Transformation refers to the process of transforming data from one format to another format. Data transformation allows you to convert data from a source system into the required format of the destination system. Data transformation is the most important component in data integration. SnapLogic provides a Transform Snap Pack with 36 pre-loaded transformations. You can apply transformations and specify inputs and outputs to create a pipeline.
You can use Snaps in this Snap Pack to:
Group, aggregate, or join data.
Format incoming data or parse outgoing data as Avro, CSV, Excel, Fixed Width, JSON or XML.
Convert binary data to document data and document data to binary data.
Apply conditions.
Sort or compare data.
Pivot or map data.
You need to have access to the folders from where you want to read and to the folders where you want to write.
Snap Pack History
Snap Pack Version
4.28 patch
Fixed an issue with the XML Generator Snap, where the Snap failed with an invalid UTF-8 sequence error when running on the Windows Snaplex.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.27 Patch
Enhanced the Avro Formatter Snap to display meaningful error message while processing invalid and null values from the input.
Stable and Latest
Fixed an issue in the Group by Fields Snap that caused the Snap to abort with an error when executed with zero input documents.
Added dynamic memory management to the Group By FieldsSnap, which can activate with the following settings:
Memory Sensitivity: The Snap's response to the memory changes.
Min Part Size: The minimum part size that you want the Snap to split larger groups into multiple parts.
Enhanced the JSON Formatter, JSON Generator, and JSON Parser Snaps with the Support Type Extensions checkbox. On selecting this checkbox, the Snap supports SnapLogic-specific syntax for representing non-standard data types such as byte arrays and date objects in JSON.
Convert numeric string to number: Sets the behavior of the Snap when a value in the input document is a numeric string. This checkbox supports the conversion of numeric values to string values.
Translate date and time types: Sets the behavior of the Snap when a value in the input document is a date and datetime type. This checkbox supports translating date and time types to Excel date numeric type with date format style.
4.26 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Join Snap, where it exhausted the memory while buffering millions of objects.
4.26 Patch
Fixed an issue in the XML Formatter Snap, where the Map input to first repeating element in XSD checkbox is selected, while no XSD is specified for mapping the input.
4.26 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Join Snap where the upstream document flow of the right view is blocked by the left view, which hung the Join Snap.
Enhanced the JSON Splitter Snap with a new field Show Null Values for Include Paths that enables the Snap to show key-value entries of the null values for the objects added to the Include Paths field in the output document.
Enhanced the Join Snap with a new field Available Memory Threshold (%) that enables the Snap to keep all the Right-input view documents with the same join-path values in memory until the join operation is done for the specific join-path values.
4.25 Patch
Fixed an issue in the CSV Formatter Snap, where even if the Ignore empty stream checkbox is not enabled, the Snap did not produce an empty binary stream output in case there is no input document.
4.25 Patch
Replaced the Strict XSD output field with Map input to first repeating element in XSD field in the XML Formatter Snap. If selected, the Snap ignores the root element from the XSD file.
Enhanced the CSV Parser Snap with a new checkbox Preserve Surrounding Spaces that enables you to preserve the surrounding spaces for the values that are non-quoted.
4.25 Patch
Fixed a ClassCastException error in the Avro Parser Snap and handling of the map, fixed, enum, and bytes data types in the Avro Formatter and Avro Parser Snaps.
4.25 Patch
Enhanced XML Parser Snap to recognize input headers when defining inbound schema.
4.25 Patch
Reverts the Join Snap to the 4.24 release behavior. This is in response to an issue encountered in the Join Snap in the 4.25 release version (main9554), which can result in incorrect outputs from all Join Types. 425patches9638 is the default version for both stable and latest Transform Snap Pack versions for orgs that are on the 4.25 release version. No action is required by customers to receive this update and no impact is anticipated.
Enhanced the Group By N Snap with the following settings:
Memory Sensitivity: The Snap's response to the memory changes.
Group Size: The maximum number of input documents to be grouped into a single output document.
Min Group Size: The minimum number of input documents to be grouped into a single output document.
4.24 Patch
Fixed the timestamp issue in the JSON Formatter Snap that changed the time zone offset to include colon by default after upgrading to 4.24.
