Versions Compared


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Snowflake is a data warehousing service in the cloud. 

Use Snaps in this Snap Pack to:

  • Insert, upsert, update, unload, execute and delete records in Snowflake.
  • Query a particular Snowflake instance and returns the requested records or keys.
  • Execute multiple queries.
  • Enable SCD2 type historization. 

Version Support

Tested and supported for the JDBC jar version 3.12.3.

The following Snaps support Azure Blob:

  • Snowflake - Bulk Load
  • Snowflake - Bulk Upsert
  • Snowflake - Delete
  • Snowflake - Execute

  • Snowflake - Insert

  • Snowflake - Lookup

  • Snowflake - Select

  • Snowflake - Table List

  • Snowflake - Update

  • Snowflake - Unload


In this section

Child pages (Children Display)

Multiexcerpt include macro
nameTemporary Files


Snowflake JDBC jar 3.1.0 or higher (Tested and supported for the JDBC jar version 3.12.3). 


We recommend you to use the latest version of the Snowflake JDBC jar driver (version 3.13.1) while working with tables containing a large number (15 million or more) of records. 


Snap Pack History

titleClick to view/expand

4.24 Patch 424patches8905

  • Enhances the Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap to allow transforming data using a new field Select Query before loading data into the Snowflake database. This option enables you to query the staged data files by either reordering the columns or loading a subset of table data from a staged file. This Snap supports CSV and JSON file formats for this data transformation.

4.24 (main8556)

  • Enhances the Snowflake - Select Snap to return only the selected output fields or columns in the output schema (second output view) using the Fetch Output Fields In Schema check box. If the Output Fields field is empty all the columns are visible.

4.23 Patch 423patches7905

4.23 (main7430)

4.22 Patch  422patches7246

  • Fixes an issue with the Snowflake Snaps that fail while displaying the same error message, Invalid character '=' in value part of property, repeatedly when there is “=“ or ”:” in the Snowflake URL connection.

4.22 Patch 422patches6849

4.22 (main6403)

  • No updates made.

4.21 Patch 421patches6272

  • Fixes the issue where Snowflake SCD2 Snap generates two output documents despite no changes to Cause-historization fields with DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP Snowflake data types, and with Ignore unchanged rows field selected.

4.21 Patch 421patches6144

  • Fixes the following issues with DB Snaps:
    • The connection thread waits indefinitely causing the subsequent connection requests to become unresponsive.
    • Connection leaks occur during Pipeline execution.
  • Fixes the exception RefCnt has gone negative across the Snaps in Snowflake Snap Pack.

4.21 Patch db/snowflake8860

  • Adds a new field, Handle Timestamp and Date Time Data, to Snowflake Lookup Snap. This field enables you to decide whether the Snap should translate UTC time to your local time and the format of the Date Time data.

4.21 Patch MULTIPLE8841

  • Fixes the connection issue in Database Snaps by detecting and closing open connections after the Snap execution ends. 

4.21 (snapsmrc542)

  • No updates made.

4.20 Patch db/snowflake8800

  • Certifies the Snowflake Snap Pack against JDBC Driver version 3.12.3.
titleSnowflake Execute and Multi-Execute Snaps may break existing Pipelines if the JDBC Driver is updated to a newer version.

With the updated JDBC driver (version 3.12.3), the Snowflake Execute and Multi-Execute Snaps' output displays a Status of "-1" instead of "0" without the Message field upon successfully executing DDL statements. If your Pipelines use these Snaps and downstream Snaps use the Status field's value from these, you must modify the downstream Snaps to proceed on a status value of -1 instead of 0.

This change in the Snap behavior follows from the change introduced in the Snowflake JDBC driver in version 3.8.1:
"Statement.getUpdateCount() and PreparedStatement.getUpdateCount() return the number of rows updated by DML statements. For all other types of statements, including queries, they return -1."

4.20 Patch db/snowflake8758

  • Re-release of fixes from db/snowflake8687 for 4.20: Fixes the Snowflake Bulk Load snap where the Snap fails to load documents containing single quotes when the Load empty strings checkbox is not selected.

4.20 (snapsmrc535)

  • No updates made.

