-retries where the REST Snaps automatically retry when they encounter 429 HTTP status code - Too Many Requests error.

  • The REST AWS Sig v4 Account supports:

    • Passing AWS Security Token Service (STS) temporary credentials in the Security Token field.

    • Expression values for Access-key ID and Secret Key fields.

  • Improved the performance of REST Snaps when the Snaps encounter Unauthorized (401) or Forbidden (403) errors even when the user credentials are available in the organization and the account type is OAuth2.

4.29  Patch


 Learn more

Cookie Policy: The Cookie Policy to select from the following options:

BROWSER COMPATIBILITY: This policy is compatible with different servers even if they are not completely standards-compliant. If you are facing issues while parsing cookies, you should try using this policy.

IGNORE COOKIES: This cookie policy ignores all cookies. You should use this policy to prevent HTTP Client from accepting and sending cookies.

RFC STRICT: All servers that handle version 1 cookies should use this policy.

RFC LAX: The original cookie specification which formed the basis for RFC2109.

  • Added a new field Security Token in the REST AWS Sig v4 Account to support AWS Security Token Service (STS) for using temporary credentials.

  • Enhanced the REST AWS Sig v4 Account to support expression values for Access-key ID and Secret Key fields.

4.29  Patch429patches16076 Latest
  • Enhanced the REST Snaps with support for auto-retry where the Snap retries automatically when the Snap encounters 429 HTTP status code - Too many requests error.
  • Improved the performance of REST Snaps when the Snaps encountered errors due to Unauthorized (401) or Forbidden (403) statuses though the user credentials are available in the organization and the account type is OAuth2.
4.29main15993 Stable

Added the REST In-memory OAuth2 Account type with Client Credentials Grant Type that supports and stores the access token in memory for reuse until it expires. When the Snap encounters 401 or 403 errors, this account generates a new token after refreshing the cache.

4.28  Patch428patches15172 Latest

Fixed an issue that caused REST SSL accounts to fail when the username in the REST SSL Account was null and the Enhanced Encryption level was low, medium, or high.

4.28main14627 Stable
  • Enhanced the REST Post, REST Put, and REST Patch Snaps with the Multipart Type list to support multipart (files and text) upload.

  • Renamed the following fields:

    • Upload File(s) field set to Form Upload

    • Upload-file key to Multipart Key

    • Upload file to Multipart Value

4.27 Patch427patches12750 LatestEnhanced the REST Put Snap with the Upload Transfer Request Type field to support encoding of chunked transfer and calculating content length.
4.27main12989Stable and LatestFixed an issue in the REST OAuth2 account that caused a new feature, OAuth Password Grant Type to be excluded from the GA version. The latest deployed build includes this feature.





Enhanced REST OAuth2 accounts with a new option password for Grant Type to obtain an access token through user credentials. On selecting password, the Snap populates the Username and Password fields to enter the credentials.

Fixed an issue with the REST Post Snap, where the Snap delayed the fetching of documents, when the batch size is greater than or equal to one.


Enhanced the REST Post Snap to display all cookies (securedauth cookies and httponly cookies) from the CookieStore along with headers when you select the Show all headers checkbox.

4.26main11181 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.25 Patch425patches10419 LatestFixed a memory leak issue in the REST Snap Pack
4.25 Patch425patches9929 LatestEnhanced the REST Snap Pack to support Proxy Authentication.
4.25 Patch425patches9684 Latest
  • Fixed the REST Post Snap that fails to correctly set the Content-Length header when working with multi-file uploads.
  • Added Send Client Data as Basic Auth Header check box to the OAuth2 and OAuth2 SSL accounts. This check box enables you to include and pass the client credentials information in the header when connecting to the OAuth endpoint.
  • Added a new account type REST AWS Sig V4 Account that adds the ability to call any AWS API.
4.25main9554 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.23main7430StableImproved the handling of expired access tokens in REST Snaps that use OAuth2 accounts (REST OAuth2 Account and REST OAuth2 SSL Account). The Snaps can refresh expired access tokens on-demand, through a request to the platform. The Snap reloads the account with the updated/fresh access token before attempting the next retry.
4.22 Patch422patches7103 StableEnhances the Snaps in REST Snap Pack by separating the retry logic for OAuth account from that of the Snap.
4.22main6403 Stable
  • Added a new account type, REST OAuth2 SSL, which enables support for the OAuth2 SSL authentication for REST Snaps with endpoints that require client certificates.
  • [Docs Update] Applied the enhanced doc template to the Snap Pack's documentation. Improves usability by enhancing Snap field descriptions, functional examples, and use cases. 
4.21 Patchrest8858-LatestFixed the REST Get and REST Post Snaps that does not parse Content-Encoding and Content-Type headers for gzipped responses.


-StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.20 Patchrest8798-LatestFixed the REST POST Snap that fails when a single file is uploaded in multi-part form using the Single file upload Snap settings.





  • The new Multipart related option in the Upload body type property in the REST Post Snap enables you to post files to the Google Drive API and retain the original names.
  • The REST Account now has a new Grant Type option called Client Credentials. This enables the Snap to obtain an access token to the client ID and client secret through the token endpoint URL.
4.19 Patchrest8374-Latest
  • Added a drop-down property Retry Policy to the REST Snaps to provide users with different retry options for connection and 4xx and 5xx error responses.
  • Fixed the REST GET Snap that limits the output to five documents, even when more output documents are expected.