Fixed the null pointer exception at runtime in the Fixed Width Parser Snap by setting the Trim column data field to false for empty columns.
Enhances the Group By N Snap to process the records efficiently by adding the FlushTimeout field that enables the Snap to flush a partial group of records if the time specified in this field passes with no new input.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.23 Patch
Fixes an issue in the JSON Splitter Snap by logging an error when the matcher does not find a pattern.
4.23 Patch
Fixes an issue in the In-Memory Lookup Snap to correctly handle the Join path in the format like $['join path'].
Fixes an issue in the XSLT Snap, wherein null binary header values are now converted to blank strings when injecting them as parameters in the stylesheet.
4.23 Patch
Fixes an issue in the XML Formatter Snap when it fails to convert input JSON data, with JSON property having a special character as its prefix, to XML format by sorting the elements.
4.23 Patch
Fixes an issue with the JSON Splitter Snap's behavior in Ultra Pipelines that prevents processed requests to be acknowledged and removed from the FeedMaster queue, resulting in retries of requests that are already processed successfully.
Enhances the JSON Formatter Snap to render groups output from upstream (Group by) Snaps with one document per group and a new line per group element. You can now select the Format each document and JSON lines check boxes simultaneously.
4.22 Patch
Fixes the JSON Splitter Snap data corruption issue by copying the data in JSON Splitter Snap before sending it to other downstream Snaps.
4.22 Patch
Fixes the XML Generator Snap issue reflecting empty tags and extra space by removing the extra space in the XML output.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.21 Patch
Enhances the JSON Generator Snap to include pass-through functionality where the Snap embeds the upstream input document under the original field of the output document along with other records.
4.21 Patch
Fixes the Sort Snap that fails while performing sorting, displaying a NoClassDefFoundError.
Fixes the Excel Formatter Snap that fails to create an empty worksheet when you do not select the Ignore Empty Stream checkbox.
Adds support in the Mapper Snap to display schemas with complex nesting. For example, if Snaps downstream from the
4.20 Patch
Resolves the NoClassDefFoundError in the Join Snap on Windows Snaplex instances.
4.20 Patch
Resolves the NullPointerException in the Join Snap on Windows Snaplex instances.
4.20 Patch
Fixes an issue with the CSV Parser Snap wherein the Snap fails when it is configured in the new Form UI if the Contains headers and Validate headers fields are not selected but empty rows exist in the Column names field.
Fixes the JSON Formatter Snap to filter the input data based on the value specified in the Content field in the Snap settings when the JSON lines field is also selected. Previously, the Snap was writing the entire input data to the output file.
The JSON Formatter Snap output now includes only those fields from the input file that are specified in the Content field under Settings.
If your Pipelines use the JSON Formatter Snap with the JSON lines field selected, they may fail to execute correctly if the Content field mentions a specific object or field but the downstream Snap is expecting the entire data. Hence, for backward compatibility, you must review the entries in the Content field based on the desired output, as follows:
Enter $ to include all the fields in the output.OR
Enter or select the specific fields to restrict the output to.
The behavior of the Snap when the JSON lines field is not selected is correct and remains unchanged.
Fixes an issue in the XML Generator Snap due to which the custom XML data in the Edit XML field got ignored when inbound schema and root XML element were also provided, and instead, the output was generated from upstream data. For Pipelines with a standalone XML Generator Snap, a "Premature end of file" error was displayed.
XML Generator Snap behavior might break existing Pipelines
The XML Generator Snap now gives precedence to any custom XML data that is provided over data coming from upstream Snaps,to generate the output.
Existing Pipelines using the XML Generator Snap may fail in the following scenarios. Use the resolution provided to update the Snap settings based on the XML data you want to pass to downstream Snaps.
Breaking Scenario
Downstream Snaps expect XML output from upstream Snaps, but custom XML data exists in the XML Generator Snap.
To use custom XML data, ensure that the Inbound schema and XML root element are specified and custom XML data is entered using the Edit XML option.
To use data from upstream Snaps, ensure that the Inbound schema and XML root element fields are blank and no custom XML data exists in the XML editor.