4.19 Patch db/snowflake8687

  • Fixes the Snowflake Bulk Load snap where the Snap fails to load documents containing single quotes when the Load empty strings checkbox is not selected.

4.19 Patch db/snowflake8499

  • Adds the property Handle Timestamp and Date Time Data to Snowflake - Execute and Snowflake - Select Snaps. This property enables you to decide whether the Snap should translate UTC time to your local time.

4.19 Patch db/snowflake8412

  • Fixes an issue with the Snowflake - Update Snap wherein the Snap is unable to perform operations when:
    • An expression is used in the Update condition property.
    • Input data contain the character '?'.

4.19 (snapsmrc528)

  • Added a new field-set, Auto Historization Query, in the Snowflake SCD2 Snap to support auto-historization of column data. With this enhancement you can detect whether the incoming record is a historical event or a current event.  
  • Raised the minimum buffer size in the Snowflake - Bulk Upsert and Snowflake - Bulk Load Snaps to 6 MB.

4.18 Patch db/snowflake8044

  • Fixed an issue with the Snowflake - Select Snap wherein the Snap converts the Snowflake-provided timestamp value to the local timezone of the account.

4.18 Patch db/snowflake8044

  • Enhanced the Snap Pack to support AWS SDK 1.11.634 to fix the NullPointerException issue in the AWS SDK. This issue occurred in AWS-related Snaps that had HTTP or HTTPS proxy configured without a username and/or password. 

4.18 Patch MULTIPLE7884

  • Fixed an issue with the PostgreSQL grammar to better handle the single quote characters.

4.18 Patch db/snowflake7821

  • Fixed an issue with the Snowflake - Execute Snap wherein the Snap is unable to support the '$' character in query syntax.

4.18 Patch MULTIPLE7778

  • Updated the AWS SDK library version to default to Signature Version 4 Signing process for API requests across all regions.

4.18 Patch db/snowflake7739

  • Fixed an issue with the Snowflake - Bulk Upsert Snap wherein the Snap fails when using a pipeline parameter in Key columns.
  • Fixed an issue with the Snowflake - Unload Snap wherein the Snap does not abort the query when you stop the Pipeline execution.

4.18 (snapsmrc523)

  • Added the Use Result Query property to the Multi Execute Snap, which enables you to write results to an output view.

4.17 Patch ALL7402

  • Pushed automatic rebuild of the latest version of each Snap Pack to SnapLogic UAT and Elastic servers.

4.17 Patch db/snowflake7396

  • Fixed an issue wherein bit data types in the Snowflake - Select table convert to true or false instead of 0 or 1.

4.17 Patch db/snowflake7334

  • Added AWS Server-Side Encryption support for AWS S3 and AWS KMS (Key Management Service) for Snowflake Bulk Load, Snowflake Bulk Upsert, and Snowflake Unload Snaps.

4.17 (snapsmrc515)

  • Fixed an issue with the Snowflake Execute Snap wherein the Snap would send the input document to the output view even if the Pass through field is not selected in the Snap configuration. With this fix, the Snap sends the input document to the output view, under the key original, only if you select the Pass through field.
  • Added the Snap Execution field to all Standard-mode Snaps. In some Snaps, this field replaces the existing Execute during preview check box.

4.16 Patch db/snowflake6945

  • Fixed an issue with the Snowflake Lookup Snap failing when Date datatype is used in JavaScript functions.

4.16 Patch db/snowflake6928

  • Added support for file format options for input data from upstream Snaps, to the Snowflake Bulk Load Snap.

4.16 Patch db/snowflake6819

  • Snowflake Bulk Load: Added new property, Buffer size (MB). Configure this to specify the size limit of each buffer when writing to external staging systems such as S3. 
  • Fixed an issue with the Lookup Snap passing data simultaneously to output and error views when some values contained spaces at the end.

4.16 (snapsmrc508)

  • Snowflake Account: Added the ability to use SnapLogic to securely connect to and query a Snowflake instance using Azure Blob as its storage layer. 
  • Snowflake Account: Added support for Snowflake JDBC JAR version 3.6.17. 
  • Snowflake Unload, Bulk Load, and Bulk Upsert: Updated the Snaps to enable SnapLogic users to successfully connect to a Snowflake instance to query, bulk load, and unload data from Azure Blob storage.