Critical fix

If your current or new Pipelines with REST Snaps use the retry functionality, then we recommend you to use this latest patch version as subsequent GA releases may result in Pipeline executions failing. Else, you can continue using your existing Snap Pack version (stable distribution – snapsmrc528).


Fixed a regression issue wherein REST Snaps are unable to handle empty XML responses when Show All Headers is enabled.


snapsmrc523-StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.15 Patchrest6310-Latest

Fixed an issue with the NLTM Rest account connection hanging infinitely.

4.15snapsmrc500-StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

4.14 Patch

rest6159-LatestFixed an issue wherein the REST GET and POST Snaps were infinitely trying to connect to endpoint even after pipeline execution abortion.
4.14 Patch



Fixed an issue wherein the REST POST Snap was not accepting any blank values from upstream Mapper Snap.

4.14 Patchrest5719-Latest

Fixed an issue where the Ultra task was not producing a valid response while acknowledging documents.



-StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

4.13 Patch


REST POST Snap: New properties: Multipart Content-Type, and Filename to be used added.

4.13snapsmrc486-StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.12 Patchrest4917-Latest

Fixed an encoding issue with the REST Get Snap so that it uses the same encoding format (UTF-8) by default on all machines instead of using a different encoding format based on the machine's Operating System.

4.12 Patch rest4816-Latest

Fixed an issue that caused the REST OAuth accounts to fail when running in orgs with Enhanced encryption in Medium or higher level. 

4.12 Patchrest4781-Latest

Enhanced REST Post Snap to prevent it from encoding file names.


Added Upload body type property to the REST Post Snap for processing the specified content type.

4.11 Patchrest4333-Latest

Added support for the Binary File Uploads with the REST POST Snap.


Updated support of NTLM Account Authentication to the REST Snap Pack.

4.10 Patch rest4070-Latest

Resolved an issue with the REST GET Snap that often fails to exit properly. This should reduce or eliminate that problem.

4.10snapsmrc414-StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.9 Patchrest3177-Latest

Addressed an issue with REST Get displaying the authorization header in plain text

4.9 Patchrest3126-Latest

Added Connection timeout property to specify the number of seconds to wait before terminating a connection. The Timeout property has been renamed to Read timeout.

4.9.0snapsmrc405-StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.8.0snapsmrc398-StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.7.0 Patchrest2555-Latest
  • Addressed an issue in the REST Post Snap with the REST API not returning a full cookie response.
  • Added Show all headers setting to the show full cookie response for the Post, Put, Patch and Delete Snaps.
4.7.0 Patchrest2336-Latest

Resolved an issue with REST Get not handling multiple response cookies.

4.7.0 Patchrest2260-Latest

Added a new "Follow redirects" setting to toggle whether redirects should be followed (default behavior is to follow redirects)

  • Updated Snaps in the REST Snap Pack with Response entity type field(The DEFAULT option under this property allows the backward compatibilityThe addition of the property will not affect the existing production pipelines and allows them to run as before).

  • Updated Snaps in the REST Snap Pack with Maximum request attempts and Retry request interval Upload fields.  

  • Updated the RESTPost Snap with Upload transfer request type field.

4.6.0 Patchrest1992-Latest

Resolved an issue where Rest Snaps failed to process the received response that is encoded in charsets such as Windows-1252. This fix will process the response purely based on the charset provided in the Content-Type header.

4.6.0snapsmrc362-StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
  • A new property was added to the REST Get Snap to specify the iteration interval for pagination.

  • All Snaps now have at most one input and one output view.

4.5.0snapsmrc344-StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

Resolved an issue with REST SSL Accounts with Username not send the Authorization header with the HTTP request.


REST Get now supports using parameters from an input document in the Next URL Setting.


Addressed a defect where REST GET Snap fails saying 'Scheme "http" not registered'

Fall Release 2015 (4.3.0)NA-Stable
  • Two-way SSL support was added to the REST account.

  • REST Get 

    • Now has support for iterating over additional result pages.

    • Header variables are now being updated for each input

  • REST Post

    • Improved error handling messages.

    • Resolved an issue with the Snap failing with "Failed to execute HTTP request" error.

September 5, 2015 (4.2.2)NA-Latest
  • Maximum retries and Retry interval support added.

  • Resolved an issue with using a REST Dynamic OAuth2 account with Facebook Graph API.

  • REST Account: REST SSL account added.

June 27, 2015 (2015.22)


REST Get now allows you to have no output views. Previously, there was exactly one output view.

June 6, 2015 (2015.20)NA-Latest

Rest Post Snap now supports posting a file.

May 2, 2015


REST: Output views made optional 

January 2015


Optional Raw data property added to all REST Snaps. If selected, the HTTP response content is written to the output view as is. If not selected, it is parsed according to the content type specified in the response header.

October 18, 2014

  • NEW! REST Patch Snap introduced in this release.

  • Addressed an issue where REST GET (and perhaps REST Snaps) error view does not include response body. 

Fall 2014


REST Get: support added for gzip format.

June 30, 2014


Addressed an issue with RestRequestExecutor class writing data into error views even on successful requests status code 201, 204.

May 2014

NA-StableREST Get, REST Post all updated to support input parameters in HTTP headers

July 2013

  • NEW! REST Delete Snap introduced in this release.

  • NEW! REST Get Snap introduced in this release.

  • NEW! REST Post Snap introduced in this release.

  • NEW! REST Put Snap introduced in this release.

  • No labels