In the XML Generator Snap settings, the XML root element and Inbound schema are specified but no custom XML data is provided. This will generate a validation error. In the XML Generator Snap settings, custom XML data is provided and Validate XML checkbox is selected, but XML root element and Inbound schema are not specified. This will generate a validation error.
4.20 Patch
Fixes the error that occurs while transforming an XML document into a string or while using the Excel Formatter Snap by retaining only one version of the Saxon library – net.sf.Saxon: Saxon-HE:9.6.0-10 across the Transform Snap Pack.
Fixes null handling in the Aggregate Snap whereby changing the order of entries in the Aggregate fields fieldset results in different outputs when the input documents contain one or more null values.
Fixes the issue with the Excel Parser Snap whereby the Snap does not parse the date and time correctly for custom date formats.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.19 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Excel Parser Snap wherein the Snap incorrectly outputs Unformatted General Number format.
The output of the AVG function in the Aggregate Snap now rounds up all numeric values that have more than 16 digits.
4.18 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Excel Multi Sheet Formatter Snap wherein the Snap fails to create sheets in the expected order.
4.18 Patch
Added a field, Round dates, to the Excel Parser Snap which enables you to round numeric excel data values to the closest second.
4.18 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Excel Parser Snap by upgrading Apache POI to version 3.14, wherein the Snap is unable to parse an excel file with custom namespaces.
Fixed an issue with the Excel Parser Snap wherein the Snap converts real numbers to two decimal places when formatted for currency. A new property Cell formatting now supports unformatted outputs.
4.18 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Sort and Join Snaps wherein the platform removes all temp files at the end of Pipeline execution.
4.18 Patch
Fixed an issue with the XML Parser Snap wherein a class cast exception occurs when the Snap is configured with a Splitter and Namespace Context.
Enhanced the sort feature of the Sort Snap to support specifying sort order at the field level. Added two new fields, Sort Path and Sort Order, to the Sort paths property; renamed the Sort order property to Sort order (Global).
Enhanced the Group Size property of the Group by N Snap to be expression enabled and removed the upper bound threshold (of 10000).
4.17 Patch
Added a new field, Ignore empty stream, to the Avro Formatter Snap that writes an empty array in the output in case of no input documents.
4.17 Patch
Added a new field, Format as canonical XML, to the XSLT Snap that enables canonical XML formatting.
4.17 Patch
Pushed automatic rebuild of the latest version of each Snap Pack to SnapLogic UAT and Elastic servers.
Added the Derive schema from the sample size menu option to the JSON Formatter Snap, whereby you select the sampling size of the schema from the data source.
Added the capability to select either document (previously supported) or binary data (new) for your input and output views to the Mapper Snap.
Added the Snap Execution field to all Standard-mode Snaps. In some Snaps, this field replaces the existing Execute during the preview check box.
4.16 Patch
Fixed an issue with the XSLT Snap failure by enhancing the Saxon version.
4.16 Patch
Added a new property, Escape special characters, to the XML Generator Snap that enables you to escape XML special characters in template variable values.
Added a new property, Header size error policy, to the CSV Formatter and CSV Parser Snaps. The property enables you to handle header size errors.
4.16 Patch
Fixed an issue with the XML Parser Snap wherein XSD with annotations were incorrectly interpreted.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.15 Patch
Fixed an issue wherein the XML Generator Snap was unable to escape some of the special characters.
4.15 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Excel Parser Snap wherein headers were not parsed properly and header columns were also maintained in an incorrect order.
4.15 Patch
Fixed an issue with an object type in the Fixed Width Formatter Snap.
4.15 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Fixed Width Parser Snap wherein Turkish characters caused incorrect parsing of data on Windows plex.
4.15 Patch
Fixed an issue with the XML Parser Snap wherein the Snap failed to get data types from XSD.
4.15 Patch
Fixed an issue with the XML Parser wherein XML validation was failing if the XSD contained xsd:include.
Added a new property, Binary header properties, to the Document to binary Snap that enables you to specify the properties to add to the binary document's header.
4.14 Patch
Fixed an issue wherein the XML Parser Snap was not maintaining the datatype mentioned in the XSD file.
4.14 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Avro Formatter Snap wherein the Snap was failing for a complex JSON input.