4.15 Patch db/snowflake6336

  • Replaced Max idle time and Idle connection test period properties with Max life time and Idle Timeout properties respectively, in the Account configuration. The new properties fix the connection release issues that were occurring due to default/restricted DB Account settings.

4.15 (snapsmrc500)

  • Added two new Snaps, Snowflake - Multi Execute, and Snowflake SCD2. Snowflake - Multi Execute is used for executing multiple DDL and DML queries on the Snowflake DB. Snowflake SCD2 is used for Type 2 field historization. 
  • Enhanced the Snowflake Bulk Upsert Snaps to improve the Snaps performance.
  • Enhanced the Snowflake Snap Pack to reflect Azure certification.

4.14 Patch db/snowflake5681

  • Updated MERGE statements to execute as a direct query against Snowflake Snaps, bypassing JOOQ (Java Object Oriented Querying).

4.14 (snapsmrc490)

  • No updates made. Automatic rebuild with a platform release.

4.13 (snapsmrc486)

  • No updates made. Automatic rebuild with a platform release.

4.12 Patch MULTIPLE4744

  • Added support to execute multiple queries in a single batch for Snowflake, this patch affects Snowflake Execute. 

4.12 (snapsmrc480)

  • No updates made. Automatic rebuild with a platform release.

4.11 Patch MULTIPLE4377

  • Fixed a document call issue that was slowing down the Snowflake Bulk Load Snap.

4.11 Patch db/snowflake4283

  • Snowflake Bulk Load - Fixed an issue by adding PUT command to the list of DDL command list for Snowflake.

4.11 Patch db/snowflake4273

  • Snowflake Bulk Load - Resolved an issue with Snowflake Bulk Load Delimiter Consistency (comma and newline).

4.11 (snapsmrc465)

  • Updated Snowflake Execute Snap with a new Use Result Query property to write the query results to the output view. 

4.10 Patch snowflake4133

  • Updated the Snowflake Bulk Load Snap with Preserve case sensitivity property to preserve the case sensitivity of column names.

4.10 (snapsmrc414)

  • Updated the Snowflake Bulk Load Snap with Load empty strings property for the empty string values in the input documents to be loaded as empty strings to the string-type fields.
  • Updated the Snowflake Bulk Load Snap with Table Columns to support the order of the entries on the staged files that contain a subset of the columns in the Snowflake table.
  • Added the property Use Result Query to view the output preview field with a result statement.
  • Tested for the JDBC jar version 3.1.1 on the Database and the Dynamic accounts.

4.9.0 Patch snowflake3234

  • Enhanced Snowflake - Execute Snap results to include additional details

4.9.0 Patch snowflake3125

  • Addressed an issue in Snowflake Bulk Load where the comma character in a value is not escaped.

4.9.0 (snapsmrc405)

  • JDBC Driver Class property added to enable the user to custom configure the JDBC driver in the Database and the Dynamic accounts.

4.8.0 Patch snowflake2760

  • Potential fix for JDBC deadlock issue.

4.8.0 Patch snowflake2739

  • Addressed an issue with the Snowflake schema not correctly represented in the Mapper Snap.

4.8.0 (snapsmrc398)

  • Info tab added to accounts.
  • Database accounts now invalidate connection pools if account properties are modified and login attempts fail.
  • Enhanced the default count of input and output view (UI) behavior of the Snaps for better user experience. 

    Snowflake Snap Pack


    Bulk Load

    Bulk Upsert







    Table List


    Initial (4.7)

    Input-Output views











    Current (4.8)

    Input-Output views











    Note that the Snowflake Select, Table List and Lookup Snap views remain unchanged.

4.7.0 Patch snowflake2203

  • Fixed an issue for database Select Snaps regarding Limit rows not supporting an empty string from a pipeline parameter.


  • Introduced the Snap Pack in this release. This includes Snowflake Delete, Execute, Insert, Lookup, Select, Table List, Bulk Upsert, Bulk Load, Unload and Update Snaps.

See Also