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For example, if you pass a tenant ID (X-TENANT-ID) in a header, add the parameter X_TENANT_ID and provide a default or leave it blank. When you configure the expression, refer to the Pipeline argument following standard convention:  _X_TENANT_ID.  In the HTTP request, you add the header X-TENANT-ID: 123abc, which results in the value 123abc being substituted for the Pipeline argument X_TENANT_ID.


Custom response headers are supported for Ultra Task or Triggered tasks invoked using Ground URLs. They are not supported for Cloud invoked Triggered tasks.


You can set an HTTP header in a Triggered Task by using the Mapper Snap.

To set the header, add a Mapper Snap to the end of the Pipeline.


The following response shows the endpoint information for the Task URL, where X-My-Header is the custom header being set by the Task:

$ http 'Authorization: Bearer RRxxVsEUVXGREgd20BRUvx49KncOsfWr' foo=bar
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept: application/json, /;q=0.5
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 14
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 10 June 2020 18:10:00 GMT
User-Agent: HTTPie/2.1.0
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-My-Header: foo
X-SL-AssetPath: /snaplogic/projects/m_smith/header-example-task
X-SL-AssetURIPath: /api/1/rest/feed/snaplogic/projects/m_smith/header-example-task
X-SL-Authorized: true
X-SL-PolicyOrdering: [com-snaplogic-common-jaxrs-apipolicyinterceptor$sessionauthenticator, com-snaplogic-common-jaxrs-apipolicyinterceptor$snaplogicauthenticator, com-snaplogic-common-jaxrs-apipolicyinterceptor$authsentinel]
x-snapi-pipeline-ruuid: 52e99318640a9a03d8681d0d_8ffe5610-be2c-408d-9068-61ee167b0372