4.14 Patch
Fixed an issue with S3 file reads getting aborted intermittently because of incomplete consumption of input stream.
4.14 Patch
Fixed the JSON Parser Snap that causes the File Reader Snap to fail to read S3 file intermittently with an AbortException error.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.13 Patch
Fixed an issue in the CSV Formatter Snap where the output showed extra values that were not provided in the input.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.12 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Excel Parser Snap that drops columns when the value is null at the end of the row.
4.12 Patch
Fixed an issue in the Excel Formatter Snap, wherein opening an output stream prematurely causes the Box Write Snap to fail. Excel Formatter now awaits the first input document, before opening an output stream.
4.12 Patch
Fixed an issue that caused the Join Snap to go out of memory.
Improved performance for both Aggregate and Join Snaps.
Added Select All and Deselect All buttons to the Mapper table
4.11 Patch
Enforced UTF-8 character encoding for the Fixed Width Formatter Snap.
4.11 Patch
Enhanced enum labels on the Binary to Document and the Document to Binary Snaps for the Encode or Decode property with DOCUMENT and NONE options.
4.11 Patch
Fixed a sorting issue with the Join and Sort Snaps where the end of the file was not detected correctly.
4.11 Patch
Added support on the Kryo serialization for UUID and other types to the Sort, Join and In-Memory Lookup Snaps.
Updated the JSON Formatter Snap with Binary Header and Content properties to allow the Snap to pass through binary header data.
Enhanced the In-memory Lookup Snap for Performance Optimization.
Enhanced the Sort Snap for Performance Optimization.
Updated the Excel Parser with will Insert null columns property to insert 'null' on missing columns at end.
4.10 Patch
Addressed an issue with the Excel Parser Snap that failed with out of memory when using large input Data (eg. 191 MB).
4.10 Patch
Conditional Snap: fixed an issue with the "Null-safe access" Snap Setting not being respected for return values.
CSV Parser Snap updated with Ignore empty stream property to support passing the empty data.
XML Formatter Snap updated with Max schema levels property to support the outbound schema XSD containing import statements.
Addressed spelling errors in messages across the Snap Pack.
4.9.0 Patch
Join Snap - All input documents from all input views should be consumed before the end of Snap execution.
4.9.0 Patch
Made all four output views in Diff snap as mandatory.
4.9.0 Patch
Made all four output views in Diff snap as mandatory.
4.9.0 Patch
CSV Parser Snap - A new Snap property Ignore empty data with true default is added
4.9.0 Patch
Addressed an issue with the transform2989 build.
4.9.0 Patch
Addressed an issue with Excel Parser not displaying the most recent cached value for vlookups containing missing external references.
Introduced Encrypt Field and Decrypt Field Snaps.
4.8.0 Patch
[CSVParser] Fixed an issue where an empty Quote Character config field was defaulting to the unicode quote character U+0000 (null). This caused issues if the input CSV had U+0000 characters in it.
4.8.0 Patch
Addressed an issue with Excel Multi sheet Formatter creating unreadable data on the output view when there is no input document.
Addressed an issue with CSV Formatter Snap failing on empty input data.
Addressed an issue with an upstream Script Snap throwing a NoClassDefFoundError in the Sort Snap.
4.8.0 Patch
Addressed an issue with CSV Parser causing a spike in CPU usage.
4.8.0 Patch
Addressed an issue with Excel Formatter dropping the first record when Ignore empty stream is selected.
Updated the CSV Formatter Snap with Newline property. This lets you select newline characters as a line break.
CSV Formatter Snap: Snap-aware error handling policy enabled for Spark mode. This ensures the error handling specified on the Snap is used.
Mapper: Snap-aware error handling policy enabled for Spark mode. This ensures the error handling specified on the Snap is used.
4.7.0 Patch
Addressed an issue with Excel Formatter altering decimal numbers to text.
4.7.0 Patch
Resolved an issue with validation of pipelines taking more time than executing a pipeline when a large amount of data is used.
4.7.0 Patch
Resolved an issue with XML Parser failing with error: 'Maximum attribute size (524288) exceeded'.
4.7.0 Patch
Resolved an issue with JSON Generator failing with an "Invalid UTF-8 middle byte 0x70" error on Windows.
