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Creating a Project

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At a minimum, you must have Read and Write permission on a Project Space to create a Project in it. A Project name cannot contain the characters #, ?, and /.

To create a project in SnapLogic Manager:

  1. In the navigation tree, click the Project Space in which you want to create a Project.

  2. Enter a name for the Project. The names of assets, projects, or project spaces are limited to UTF-8 alphanumeric characters and these special characters: !"$%&'()*+,-.:;<=>@[]^_`{|}~.

  3. If this Project is to be used for patterns, select Make this a pattern project, and to enable cloud URL, select Enable cloud URL.

  4. Under Pipeline Validation, click one of the three options:

    • Inherit from Org settings. All pipelines in the project have the same pipeline validation setting as the Org.

    • Disabled. Pipeline validation is turned off for all pipelines in the project.

    • Enabled. Pipeline validation is turned on for all pipelines in the project.

  5. Click Create.

Enable cloud URL

The Enable cloud URL checkbox allows the Org admin to restrict the Cloud URLs. This feature allows for direct access to the Triggered Tasks.

If this option is disabled for a project, the task details for all tasks associated with the project's pipelines does not include the cloud URL. The cloud URL is not visible, but the Execute and Copy clipboard displays. The task is not executed when you click Execute, and you are redirected to an error page.

Org Admin can enable this option while:

  • Creating a new Project

  • Editing existing Project

  • Editing Projects that are imported


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