Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




titleGeneral Guidelines. Remove Before Publishing.
  • Always use title casing for Heading formats 1 and 2.
  • Always use active voice.
  • Do not use "Please" anywhere in the document.
  • Screenshots
    • Always use the New Form UI.
    • Be optically similar. Max size 1000 px or corresponding gridline size as in the style guide.
    • Do not capture Snap borders when showing configurations in the Examples section. You can add a border in the editor here.
    • See Image Style Guidefor details.
  • Examples must always use first-person plural references. You can use the second-person if needed depending upon the example's content.

In this article

Table of Contents


Use this Snap to


search personal contacts.

Image Added



  • Valid


  •  Exchange Online tenant and associated site.
  • Valid Azure application with all the required API permissions.

Support for Ultra Pipelines

Capture if Ultra Mode is supported. If the Snap requires certain configurations to support Ultra mention those as well.   

Works in Ultra Pipelines


See Snap Support for Ultra Pipelines.




Known Issues


Snap Input and Output

Type of View
Number of Views
Examples of Upstream and Downstream Snaps



Binary or Document

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Mapper Snap
  • Copy Snap


Requires the


Contact Folder and Search Keyword along with number of contacts to be fetched.






  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1


  • ..
  • ..
  • Mapper Snap
  • Error Data Snap

Retrieves and fetches you the contact details.

Snap Settings


titleDocumenting Fields Based On Data Type/UI Element

**Delete Before Publishing**

Choose from the following sentences to document specific field types.



Parameter Name
Data Type
Default Value
Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your Pipeline.
N/AContact Official
User/Shared MailBoxStringEnter the mailbox from which you want to search contact. If not provided, then the mailbox specified in the account settings is used. N/
Contact FolderStringEnter the name of the contact folder where you want to search for the email.N/AALL
Search KeywordStringEnter a keyword to enhance your search. This will help to narrow down and make your search more precise.N/AOfficial
Number Of Contacts To FetchNumericSpecify the maximum number of contacts to be retrieved. If you leave this field blank, it fetches all contacts.N/A3
Snap ExecutionDrop-down

Specifies the execution type:

  • Validate & Execute. Performs limited execution of the Snap (up to 50 records) during Pipeline validation; performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline execution.


  • Execute only. Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution; does not execute the Snap during Pipeline validation.


  • Disabled. Disables the Snap and, by extension


Check boxes:

  • If selected, <Snap behavior>.
    If selected, an empty file is written when the incoming document has no data.
  • If selected, <behavior>. If not selected/Otherwise, <behavior>
    Use "If not selected" if the first sentence is long.
    If selected, the Snap uses the file path value as is. Otherwise, the Snap uses the file path value in the URL.
    If selected, an empty file is written when the incoming document has empty data. If there is no incoming document at the input view of the Snap, no file is written regardless of the value of the property.
  • Select to <action>
    Use this if the behavior is binary. Either this or that, where the converse behavior is apparent/obvious.
    Select to execute the Pipeline during validation.

Text Fields

  • Describe what the field represents/contains. Additional details, as applicable, in a separate sentence. Include caveats such as the field being conditionally mandatory, limitations, etc.
    The name of the account.
    The account ID that you want to use to log in to the endpoint.
    Required if IAM Role is selected.
    Do not use this field if you are using batch processing.

Numeric Text Fields

  • Describe what the field represents/contains. Additional details, as applicable, in a separate sentence. Include caveats such as the field being conditionally mandatory, limitations, etc. Include special values that impact the field's behavior as a bullet list.
    The number of records in a batch.
    The number of seconds for which you want the Snap to wait between retries.
    The number of seconds for which the Snap waits between retries.
    Use the following special values:
    * 0: Disables batching.
    * 1: Includes all documents in a single request.


Field Sets

Specify advanced parameters that you want to include in the request.

This fieldset consists of the following fields:

  • Field 1
  • Field 2
  • Field 3
Execute onlyDisabled



Excluding Fields from the Input Data Stream

We can exclude the unrequired fields from the input data stream by omitting them in the Input schema field set. This example demonstrates how we can use the <Snap Name> to achieve this result:

<screenshot of Pipeline/Snap and description>



Batch execution failed


The Pipeline ended before the batch could complete execution due to a connection error.

Verify that the Batch size field is configured to handle the inputs properly. If you are not sure when the input data is available, configure this field as zero to keep the connection always open.

Select valid Contact Folder NameYou have selected invalid Contact Folder Name.Verify and enter a valid folder name.



Download this Pipeline. 



patterns*.slp, *.zip

Insert excerpt
XYZ Exchange Online Snap PackXYZ
Exchange Online Snap Pack


See Also