Updated Sort Snap with the property Maximum memory %. (Also released as a patch to 4.6.0)
Updated JSON Formatter Snap with the JSON lines field, an option that outputs each document fully in a single line followed by a newline.
Updated the JSON Splitter Snap with Json Path property.
Updated the Excel Parser Snap with the new field, Header row.
4.6.0 Patch
Resolved an issue where Excel Parser did not reliably set header row when "contains headers" is checked
4.6.0 Patch
Resolved an issue in Sort Snap where buffer size should not be fixed for optimal performance
4.6.0 Patch
In-Memory Lookup Snap: Resolved an issue where the internal lookup table size was fixed at 1GB.
New property "Maximum memory %" allows users to use larger memory for optimal performance.
4.6.0 Patch
Resolved a performance issue in Excel Multi Sheet Formatter.
The following Snaps now support error view in Spark mode: Aggregate, CSV Parser, JSON Parser, Join, Unique.
Added an option to enable output readability. The newly added option is Pretty-print.
Resolved an issue in Excel Formatter Snap that formatted decimal numbers as text in the output XLS file.
Resolved an issue in XML Generator Snap that expired the internal cache after 50 minutes.
Resolved an issue in Join Snap that caused unexpected failures while performing join or duplicated column values.
Resolved an issue in Sort Snap that caused unexpected results when provided with multiple sort paths.
You can now expand/collapse all nodes of a schema tree by holding the Shift key while clicking on the plus (+) sign.
Schemas with less than 1000 entries will now auto-expand when searching/filtering.
XML Formatter is enhanced to transform an XML output to canonical XML. For more information, see XML Formatter.
Join Snap is updated to support a new join type, Merge. For more information, see Join.
Fixed an error in XML Parser Snap that caused the Snap to fail for a valid specification, a hierarchy with an XPath expression.
Fixed an error in CSV Parser Snap that causes the skip lines option to not take effect in Spark mode.
Fixed an error in Join Snap that caused unintended values in the output document if one of the inputs has zero documents.
Fixed an error that throws incorrect resolution for a failure when a Join Snap has unconnected input views.
Fixed an error in Sort Snap that occurred because the upstream Snap was producing Long instead of Big integer.
Fixed an error in Sort Snap to ensure appropriate error handling.
Fixed an error in Join Snap, in Ultra mode, that that caused execution failure due to lineage information.
The version of the Join Snap deprecated in 4.4.1 is no longer available in the catalog.
CSV Parser Snap is updated to ensure appropriate parsing of input data. The Snaps that worked prior to 4.4.1 were failing in the 4.4.2 version. This has been rectified.
Resolved an issue with the Mapper Snap that occurred while evaluating an expression and reporting its error.
Resolved an issue with CSV Formatter adding extra data to output when used in Spark mode.
Resolved an issue with CSV Parser Snap that occurred when the second input view did not contain a header.
Resolved an issue with the Mapper Snap that occurred while evaluating an expression and reporting its error.
NEW! Excel Multi Sheet Formatter
NEW! In-Memory Lookup
Deprecated: The Join Snap has been deprecated and is labeled as such. Existing pipelines using this Join Snap (which is now deprecated) will continue to function as-is without any issues, including pipeline execution or while pipeline deployment across orgs. This Snap will continue to be supported for two Platform Level (x.x) Sprints, which is approximately six months. After that point, no bug fixes will be applied to the Snap. It is recommended to move to use the new Snaps (Join and In-Memory Lookup), which together have significant performance and efficiency benefits.
Name change: The Multi-Join Snap has been renamed to Join.
Aggregate: Resolved an issue with Sum and Avg Functions not returning correct output in Spark mode.
CSV Parser: A second optional input view was enabled to add the ability to associate an external schema file.
CSV Formatter: A new property, Quote mode, specifies how the quote character should be used in formatting the CSV data.
JSON Formatter: Resolved an issue with the Ignore Empty Streams option not working.
JSON Parser: Resolved an issue with error handling when an empty file is passed in an Ultra task.
Resolved an issue with XSLT Snap incorrectly completing successfully when a truncated XML document was passed.
ZipFile Read:
Resolved an issue with Content-length, content-location showing differently for different protocols.
Resolved an issue with spaces in file and folder names displaying as "%20".
NEW! Pivot Snap
Resolved an issue with JSON Splitter modifying documents that were already sent out.
Spark support added to the Aggregate, CSV Formatter, CSV Parser, Mapper, Sort, and Unique Snaps.
NEW! Group By Fields and Group By N Snaps added.
Behavior change: CSV Formatter: Expression support added to Delimiter and Quote Character properties. You will need to toggle on the expression button to use an expression in this field.
Behavior change: CSV Parser: Expression support added to Delimiter, Quote Character, and Escape Character properties. You will need to toggle on the expression button to use an expression in this field.
Resolved an issue with Encrypt and Compress showing 352 bytes of data when CSV Formatter has Ignore empty stream enabled.
Resolved an issue with Sequence Snap failing if trying to read parameters from upstream.
Resolved an issue with Sort Snap not failing with warning/error when incorrect (non-existent) field is referenced in the Sort path.
Resolved an issue with CSV Formatter failing with error Input length = 1.
(Data) removed from the Mapper Snap name.
Resolved an issue with Excel Parser Snap ignoring a column if it contained null values when selecting the Contains headers option.
Resolved an issue with Excel formatter truncating leading zero in string type.
Resolved an issue with Binary to Document Snap not routing the Content into the error view.
The Multi Join Snap has been pulled from the Snap catalog when in SnapReduce mode as it is not yet supported.
Addressed the following defects:
Defect: XML Generator failing with null pointer exception when simultaneous triggered task are executed
Defect: JSON Formatter Snap - fails to close JSON binary stream with closing bracket ']' when user stop the pipeline
Excel Parser now has an Evaluate formulas option. Select this option if the cell formulas are to be evaluated and results displayed instead of raw formulas.
Multi Join Snap
Enhanced to make the Left and Right path schema-aware.
Resolved an issue when attempting a join where one or both inputs are empty.
NEW! Multi Join Snap. This streaming supports joins of two or more sorted data streams.
Sequence Snap now supports pass through.
Resolved an issue where the Excel Parser Snap always returned the header from the first sheet for all sheets if the Excel file format was the older .xls format. Additionally, Improved the error message when the sheet given does not exists.
Sort Snap: Null greater option added to let you indicate if null values should be treated as greater than non-null values when sorted.
Resolved an issue with the Aggregate Snap failing with a null pointer exception.
August 7, 2015 (2015.25/4.2.1)
Resolved an issue in Excel Parser where Headers were not displayed properly if a few columns were blank.
Resolved a null pointer exception in the Aggregate Snap. The resolution included the addition of a new field, Sorted stream, where you designate whether or not the incoming date is sorted, as presorted data will allow the Snap to run more efficiently. The default value is Ascending for newly placed Aggregate Snaps; existing Aggregate Snaps will default to Unsorted for compatibility with previous functionality.
NEW! Transcoder Snap. Resolves an issue where preview of Snaps was not able to handle special characters.
Resolved an issue with XML Formatter including "Metadata" in the output.
June 27, 2015 (2015.22)
Sort Snap: performance improvements for sorting large amounts of records.
XML Formatter:
resolved an error where documents could not be converted to XML since the last Snap update.
resolved an exception found within this Snap.
JSON Splitter: resolved an issue with the Snap not honoring the Null-safe access option
Excel Parser: Headers were not displaying properly if a few columns are blank.
June 6, 2015 (2015.20)
CSV Parser: You can now select the character set in which your incoming CSV data is encoded.
CSV Formatter: You can now select the character set in which encode your CSV data. You can also select to writhe the BOM (ByteOrderMark) for the character set selected.
NEW!: Avro Parser and Formatter
Excel Parser Snap: resolved failure due to file size
XML Formatter:
resolved "Cannot read attribute: element has children or text" error
Additional property, Strict XSD Output was added to extract the root element name and the wrapper name from the XSD file.
May 2, 2015
Excel Parser: exception resolved
Join: bug fixes for certain datasets in excess of 1million rows
JSON Generator: enhanced error handling
Mapper (Data): bug fixes
Sequence Snap: enhanced error handling
Sort:bug fixes for certain datasets in excess of 1m rows
XML Parser: enhancements supporting empty documents
March 2015
CSV Formatter: Exception resolved when the quote character and delimiter were the same.
XML Formatter: The datetime output now outputs as UTC date/time
XML Parser: Examples added to the documentation.
January 2015
Binary to Document Snap: The optional property Ignore empty stream was added.
CSV Formatter: Performance enhancements
CSV Parser:
Quote character is no longer a required field.
Optional Header size error policy field added. This setting lets you decide how to handle the error. In the newly provided csv, the last record is too big. Existing pipelines with this Snap will default to Both as this was the previous behavior.
Excel Parser: Now writes bad records to the document error view if configured.
XML Parser
The splitting of an XML document functionality has been improved. You can provide the splitter expression (a path to the element you want to split an XML on) in the XML Parser Snap and it will split the document (regardless of the size of the original XML).
Performance improvements.
December 20, 2014
Join: a new version of the Join Snap has been created. The existing version will continue to work, but will be marked as Deprecated. Any future enhancements will be in the newer Join. The new Join will prefix top level attributes from the right with right_ and top level attributes from the left with left_.
CSV Parser & Formatter have been enhanced to utilize Unicode for delimiters.
Fixed Width Formatter: Now supports Null-safe access
Updates to XML Parser and XML Formatter
November 2014
Aggregate now provides 2 new functions: concat and unique_concat
October 18, 2014
XML Generator
XSD support added
Pass-through support added by default. The Snap will pass-through the input data if an input view is provided. This is not configurable.
Optional Ignore empty stream setting added to XML Formatter and Excel Formatter
Addressed an issue where Conditional Snap was unable to process null Return Value
Fall 2014
Mapper Snap
The Data Snap has been replaced by the Mapper Snap.
The functionality of the Mapper table was enhanced with the following:
Mapper enhanced to support Structure-mapping.
Performance enhancements now load the Mapper table sooner.
You can now map items by dragging an item from one schema to the other.
The Mapping root option now lets you process an array easier by setting this option to the top node of that array.
Mapper field highlight visibly indicates the mapping between input and output schemas.
Data preview of input and output data.
Moved XML & FixedWidth Snaps to Transform Snap Pack
August 2014
Fixed Width Parser enhanced to be able to skip any row based on a pattern.
CSV Parser now validates that the header field matches the declaration if Contains header is selected.
July/Summer 2014
Binary to Document (Beta), Document to Binary (Beta)
June 30, 2014
Addressed the following issues:
JSON Generator not streaming.
CSV Parser with empty skip lines field leads to null pointer exception during validation
CSV Formatter does not parse headers with space
XML Formatter: Snap fails converting document into XML
May 2014
NEW! CSV Generator Snap
NEW! Sequence Snap
NEW! Constant Snap
Conditional Snap updated with Null-safe access.
The Data Snap no longer needs an input. With no input view specified, it generates a downstream flow of one row.
April 2014
Aggregate Snap updated to handle aggregating Strings, Date, Time, and DateTime.
Excel Parser Snap enhanced to determine column names in a spreadsheet.
March 2014
NEW! Unique
JSON Splitter Snap was enhanced with an Include parent option, which includes the hierarchy of the list specified by the JSON path by adding it to each document.
Snaps like JSON Parser that have a JSON path expression now support pipeline parameter substitution in that expression.
Excel Parser Snap property labels updated for clarity. "Skip Lines" labels are replaced with Start Row and End Row.
January 2014
NEW! Microsoft Excel Formatter & Parser
UTF-16LE & UTF-16BE unicode support was added to the JSON Formatter & Parser and the CSV Formatter & Parser Snaps
December 2013
NEW! Fixed Width Formatter and Parser
CSV Parser now adds "field00x" to column names for tables with empty column names when Contains headers are false.
November 2013
NEW! Conditional
NEW! Diff
August 2013
NEW! Aggregate: The Aggregate Snap applies aggregate functions on input data with Group By support.
NEW! JSON Generator: Generates JSON as a document for the next Snap in the pipeline.
Join: The Join Snap was enhanced to support Outer joins.
July 2013
JSON Splitter: The JSON Splitter Snap splits a list of values into separate documents.